template outputHTML() {
  private import
  mixin outputXHTMLs;
  void scroll_write_output_file(Fn,C)(
    Fn fn_src,
    C doc,
  ) {
      static assert(is(typeof(fn_src) == string));
      static assert(is(typeof(doc)    == string[]));
    mixin SiSUpaths;
    auto pth_html = HtmlPaths();
    try {
      auto f = File(pth_html.fn_scroll(fn_src), "w");
      foreach (o; doc) {
    catch (ErrnoException ex) {
      // Handle error
  void scroll(C,T)(
    auto ref const C         contents,
    auto ref T               doc_matters,
  ) {
    mixin SiSUrgxInit;
    auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs();
    auto rgx = Rgx();
    string[] doc_html;
    string[] doc;
    foreach (part; doc_matters.keys_seq_scroll) {
      foreach (obj; contents[part]) {
        if (obj.use == "frontmatter") {
          switch (obj.is_of) {
          case "para":
            switch (obj.is_a) {
            case "heading":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj);
            case "toc":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.toc(obj);
              writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
            writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
        } else if (obj.use == "body") {
          switch (obj.is_of) {
          case "para":
            switch (obj.is_a) {
            case "heading":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj);
            case "para":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj);
              writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
          case "block":
            switch (obj.is_a) {
            case "poem":
            case "verse":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj);
            case "group":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj);
            case "block":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj);
            case "quote":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj);
            case "table":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); //
            case "code":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.code(obj);
              writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
            writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of);
        } else if (obj.use == "backmatter") {
          switch (obj.is_of) {
          case "para":
            switch (obj.is_a) {
            case "heading":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj);
            case "endnote":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.endnote(obj);
            case "glossary":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj);
            case "bibliography":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj);
            case "bookindex":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj);
            case "blurb":
              doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj);
              writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
            writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
    doc = xhtml_format.scroll_head(doc_matters.dochead_meta) ~ doc_html ~ xhtml_format.tail;
    scroll_write_output_file(doc_matters.source_filename, doc);
  void seg_write_output_files(M,C)(
    M doc_matters,
    C doc_html,
  ) {
      static assert(is(typeof(doc_html)      == string[][string]));
    mixin SiSUrgxInit;
    auto rgx = Rgx();
    mixin SiSUpaths;
    auto pth_html = HtmlPaths();
    auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs();
    auto m = matchFirst(doc_matters.source_filename, rgx.src_fn);
    try {
      foreach (seg_filename; doc_matters.segnames) {
        // writeln(__LINE__, ": ", fn);
        auto f = File(pth_html.fn_seg(doc_matters.source_filename, seg_filename), "w");
        /+ // f.writeln(seg_head); // not needed built and inserted earlier +/
        foreach (docseg; doc_html[seg_filename]) {
        f.writeln(xhtml_format.tail); // needed for each lev4
    catch (ErrnoException ex) {
      // Handle error
  void seg(C,M)(
    auto ref const C         contents,
    auto ref M               doc_matters,
  ) {
    mixin SiSUrgxInit;
    auto rgx = Rgx();
    auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs();
    string[][string] doc_html;
    string[] doc;
    string segment_filename;
    string[] top_level_headings = ["","","",""];
    foreach (part; doc_matters.keys_seq_seg) {
      foreach (obj; contents[part]) {
        if (obj.is_a == "heading") {                            // all headings: frontmatter, body & backmatter
          switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) {
          case 0: .. case 3:
            /+ fill buffer, and replace with new levels from 1 to 3 +/
            switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) {
            case 0:
              top_level_headings[0] = "";
              top_level_headings[1] = "";
              top_level_headings[2] = "";
              top_level_headings[3] = "";
              goto default;
            case 1:
              top_level_headings[1] = "";
              top_level_headings[2] = "";
              top_level_headings[3] = "";
              goto default;
            case 2:
              top_level_headings[2] = "";
              top_level_headings[3] = "";
              goto default;
            case 3:
              top_level_headings[3] = "";
              goto default;
              top_level_headings[obj.heading_lev_markup] = xhtml_format.heading(obj); // should probably have different css tagging (fontsize etc)
          case 4:
            segment_filename = obj.segment_anchor_tag;
            doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.seg_head(doc_matters.dochead_meta); // consider placing seg_head here as can more easily populate it with lev4 info
            foreach (top_level_heading; top_level_headings) {
              // writeln(top_level_heading);
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= top_level_heading;
            doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj);
          case 5: .. case 7:
            doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj);
            writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
        } else if (obj.use == "frontmatter") {
          switch (obj.is_of) {
          case "para":
            switch (obj.is_a) {
            case "toc":
                doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.toc(obj);
              // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
            // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
        } else if (obj.use == "body") {
          switch (obj.is_of) {
          case "para":
            switch (obj.is_a) {
            case "para":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj);
              // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
          case "block":
            switch (obj.is_a) {
            case "poem":                        // double check why both poem & verse
            case "verse":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj);
            case "group":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj);
            case "block":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj);
            case "quote":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj);
            case "table":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); //
            case "code":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.code(obj);
              writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
            // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of);
        } else if (obj.use == "backmatter") {
          switch (obj.is_of) {
          case "para":
            switch (obj.is_a) {
            case "endnote":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.endnote(obj);
            case "glossary":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj);
            case "bibliography":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj);
            case "bookindex":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj);
            case "blurb":
              doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj);
              // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
            writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a);
    seg_write_output_files(doc_matters, doc_html);
  auto html_css() {
    string css;
    css="/* SiSU css default stylesheet */
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