/+ - Name: SisuDoc Spine, Doc Reform [a part of] - Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search - static content generator - Author: Ralph Amissah [ralph.amissah@gmail.com] - Copyright: (C) 2015 - 2024 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved. - License: AGPL 3 or later: Spine (SiSU), a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU AFERO General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see [https://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the AGPL should be available at these locations: [https://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl.html] [https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html] - Spine (by Doc Reform, related to SiSU) uses standard: - docReform markup syntax - standard SiSU markup syntax with modified headers and minor modifications - docReform object numbering - standard SiSU object citation numbering & system - Homepages: [https://www.sisudoc.org] [https://www.doc-reform.org] - Git [https://git.sisudoc.org/] +/ module sisudoc.meta.metadoc; @safe: template spineAbstraction() { import std.datetime; import sisudoc.meta, sisudoc.meta.metadoc_from_src, sisudoc.meta.conf_make_meta_structs, sisudoc.meta.conf_make_meta_json, sisudoc.meta.defaults, sisudoc.io_in.paths_source, sisudoc.io_in.read_config_files, sisudoc.io_in.read_source_files, sisudoc.io_out.hub; mixin spineBiblio; mixin outputHub; enum makeMeta { make, meta } enum docAbst { doc_abstract_obj, doc_has } @system auto spineAbstraction(E,P,O,Cfg,M,S)( E _env, P program_info, O _opt_action, Cfg _cfg, M _manifest, S _make_and_meta_struct ){ { /+ document config/make file +/ auto _config_document_struct = readConfigDoc!()(_manifest, _env); import sisudoc.meta.conf_make_meta_yaml; _make_and_meta_struct = _config_document_struct.configParseYAMLreturnSpineStruct!()(_make_and_meta_struct, _manifest, _opt_action, _cfg); } /+ ↓ read file (filename with path) +/ /+ ↓ file tuple of header and content +/ if ((_opt_action.debug_do) || (_opt_action.debug_do_stages) ) { writeln("step1 commence → (get document header & body & insert file list & if needed image list) [", _manifest.src.filename, "]"); } auto _header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist = spineRawMarkupContent!()(_opt_action, _manifest.src.path_and_fn); if ((_opt_action.debug_do) || (_opt_action.debug_do_stages) ) { writeln("- step1 complete for [", _manifest.src.filename, "]"); } debug(header_and_body) { writeln(header); writeln(_header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist.length); // writeln(_header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist.length.body_content[0]); } /+ ↓ split header into make and meta +/ if ((_opt_action.debug_do) || (_opt_action.debug_do_stages) ) { writeln("step2 commence → (read document header (yaml) return struct) [", _manifest.src.filename, "]"); } import sisudoc.meta.conf_make_meta_yaml; _make_and_meta_struct = docHeaderMakeAndMetaTupYamlExtractAndConvertToStruct!()( _header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist.header_raw, _make_and_meta_struct, _manifest, _opt_action, _cfg, ); if ((_opt_action.debug_do) || (_opt_action.debug_do_stages) ) { writeln("- step2 complete for [", _manifest.src.filename, "]"); } /+ ↓ document abstraction: process document, return abstraction as tuple +/ if ((_opt_action.debug_do) || (_opt_action.debug_do_stages) ) { writeln("step3 commence → (document abstraction (da); da keys; segnames; doc_matters) [", _manifest.src.filename, "]"); } auto da = docAbstraction!()( _header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist.sourcefile_body_content, _make_and_meta_struct, _opt_action, _manifest, true, ); auto doc_abstraction = da.document_the; auto _doc_has_struct = da.doc_has; if ((_opt_action.debug_do) || (_opt_action.debug_do_stages) ) { writeln("- step3 complete for [", _manifest.src.filename, "]"); } if ((_opt_action.debug_do) || (_opt_action.debug_do_stages) ) { writeln("step4 commence → (doc_matters) [", _manifest.src.filename, "]"); } struct DocumentMatters { auto generator_program() { struct Prog_ { string project_name() { return "spine"; } string name() { return program_info.name; } string ver() { return program_info.ver; } @trusted string name_and_version() { return program_info.name_and_version; } @trusted string name_version_and_compiler() { return program_info.name_version_and_compiler; } string url_home() { return "https://sisudoc.org"; } string url_git() { return "https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/"; } auto compiler() { return program_info.compiler; } auto time_output_generated() { return program_info.time_output_generated; } } return Prog_(); } auto generated_time() { auto _st = Clock.currTime(UTC()); auto _time = _st.year.to!string ~ "-" ~ _st.month.to!int.to!string // prefer as month number ~ "-" ~ _st.day.to!string ~ " [" ~ _st.isoWeek.to!string ~ "/" ~ _st.dayOfWeek.to!int.to!string ~ "]" ~ " " ~ _st.hour.to!string ~ ":" ~ _st.minute.to!string ~ ":" ~ _st.second.to!string; return _time; } auto conf_make_meta() { return _make_and_meta_struct; } auto has() { return _doc_has_struct; } auto env() { struct Env_ { auto pwd() { return _manifest.env.pwd; } auto home() { return _manifest.env.home; } } return Env_(); } auto opt() { struct Opt_ { auto action() { /+ getopt options, commandline instructions, raw - processing instructions --epub --html etc. - command line config instructions --output +/ return _opt_action; } } return Opt_(); } auto src() { return _manifest.src; } auto src_path_info() { return spinePathsSRC!()(_manifest.env.pwd, _manifest.src.file_with_absolute_path); // would like (to have and use) relative path } auto pod() { return _manifest.pod; } auto sqlite() { struct SQLite_ { string filename() { string _fn = ""; string _pth = ""; if (_opt_action.sqliteDB_filename.length > 0) { _fn = _opt_action.sqliteDB_filename; } else if (_make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename.length > 0) { _fn = _make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_filename; } return _fn; } string path() { string _pth = ""; if (_opt_action.sqliteDB_path.length > 0) { _pth = _opt_action.sqliteDB_path; } else if (_make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path.length > 0) { _pth = _make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_db_sqlite_path; } return _pth; } string cgi_filename() { string _fn = ""; if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename.length > 0) { _fn = _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename; } else if (_make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script.length > 0) { _fn = _make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script; } return _fn; } string cgi_filename_d() { string _fn = ""; if (_opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename_d.length > 0) { _fn = _opt_action.cgi_sqlite_search_filename_d; } else if (_make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d.length > 0) { _fn = _make_and_meta_struct.conf.w_srv_cgi_search_script_raw_fn_d; } return _fn; } } return SQLite_(); } auto output_path() { return _make_and_meta_struct.conf.output_path; } auto srcs() { struct SRC_ { auto file_insert_list() { return _header_body_insertfilelist_imagelist.insert_file_list; } auto image_list() { return _doc_has_struct.imagelist; } } return SRC_(); } } auto doc_matters = DocumentMatters(); if ((_opt_action.debug_do) || (_opt_action.debug_do_stages) ) { writeln("- step4 complete for [", _manifest.src.filename, "]"); } auto t = tuple(doc_abstraction, doc_matters); return t; } }