-*- mode: org -*- #+TITLE: spine (doc_reform) information files #+DESCRIPTION: documents - structuring, various output representations & search #+FILETAGS: :spine:info: #+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah #+EMAIL: [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]] #+COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2022 Ralph Amissah #+LANGUAGE: en #+STARTUP: content hideblocks hidestars noindent entitiespretty #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t #+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :noweb yes #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :eval no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :results no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :cache no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :mkdirp yes * Markup conversion tools ** README #+HEADER: :tangle "../sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/README" #+BEGIN_SRC text #+END_SRC ** endnotes, inline from binary *** tangle #+HEADER: :tangle "../sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/endnotes_inline_from_binary.d" #+HEADER: :tangle-mode (identity #o755) #+HEADER: :shebang #!/usr/bin/env rdmd #+BEGIN_SRC d <<inline_notes_head>> <<inline_notes_imports>> void main(string[] args) { <<inline_notes_init>> foreach(arg; args[1..$]) { if ( !(arg.match(regex(r"--\w+"))) && arg.match(regex(r"\w+?\.ss[itm]")) ) { <<inline_notes_pre_loops>> <<inline_notes_loop_doc_body>> <<inline_notes_loop_adjust_and_output>> <<inline_notes_exceptions>> } } } #+END_SRC *** head #+NAME: inline_notes_head #+BEGIN_SRC d /+ - read in file .sst .ssi .ssm - loop twice - first - check for and skip code blocks - use unique code marker for endnote markers in text and give an endnote number ★1, increment - extract all endnotes in array - second - check that the footnote marker number count matches the number of notes in the array - if they match either: - substitute each endnote marker with the array footnote[number-1] - substitute each endnote marker with footnote as inlined footnote markup (footnote number not needed) - if they do not match exit - check whether changes have been made - if so write file with inline footnotes in sub-directory converted_output_/ using the same name as the original file - else, exit +/ #+END_SRC *** import #+NAME: inline_notes_imports #+BEGIN_SRC d import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.array : split; import std.exception; import core.stdc.errno; import std.regex; import std.format; import std.conv; #+END_SRC *** init #+NAME: inline_notes_init #+BEGIN_SRC d static comment = ctRegex!(`^%+ `); static block_tic_code_open = ctRegex!("^`{3} code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z#+_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?"); static block_tic_close = ctRegex!("^(`{3})$","m"); static block_curly_code_open = ctRegex!(`^(?:code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?[{][ ]*$)`); static block_curly_code_close = ctRegex!(`^([}]code)`); auto rgx_endnote_ref = ctRegex!(`([~]\^)(?P<tail>[)\]]? |$)`, "gm"); auto rgx_endnote = ctRegex!(`^\^~\s+(.+|\n)`, "gm"); #+END_SRC *** pre-loops #+NAME: inline_notes_pre_loops #+BEGIN_SRC d writeln(arg); string filename = arg; try { string[] contents, endnotes, endnote_refs; string text = filename.readText; string[] paragraphs = text.split("\n\n"); int endnote_ref_count = 0; int code_block_status = 0; enum codeBlock { off, curly, tic, } #+END_SRC *** loop doc body #+NAME: inline_notes_loop_doc_body #+BEGIN_SRC d foreach (paragraph; paragraphs) { /+ loop to gather binary endnotes +/ if (code_block_status == codeBlock.off && paragraph.match(rgx_endnote) ) { endnotes ~= replaceAll!(m => m[1]) (paragraph, rgx_endnote); } else { if ((code_block_status == codeBlock.curly && paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_close)) || ((code_block_status == codeBlock.tic && paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_close)) ) { code_block_status = codeBlock.off; } else if ( type["curly_code"] == 1 || type["tic_code"] == 1) { // skip, prevent search for endnotes } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open)) { code_block_status = codeBlock.curly; } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open)) { code_block_status = codeBlock.tic; } else if (auto m = paragraph.matchAll(rgx_endnote_ref)) { foreach (n; m) { endnote_ref_count++; // endnote_refs ~= (n.captures[1]); } } contents ~= paragraph; } } #+END_SRC *** (loop to) adjustment & output #+NAME: inline_notes_loop_adjust_and_output #+BEGIN_SRC d if (endnotes.length == endnote_ref_count) { import std.outbuffer; writeln("endnote ref count: ", endnote_ref_count); writeln("number of binary endnotes: ", endnotes.length); int endnote_count = -1; auto buffer = new OutBuffer(); foreach (content; contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/ content = replaceAll!(m => "~{ " ~ endnotes[++endnote_count] ~ " }~" ~ m["tail"] ) (content, rgx_endnote_ref); buffer.write(content ~ "\n\n"); } if (buffer) { try { string dir_out = "converted_output_"; string path_and_file_out = dir_out ~ "/" ~ filename; dir_out.mkdirRecurse; auto f = File(path_and_file_out, "w"); f.write(buffer); writeln("wrote: ", path_and_file_out); } catch (FileException ex) { writeln("did not write file"); // Handle errors } } } else { writeln("ERROR binary endnote mismatch, check markup,\nmisatch in the number of endnotes & endnote references!"); writeln(" number of endnotes: ", endnotes.length); writeln(" number of endnote refs: ", endnote_ref_count); // endnote_refs.length, } // assert(endnotes.length == endnote_ref_count); #+END_SRC *** exceptions #+NAME: inline_notes_exceptions #+BEGIN_SRC d } catch (ErrnoException ex) { switch(ex.errno) { case EPERM: case EACCES: // Permission denied break; case ENOENT: // File does not exist break; default: // Handle other errors break; } } #+END_SRC ** conversion from sisu (sisu bespoke headers) any binary to inline notes TODO *** tangle #+HEADER: :tangle "../sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/markup_conversion_from_sisu_ruby_to_sisu_spine.d" #+HEADER: :tangle-mode (identity #o755) #+HEADER: :shebang #!/usr/bin/env rdmd #+BEGIN_SRC d <<from_sisu_rb_head>> <<from_sisu_rb_imports>> void main(string[] args) { <<from_sisu_rb_init>> <<from_sisu_rb_body_format>> <<from_sisu_rb_header_format_0>> <<from_sisu_rb_header_format_1>> <<from_sisu_rb_header_format_2>> foreach(arg; args[1..$]) { if ( !(arg.match(regex(r"--\w+"))) && arg.match(regex(r"\w+?\.ss[itm]")) ) { <<from_sisu_rb_pre_loops>> <<from_sisu_rb_loop_doc_header>> <<from_sisu_rb_loop_doc_body>> <<from_sisu_rb_loop_adjust_and_output>> <<from_sisu_rb_exceptions>> } } } #+END_SRC *** head #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_head #+BEGIN_SRC d /+ - read in file .sst .ssi .ssm - loop twice - first - check for and skip code blocks - use unique code marker for endnote markers in text and give an endnote number ★1, increment - extract all endnotes in array - second - check that the footnote marker number count matches the number of notes in the array - if they match either: - substitute each endnote marker with the array footnote[number-1] - substitute each endnote marker with footnote as inlined footnote markup (footnote number not needed) - if they do not match exit - check whether changes have been made - if so write file with inline footnotes in sub-directory converted_output_/ using the same name as the original file - else, exit +/ #+END_SRC *** import #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_imports #+BEGIN_SRC d import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.array : split, join; import std.exception; // import std.range; import core.stdc.errno; import std.regex; import std.format; import std.conv; #+END_SRC *** init #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_init #+BEGIN_SRC d static heading_a = ctRegex!(`^:?[A][~] `, "m"); static comment = ctRegex!(`^%+ `); static block_tic_code_open = ctRegex!("^`{3} code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z#+_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?"); static block_tic_close = ctRegex!("^(`{3})$","m"); static block_curly_code_open = ctRegex!(`^(?:code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?[{][ ]*$)`); static block_curly_code_close = ctRegex!(`^([}]code)`); auto rgx_endnote_ref = ctRegex!(`([~]\^)(?P<tail>[)\]]? |$)`, "gm"); auto rgx_endnote = ctRegex!(`^\^~\s+(.+|\n)`, "gm"); char[][] header0Content1(in string src_text) { // cast(char[]) /+ split string on _first_ match of "^:?A~\s" into [header, content] array/tuple +/ char[][] header_and_content; auto m = (cast(char[]) src_text).matchFirst(heading_a); header_and_content ~= m.pre; header_and_content ~= m.hit ~ m.post; assert(header_and_content.length == 2, "document markup is broken, header body split == " ~ header_and_content.length.to!string ~ "; (header / body array split should == 2 (split is on level A~))" ); return header_and_content; } #+END_SRC *** body format **** format body string #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_body_format #+BEGIN_SRC d string format_body_string(string s) { string o; o = s .replaceAll(regex("^<(?:/[ ]*)?br>[ ]*"), " \\\\ ") .replaceAll(regex("[ ]*<(?:/[ ]*)?br>$"), " \\\\") .replaceAll(regex("[ ]*<(?:/[ ]*)?br>[ ]*"), " \\\\ "); return o; } #+END_SRC *** header format **** format header string #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_header_format_0 #+BEGIN_SRC d string format_header_string(string s) { string o; o = s .replaceAll(regex("\""), "\\\"") .replaceAll(regex("[ ]*<(?:/[ ]*)?br>$"), " \\\\") .replaceAll(regex("[ ]*<(?:/[ ]*)?br>[ ]*"), " \\\\ "); return o; } #+END_SRC **** format main header #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_header_format_1 #+BEGIN_SRC d string format_main_header(string hm, string hs = "", string c = "") { string o; if (c.length == 0) { o ~= hm ~ ":\n"; } else { o ~= hm ~ ":\n" ~ " " ~ hs ~ ": " ~ "\"" ~ format_header_string(c) ~ "\"\n"; } return o; } #+END_SRC **** format sub header #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_header_format_2 #+BEGIN_SRC d string format_sub_header(string hs, string c) { string o; o ~= " " ~ hs ~ ": " ~ "\"" ~ format_header_string(c) ~ "\"\n"; return o; } #+END_SRC *** pre-loops #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_pre_loops #+BEGIN_SRC d writeln(arg); string filename = arg; try { string[] munged_header, munged_contents, munged_endnotes, endnote_refs; char[][] hc; char[] src_header; string[] headers; char[] src_txt; string[] paragraphs; enum codeBlock { off, curly, tic, } string _tmp_header; int endnote_ref_count = 0; int code_block_status = codeBlock.off; string text = filename.readText; if (arg.match(regex(r"\w+?\.ss[tm]"))) { hc = header0Content1(text); src_header = hc[0]; headers = src_header.to!string.split("\n\n"); src_txt = hc[1]; paragraphs = src_txt.to!string.split("\n\n"); } else if (arg.match(regex(r"\w+?\.ssi"))) { headers = []; paragraphs = text.split("\n\n"); } #+END_SRC *** loop doc header #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_loop_doc_header #+BEGIN_SRC d if (headers.length > 0) { headers[0] = headers[0].replaceFirst(regex(r"^%\s+SiSU.+", "i"), "# SiSU 8.0 spine (auto-conversion)"); foreach (h_; headers) { _tmp_header = ""; if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^%\s*", "m"))) { h_ = h_.replaceAll(regex(r"^%\s*", "m"), "# ") ~ "\n"; } if (h_.match(regex(r"^@title:|@subtitle"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@(?P<h>title):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|\n)"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_main_header(m.captures["h"], "main", m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@(?P<h>subtitle):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)"))) { if (m.captures["c"].length == 0) { } else { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>main):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:sub(?:title)?:(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header("subtitle", m.captures["c"]); } } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@creator:|@author:"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^(?:@creator:|@author:)(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|\n)"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_main_header("creator", "author", m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>author):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@rights:"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@(?P<h>rights):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|\n)"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_main_header(m.captures["h"], "copyright", m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>copyright):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:licen[cs]e:(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header("license", m.captures["c"]); } } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@date:|@date\."))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@(?P<h>date):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|\n)"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_main_header(m.captures["h"], "published", m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>published):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>available):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>modified):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>created):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>issued):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>valid):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@date\.(?P<h>available):[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@date\.(?P<h>modified):[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@date\.(?P<h>created):[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@date\.(?P<h>issued):[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@date\.(?P<h>valid):[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@classify:"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@classify:"))) { _tmp_header ~= "classify:\n"; } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>topic_register):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:type:(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= "# type: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"\n"; } } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^(?:@identifier:|@identify:)"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^(?:@identifier:|@idenfify)"))) { _tmp_header ~= "identify:\n"; } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>oclc):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>isbn):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>dewey):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@publisher:"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@publisher:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) { _tmp_header ~= "publisher: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"\n"; } } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@make:"))) { // writeln(h_); if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@make:"))) { _tmp_header ~= "make:\n"; } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>breaks):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>num_top):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>headings):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>italics):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>bold):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>emphasis):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>substitute):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>texpdf_font):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>home_button_text):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>home_button_image):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>cover_image):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>footer):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]); } // writeln(_tmp_header); } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@\w+:"))) { _tmp_header ~= "# " ~ h_.split("\n").join("\n# ") ~ "\n"; } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:\w+:", "m"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^(?P<g>\s+:\w+:.*)"))) { _tmp_header ~= "# " ~ m.captures["g"] ~ "\n"; } } if (h_.match(regex(r"^#", "m"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^(?P<g>#.*)", "m"))) { _tmp_header ~= m.captures["g"] ~ "\n"; } } if (_tmp_header.length > 0) { munged_header ~= _tmp_header.split("\n\n"); } else if (h_.length > 0) { writeln("munging required: ", h_); h_ = h_.replaceAll((regex(r"\n\n\n+", "m")), "\n\n"); munged_header ~= h_; } } // writeln(munged_header.join("\n")); } #+END_SRC *** loop doc body (identify & ignore code blocks) #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_loop_doc_body #+BEGIN_SRC d foreach (paragraph; paragraphs) { /+ loop to gather binary endnotes +/ if (code_block_status == codeBlock.off && paragraph.match(rgx_endnote) ) { munged_endnotes ~= replaceAll!(m => m[1]) (paragraph, rgx_endnote); } else { if ( code_block_status != codeBlock.off || paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open) || paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open) ) { /+ code blocks identified, no munging +/ if ((code_block_status == codeBlock.curly && paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_close)) || (code_block_status == codeBlock.tic && paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_close)) ) { code_block_status = codeBlock.off; } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open)) { code_block_status = codeBlock.curly; } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open)) { code_block_status = codeBlock.tic; } munged_contents ~= paragraph; } else { /+ regular content, not a code block +/ if (auto m = paragraph.matchAll(rgx_endnote_ref)) { foreach (n; m) { endnote_ref_count++; // endnote_refs ~= (n.captures[1]); } } paragraph = format_body_string(paragraph); // paragraph = replaceAll!(m => " \\\\ " ) // (paragraph, regex(r"\s*<(?:/\s*|:)?br>\s*")); // (paragraph, regex(r"(<br>)")); munged_contents ~= paragraph; } } } #+END_SRC *** (loop to) adjustment & output #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_loop_adjust_and_output #+BEGIN_SRC d { import std.outbuffer; auto buffer = new OutBuffer(); if (munged_header.length > 0) { foreach (header; munged_header) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/ buffer.write(header ~ "\n"); } } if (munged_endnotes.length == endnote_ref_count) { int endnote_count = -1; foreach (k, content; munged_contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/ content = replaceAll!(m => "~{ " ~ munged_endnotes[++endnote_count] ~ " }~" ~ m["tail"] ) (content, rgx_endnote_ref); // endnote_ref cannot occur in a code block or else fail buffer.write(content ~ ((k == munged_contents.length - 1) ? "" : "\n\n")); } if (buffer) { try { string dir_out = "converted_output_"; string path_and_file_out = dir_out ~ "/" ~ filename; dir_out.mkdirRecurse; auto f = File(path_and_file_out, "w"); f.write(buffer); // writeln("wrote: ", path_and_file_out); } catch (FileException ex) { writeln("did not write file"); // Handle errors } } } else { foreach (content; munged_contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/ buffer.write(content ~ "\n\n"); } } } #+END_SRC *** exceptions #+NAME: from_sisu_rb_exceptions #+BEGIN_SRC d } catch (ErrnoException ex) { switch(ex.errno) { case EPERM: case EACCES: // Permission denied break; case ENOENT: // File does not exist break; default: // Handle other errors break; } } #+END_SRC ** conversion from sisu and multiple headers (sisu bespoke, sdlang, toml) incomplete *** tangle #+HEADER: :tangle "../sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/markup_changes_header_and_content.d" #+HEADER: :tangle-mode (identity #o755) #+HEADER: :shebang #!/usr/bin/env rdmd #+BEGIN_SRC d <<from_previous_markups_head>> <<from_previous_markups_imports>> void main(string[] args) { <<from_previous_markups_init>> foreach(arg; args[1..$]) { if ( !(arg.match(regex(r"--\w+"))) && arg.match(regex(r"\w+?\.ss[itm]")) ) { <<from_previous_markups_pre_loops>> <<from_previous_markups_loop_doc_header>> <<from_previous_markups_loop_doc_body>> <<from_previous_markups_loop_adjust_and_output>> <<from_previous_markups_exceptions>> } } } #+END_SRC *** head #+NAME: from_previous_markups_head #+BEGIN_SRC d /+ - read in file .sst .ssi .ssm - loop twice - first - check for and skip code blocks - use unique code marker for endnote markers in text and give an endnote number ★1, increment - extract all endnotes in array - second - check that the footnote marker number count matches the number of notes in the array - if they match either: - substitute each endnote marker with the array footnote[number-1] - substitute each endnote marker with footnote as inlined footnote markup (footnote number not needed) - if they do not match exit - check whether changes have been made - if so write file with inline footnotes in sub-directory converted_output_/ using the same name as the original file - else, exit +/ #+END_SRC *** imports #+NAME: from_previous_markups_imports #+BEGIN_SRC d import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.array : split; import std.exception; // import std.range; import core.stdc.errno; import std.regex; import std.format; import std.conv; #+END_SRC *** init #+NAME: from_previous_markups_init #+BEGIN_SRC d static heading_a = ctRegex!(`^:?[A][~] `, "m"); static comment = ctRegex!(`^%+ `); static block_tic_code_open = ctRegex!("^`{3} code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z#+_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?"); static block_tic_close = ctRegex!("^(`{3})$","m"); static block_curly_code_open = ctRegex!(`^(?:code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?[{][ ]*$)`); static block_curly_code_close = ctRegex!(`^([}]code)`); auto rgx_endnote_ref = ctRegex!(`([~]\^)(?P<tail>[)\]]? |$)`, "gm"); auto rgx_endnote = ctRegex!(`^\^~\s+(.+|\n)`, "gm"); char[][] header0Content1(in string src_text) { // cast(char[]) /+ split string on _first_ match of "^:?A~\s" into [header, content] array/tuple +/ char[][] header_and_content; auto m = (cast(char[]) src_text).matchFirst(heading_a); header_and_content ~= m.pre; header_and_content ~= m.hit ~ m.post; assert(header_and_content.length == 2, "document markup is broken, header body split == " ~ header_and_content.length.to!string ~ "; (header / body array split should == 2 (split is on level A~))" ); return header_and_content; } #+END_SRC *** pre-loops #+NAME: from_previous_markups_pre_loops #+BEGIN_SRC d writeln(arg); string filename = arg; try { string[] munged_header, munged_contents, munged_endnotes, endnote_refs; string text = filename.readText; char[][] hc = header0Content1(text); char[] src_header = hc[0]; string[] headers = src_header.to!string.split("\n\n"); char[] src_txt = hc[1]; string[] paragraphs = src_txt.to!string.split("\n\n"); int endnote_ref_count = 0; int[string] type = [ "curly_code" : 0, "tic_code" : 0, ]; string _tmp_header; #+END_SRC *** loop doc header #+NAME: from_previous_markups_loop_doc_header #+BEGIN_SRC d foreach (h_; headers) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/ _tmp_header = ""; if (h_.match(regex(r"^[@\[]?title[:\]]?"))) { // title if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@title:(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|$)"))) { // sisu bespoke markup if (m.captures["c"].length == 0) { _tmp_header ~= "title:"; } else { _tmp_header ~= "title:\n main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^title\s*=\s*(?P<c>.+)"))) { // toml? if (m.captures["c"].length == 0) { _tmp_header ~= "title:"; } else { _tmp_header ~= "title:\n main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\[title\]"))) { // toml markup _tmp_header ~= "title:"; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^title(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|\s+\\$)"))) { // sdlang markup if (m.captures["c"].length == 0) { _tmp_header ~= "title:"; } else { _tmp_header ~= "title:\n main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } } if (h_.match(regex(r"^\s*[:]?(?:main)[:= ]?", "m"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+(?P<h>:main):(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // sisu bespoke markup _tmp_header ~= " main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s*(?P<h>main)\s*=\s*(?P<c>.+)", "m"))) { // toml? _tmp_header ~= " main: " ~ m.captures["c"]; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+(?P<h>main)(?:\s*\s*(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // toml markup _tmp_header ~= " main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+(?P<h>main)(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|\s+\\$)", "m"))) { // sdlang markup _tmp_header ~= " main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } } if (h_.match(regex(r"^\s*[:]?(?:sub(title)?)[:= ]?", "m"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:sub(?:title)?:(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // sisu bespoke markup _tmp_header ~= " subtitle: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s*sub(?:title)?\s*=\s*(?P<c>.+)$", "m"))) { // toml? _tmp_header ~= " subtitle: " ~ m.captures["c"]; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+(?:title)?(?:\s*\s*(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // toml markup _tmp_header ~= " subtitle: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+(?:title)?(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|\s+\\$)", "m"))) { // sdlang markup _tmp_header ~= " subtitle: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } } } if (h_.match(regex(r"^[@\[]?rights[:\]]?"))) { // rights if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@rights:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) { // sisu bespoke markup _tmp_header ~= "rights: \n copyright: \"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@rights:"))) { // sisu bespoke markup _tmp_header ~= "rights:"; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\[rights\]", "m"))) { // toml markup _tmp_header ~= "rights:"; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^rights:"))) { // sdlang markup _tmp_header ~= "rights:"; } if (h_.match(regex(r"^\s*[:]?copyright[:= ]?", "m"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:copyright:(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // sisu bespoke markup _tmp_header ~= " copyright: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s*copyright\s*=\s*(?P<c>.+)", "m"))) { // toml? _tmp_header ~= " copyright: " ~ m.captures["c"]; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+<h>copyright(?:\s*\s*(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // toml markup _tmp_header ~= " copyright: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+copyright(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|\s+\\$)", "m"))) { // sdlang markup _tmp_header ~= " copyright: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } } if (h_.match(regex(r"^\s*[:]?licen[cs]e[:= ]?", "m"))) { if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:licen[cs]e:(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // sisu bespoke markup _tmp_header ~= " license: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s*licen[cs]e\s*=\s*(?P<c>.+)$", "m"))) { // toml? _tmp_header ~= " license: " ~ m.captures["c"]; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+licen[cs]e(?:\s*\s*(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // toml markup _tmp_header ~= " license: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+licen[cs]e(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|\s+\\$)", "m"))) { // sdlang markup _tmp_header ~= " license: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\""; } } } if (_tmp_header.length > 0) { munged_header ~= _tmp_header; } else { munged_header ~= h_; } } writeln(munged_header); #+END_SRC *** loop doc body #+NAME: from_previous_markups_loop_doc_body #+BEGIN_SRC d foreach (paragraph; paragraphs) { /+ loop to gather binary endnotes +/ if ( !( type["curly_code"] == 1 || type["tic_code"] == 1) && paragraph.match(rgx_endnote) ) { munged_endnotes ~= replaceAll!(m => m[1]) (paragraph, rgx_endnote); } else { if ( type["curly_code"] == 1 || type["tic_code"] == 1 || paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open) || paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open) ) { /+ code blocks identified, no munging +/ if ( type["curly_code"] == 1 && paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_close) ) { type["curly_code"] = 0; } else if (type["tic_code"] == 1 && paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_close) ) { type["tic_code"] = 0; } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open)) { type["curly_code"] = 1; } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open)) { type["tic_code"] = 1; } munged_contents ~= paragraph; } else { /+ regular content, not a code block +/ if (auto m = paragraph.matchAll(rgx_endnote_ref)) { foreach (n; m) { endnote_ref_count++; // endnote_refs ~= (n.captures[1]); } } paragraph = replaceAll!(m => " \\\\ " ) (paragraph, regex(r"\s*<(?:/\s*|:)?br>\s*")); // (paragraph, regex(r"(<br>)")); munged_contents ~= paragraph; } } } #+END_SRC *** (loop to) adjust & output #+NAME: from_previous_markups_loop_adjust_and_output #+BEGIN_SRC d { import std.outbuffer; auto buffer = new OutBuffer(); foreach (header; munged_header) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/ buffer.write(header ~ "\n\n"); } if (munged_endnotes.length == endnote_ref_count) { int endnote_count = -1; foreach (content; munged_contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/ content = replaceAll!(m => "~{ " ~ munged_endnotes[++endnote_count] ~ " }~" ~ m["tail"] ) (content, rgx_endnote_ref); // endnote_ref cannot occur in a code block or else fail buffer.write(content ~ "\n\n"); } if (buffer) { try { string dir_out = "converted_output_"; string path_and_file_out = dir_out ~ "/" ~ filename; dir_out.mkdirRecurse; auto f = File(path_and_file_out, "w"); f.write(buffer); // writeln("wrote: ", path_and_file_out); } catch (FileException ex) { writeln("did not write file"); // Handle errors } } } else { foreach (content; munged_contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/ buffer.write(content ~ "\n\n"); } } } #+END_SRC *** exceptions #+NAME: from_previous_markups_exceptions #+BEGIN_SRC d } catch (ErrnoException ex) { switch(ex.errno) { case EPERM: case EACCES: // Permission denied break; case ENOENT: // File does not exist break; default: // Handle other errors break; } } #+END_SRC