#+TITLE: sdp output html #+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah #+EMAIL: ralph.amissah@gmail.com #+STARTUP: indent #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t #+OPTIONS: TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc #+OPTIONS: author:nil email:nil creator:nil timestamp:nil #+PROPERTY: header-args :padline no :exports code :noweb yes #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: export #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport #+FILETAGS: :sdp:rel:output: #+TAGS: assert(a) class(c) debug(d) mixin(m) sdp(s) tangle(T) template(t) WEB(W) noexport(n) [[./sdp.org][sdp]] [[./][org/]] * Code Skeleton / Outline / Structure (tangles) :tangle: ** output hub template file [#A] #+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/output_hub.d /++ output hub<BR> check & generate output types requested +/ template outputHub() { void outputHub(C,D)(C contents, D doc_matters) { auto rgx = Rgx(); if (doc_matters.opt_action_bool["source"]) { /+ mixin outputSource; +/ writeln("source"); } if (doc_matters.opt_action_bool["sisupod"]) { mixin SiSUpod; auto sisupod=SiSUpod(); sisupod.sisupod_assemble(doc_matters.source_filename); writeln("sisupod source"); } if (doc_matters.opt_action_bool["text"]) { /+ mixin outputText; +/ writeln("text processing"); // auto text=SDPoutput_text(); // text.scroll(contents, bookindex_unordered_hashes, biblio, dochead_make, dochead_meta, fn_src, opt_action_bool); } if (doc_matters.opt_action_bool["html"]) { mixin outputHTML; auto html=outputHTML(); html.css_write; html.scroll( contents, doc_matters, ); html.seg( contents, doc_matters, ); } else if(doc_matters.opt_action_bool["html_seg"]) { mixin outputHTML; auto html=outputHTML(); html.css_write; html.seg( contents, doc_matters, ); } else if(doc_matters.opt_action_bool["html_scroll"]) { mixin outputHTML; auto html=outputHTML(); html.css_write; html.scroll( contents, doc_matters, ); } if (doc_matters.opt_action_bool["epub"]) { mixin outputEPub; auto epub=outputEPub(); epub.doc_content( // consolidate contents, doc_matters, ); // epub.css_write; // writeln("epub processing"); } if (doc_matters.opt_action_bool["pdf"]) { /+ mixin outputPDF; +/ writeln("pdf processing"); } if (doc_matters.opt_action_bool["odt"]) { /+ mixin outputODT; +/ writeln("odt processing"); } if (doc_matters.opt_action_bool["sqlite"]) { /+ mixin outputSQLite; +/ writeln("sqlite processing"); } if (doc_matters.opt_action_bool["postgresql"]) { /+ mixin outputPostgreSQL; +/ writeln("pgsql processing"); } } } #+END_SRC ** templates output types (file, db)s *** sisupod #+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/source_sisupod.d template SiSUpod() { struct SiSUpod { <<source_sisupod_mkdirs>> <<source_sisupod_config>> <<source_sisupod_text>> <<source_sisupod_images>> } } #+END_SRC *** text *** xhtml common #+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/output_xhtmls.d template outputXHTMLs() { struct outputXHTMLs { <<xhtml_format_objects>> <<xhtml_format_objects_code>> } } #+END_SRC *** html #+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/output_html.d template outputHTML() { struct outputHTML { mixin outputXHTMLs; <<output_html>> <<output_html_scroll>> <<output_html_seg>> <<output_html_css>> } } #+END_SRC *** epub #+BEGIN_SRC d :tangle ../src/sdp/output_epub.d template outputEPub() { struct outputEPub { mixin InternalMarkup; mixin outputXHTMLs; <<output_epub_fixed>> <<output_epub_constructs>> <<output_epub_xhtml>> <<output_epub_xhtml_seg>> <<output_epub_css>> } } #+END_SRC * output functions :output: ** sisupod :sisupod: *** TODO output files #+name: source_sisupod_config #+BEGIN_SRC d void sisupod_assemble(S)( S fn_src, ) { debug(asserts){ static assert(is(typeof(fn_src) == string)); } mixin SiSUpaths; auto pth_sisupod = SiSUpodPaths(); mixin SiSUlanguageCodes; auto lang = Lang(); auto rgx = Rgx(); /+ dir structure /tmp/_sisu_processing_/ralph/en/sisupod ├── doc │ └── en └── image - create directory structure +/ assert (match(fn_src, rgx.src_fn)); try { /+ create directory structure +/ mkdirRecurse(pth_sisupod.doc(fn_src)); mkdirRecurse(pth_sisupod.conf(fn_src)); mkdirRecurse(pth_sisupod.css(fn_src)); mkdirRecurse(pth_sisupod.image(fn_src)); /+ copy relevant files +/ auto f_out = pth_sisupod.fn_doc(fn_src, "en"); // you need fn without path and then to insert back language code for output sub-directory debug(sisupod) { writeln(__LINE__, ": ", fn_src, " -> ", f_out); } mkdirRecurse(pth_sisupod.doc_lng(fn_src, "en")); // need to extract language code directories (from directory structure or filenames & have a default) copy(fn_src, f_out); } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // Handle error } } #+END_SRC ** text [#C] :text: ** xml offspring (xhtml html epub) *** format xhtml objects :format: **** misc ***** anchor tags #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d string _xhtml_anchor_tags(const(string[]) anchor_tags) { string tags=""; if (anchor_tags.length > 0) { foreach (tag; anchor_tags) { if (!(tag.empty)) { tags ~= "<a name=\"" ~ tag ~ "\"></a>"; } } } return tags; } #+END_SRC ***** doc head & tails ****** scroll head #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto scroll_head(Me)( Me dochead_meta, ) { debug(asserts){ static assert(is(typeof(dochead_meta) == string[string][string])); } string o; o = format(q"¶<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title> %s%s </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="dc.title" content="Title" /> <meta name="dc.author" content="Author" /> <meta name="dc.publisher" content="SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu (this copy)" /> <meta name="dc.date" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.created" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.issued" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.available" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.valid" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.modified" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.language" content="US" /> <meta name="dc.rights" content="Copyright: Copyright (C) year holder /> <meta name="generator" content="sdp [SiSU 7.1.8 of 2016w08/5 (2016-02-26)] (n*x and D)" /> <link rel="generator" href="http://www.sisudoc.org/" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../_sisu/image/rb7.ico" /> <link href="../../_sisu/css/html.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="../../../_sisu/css/html.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body lang="en"> <a name="top" id="top"></a>¶", dochead_meta["title"]["full"], (dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : ", " ~ dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], ); return o; } #+END_SRC ****** seg head #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto seg_head(Me)( Me dochead_meta, ) { debug(asserts){ static assert(is(typeof(dochead_meta) == string[string][string])); } string o; o = format(q"¶<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title> %s%s </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="dc.title" content="Title" /> <meta name="dc.author" content="Author" /> <meta name="dc.publisher" content="SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu (this copy)" /> <meta name="dc.date" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.created" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.issued" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.available" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.valid" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.date.modified" content="year" /> <meta name="dc.language" content="US" /> <meta name="dc.rights" content="Copyright: Copyright (C) year holder /> <meta name="generator" content="sdp [SiSU 7.1.8 of 2016w08/5 (2016-02-26)] (n*x and D)" /> <link rel="generator" href="http://www.sisudoc.org/" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../_sisu/image/rb7.ico" /> <link href="../../_sisu/css/html.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="../../../_sisu/css/html.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body lang="en"> <a name="top" id="top"></a>¶", dochead_meta["title"]["full"], (dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : ", " ~ dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], ); return o; } #+END_SRC ****** xhtml tail #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto tail() { string o; o = format(q"¶ <a name="bottom" id="bottom"></a> <a name="end" id="end"></a> </div> </body> </html>¶"); return o; } #+END_SRC **** toc #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto toc(O)( auto ref const O obj, ) { string o; o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <p class="%s" indent="h%si%s"> %s </p> </div>¶", obj.is_a, obj.indent_hang, obj.indent_base, obj.text ); return o; } #+END_SRC **** heading #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto heading(O)( auto ref const O obj, ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj.anchor_tags); string o; if (obj.obj_cite_number.empty) { o = format(q"¶<br><hr /><br> <div class="substance"> <h%s class="%s">%s %s </h%s> </div>¶", obj.heading_lev_markup, obj.is_a, tags, obj.text, obj.heading_lev_markup, ); } else { o = format(q"¶<br><hr /><br> <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <h%s class="%s" id="%s"><a name="%s"></a>%s %s </h%s> </div>¶", obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.heading_lev_markup, obj.is_a, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, tags, obj.text, obj.heading_lev_markup, ); } return o; } #+END_SRC **** para #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto para(O)( auto ref const O obj, ) { auto tags = _xhtml_anchor_tags(obj.anchor_tags); string o; if (obj.obj_cite_number.empty) { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <p class="%s" indent="h%si%s">%s %s </p> </div>¶", obj.is_a, obj.indent_hang, obj.indent_base, tags, obj.text ); } else { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <p class="%s" indent="h%si%s" id="%s">%s %s </p> </div>¶", obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.is_a, obj.indent_hang, obj.indent_base, obj.obj_cite_number, tags, obj.text ); } return o; } #+END_SRC **** nugget #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto nugget(O)( auto ref const O obj, ) { string o; if (obj.obj_cite_number.empty) { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <p class="%s"> %s </p> </div>¶", obj.is_a, obj.text ); } else { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <p class="%s" id="%s"> %s </p> </div>¶", obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.is_a, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.text ); } return o; } #+END_SRC **** endnote #+name: xhtml_format_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto endnote(O)( auto ref const O obj, ) { string o; o = format(q"¶ <p class="%s" indent="h%si%s"> %s </p>¶", obj.is_a, obj.indent_hang, obj.indent_base, obj.text ); return o; } #+END_SRC **** code #+name: xhtml_format_objects_code #+BEGIN_SRC d auto code(O)( auto ref const O obj, ) { string o; if (obj.obj_cite_number.empty) { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <p class="%s"> %s </p> </div>¶", obj.is_a, obj.text ); } else { o = format(q"¶ <div class="substance"> <label class="ocn"><a href="#%s" class="lnkocn">%s</a></label> <p class="%s" id="%s"> %s </p> </div>¶", obj.obj_cite_number, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.is_a, obj.obj_cite_number, obj.text ); } return o; } #+END_SRC *** html output [#A] :html: **** scroll :scroll: ***** output file #+name: output_html_scroll #+BEGIN_SRC d void scroll_write_output_file(Fn,C)( Fn fn_src, C doc, ) { debug(asserts){ static assert(is(typeof(fn_src) == string)); static assert(is(typeof(doc) == string[])); } mixin SiSUpaths; auto pth_html = HtmlPaths(); try { mkdirRecurse(pth_html.base); auto f = File(pth_html.fn_scroll(fn_src), "w"); foreach (o; doc) { f.writeln(o); } } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // Handle error } } #+END_SRC ***** (sections & objects) switch (for html output format) #+name: output_html_scroll #+BEGIN_SRC d void scroll(C,T)( auto ref const C contents, auto ref T doc_matters, ) { auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); auto rgx = Rgx(); string[] doc_html; string[] doc; foreach (part; doc_matters.keys_seq_scroll) { foreach (obj; contents[part]) { if (obj.use == "frontmatter") { switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "heading": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj); break; case "toc": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.toc(obj); break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } } else if (obj.use == "body") { switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "heading": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj); break; case "para": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; case "block": switch (obj.is_a) { case "poem": break; case "verse": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); break; case "group": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); break; case "block": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); break; case "quote": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); break; case "table": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); // break; case "code": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.code(obj); break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of); break; } } else if (obj.use == "backmatter") { switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "heading": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj); break; case "endnote": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.endnote(obj); break; case "glossary": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; case "bibliography": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; case "bookindex": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; case "blurb": doc_html ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } } } } doc = xhtml_format.scroll_head(doc_matters.dochead_meta) ~ doc_html ~ xhtml_format.tail; scroll_write_output_file(doc_matters.source_filename, doc); } #+END_SRC **** seg :seg: ***** output files #+name: output_html_seg #+BEGIN_SRC d void seg_write_output_files(M,C)( M doc_matters, C doc_html, ) { debug(asserts){ static assert(is(typeof(doc_html) == string[][string])); } mixin SiSUpaths; auto pth_html = HtmlPaths(); auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); auto m = matchFirst(doc_matters.source_filename, rgx.src_fn); try { mkdirRecurse(pth_html.seg(doc_matters.source_filename)); foreach (seg_filename; doc_matters.segnames) { // writeln(__LINE__, ": ", fn); auto f = File(pth_html.fn_seg(doc_matters.source_filename, seg_filename), "w"); /+ // f.writeln(seg_head); // not needed built and inserted earlier +/ foreach (docseg; doc_html[seg_filename]) { f.writeln(docseg); } f.writeln(xhtml_format.tail); // needed for each lev4 } } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // Handle error } } #+END_SRC ***** (sections & objects) switch (for html output format) #+name: output_html_seg #+BEGIN_SRC d void seg(C,M)( auto ref const C contents, auto ref M doc_matters, ) { auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); auto rgx = Rgx(); string[][string] doc_html; string[] doc; string segment_filename; string[] top_level_headings = ["","","",""]; foreach (part; doc_matters.keys_seq_seg) { foreach (obj; contents[part]) { if (obj.is_a == "heading") { // all headings: frontmatter, body & backmatter switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) { case 0: .. case 3: /+ fill buffer, and replace with new levels from 1 to 3 +/ switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) { case 0: top_level_headings[0] = ""; top_level_headings[1] = ""; top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 1: top_level_headings[1] = ""; top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 2: top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 3: top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; default: top_level_headings[obj.heading_lev_markup] = xhtml_format.heading(obj); // should probably have different css tagging (fontsize etc) break; } break; case 4: segment_filename = obj.segment_anchor_tag; doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.seg_head(doc_matters.dochead_meta); // consider placing seg_head here as can more easily populate it with lev4 info foreach (top_level_heading; top_level_headings) { // writeln(top_level_heading); doc_html[segment_filename] ~= top_level_heading; } doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj); break; case 5: .. case 7: doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj); break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } } else if (obj.use == "frontmatter") { switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "toc": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.toc(obj); break; default: // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; default: // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } } else if (obj.use == "body") { switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "para": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; default: // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; case "block": switch (obj.is_a) { case "poem": // double check why both poem & verse break; case "verse": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); break; case "group": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); break; case "block": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); break; case "quote": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); break; case "table": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); // break; case "code": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.code(obj); break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; default: // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of); break; } } else if (obj.use == "backmatter") { switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "endnote": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.endnote(obj); break; case "glossary": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; case "bibliography": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; case "bookindex": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; case "blurb": doc_html[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; default: // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } } } } writeln(doc_matters.keys_seq_seg); seg_write_output_files(doc_matters, doc_html); } #+END_SRC **** css :css: #+name: output_html_css #+BEGIN_SRC d auto html_css() { string css; css="/* SiSU css default stylesheet */ body { color: black; background: #ffffff; background-color: #ffffff; } a:link { color: #003399; text-decoration: none; } a:visited { color: #003399; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: #000000; background-color: #f9f9aa; } a.lnkocn:link { color: #777777; text-decoration: none; } a:hover img { background-color: #ffffff; } a:active { color: #003399; text-decoration: underline; } div { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } div.p { margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 1%; } #top_band { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 80px; width: 100%; } #top_band_search { position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; margin-left: 75%; width: 20%; } #column_left { position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 0; margin-left: 1%; width: 20%; } #column_center { position: absolute; top: 80px; margin-left: 20%; width: 55%; } #column_right { position: absolute; top: 80px; right: 0px; margin-left: 75%; width: 25%; } #pane_major { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0; margin-left: 0; width: 80%; } #pane_minor { position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; margin-left: 75%; width: 20%; background-color: #aaaaaa; } .norm, .bold, .verse, .group, .block, .alt { line-height: 133%; margin-left: 0em; margin-right: 2em; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0em; text-indent: 0em; } p, h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7 { display: block; font-family: verdana, arial, georgia, tahoma, sans-serif, helvetica, times, roman; font-size: 100%; font-weight: normal; line-height: 133%; text-align: justify; margin-left: 0em; margin-right: 2em; text-indent: 0mm; margin-top: 0.8em; margin-bottom: 0.8em; } /* indent */ p.norm { } p.i1 {padding-left: 1em;} p.i2 {padding-left: 2em;} p.i3 {padding-left: 3em;} p.i4 {padding-left: 4em;} p.i5 {padding-left: 5em;} p.i6 {padding-left: 6em;} p.i7 {padding-left: 7em;} p.i8 {padding-left: 8em;} p.i9 {padding-left: 9em;} /* hanging indent */ p.h0i0 { padding-left: 0em; text-indent: 0em; } p.h0i1 { padding-left: 1em; text-indent: -1em; } p.h0i2 { padding-left: 2em; text-indent: -2em; } p.h0i3 { padding-left: 3em; text-indent: -3em; } p.h0i4 { padding-left: 4em; text-indent: -4em; } p.h0i5 { padding-left: 5em; text-indent: -5em; } p.h0i6 { padding-left: 6em; text-indent: -6em; } p.h0i7 { padding-left: 7em; text-indent: -7em; } p.h0i8 { padding-left: 8em; text-indent: -8em; } p.h0i9 { padding-left: 9em; text-indent: -9em; } p.h1i0 { padding-left: 0em; text-indent: 1em; } p.h1i1 { padding-left: 1em; text-indent: 0em; } p.h1i2 { padding-left: 2em; text-indent: -1em; } p.h1i3 { padding-left: 3em; text-indent: -2em; } p.h1i4 { padding-left: 4em; text-indent: -3em; } p.h1i5 { padding-left: 5em; text-indent: -4em; } p.h1i6 { padding-left: 6em; text-indent: -5em; } p.h1i7 { padding-left: 7em; text-indent: -6em; } p.h1i8 { padding-left: 8em; text-indent: -7em; } p.h1i9 { padding-left: 9em; text-indent: -8em; } p.h2i0 { padding-left: 0em; text-indent: 2em; } p.h2i1 { padding-left: 1em; text-indent: 1em; } p.h2i2 { padding-left: 2em; text-indent: 0em; } p.h2i3 { padding-left: 3em; text-indent: -1em; } p.h2i4 { padding-left: 4em; text-indent: -2em; } p.h2i5 { padding-left: 5em; 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color: #ff0000; margin-left: 5mm; text-indent: 5mm; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 15mm; } h1.ruby, h2.ruby, h3.ruby, h4.ruby, h5.ruby, h6.ruby, h7.ruby { text-align: center; color: #990000; margin-left: 5mm; text-indent: 5mm; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 15mm; }"; return css; } auto css_write() { auto pth_css= "_sisu/css"; auto pth_css_fn= pth_css ~ "/html.css"; try { mkdirRecurse(pth_css); auto f = File(pth_css_fn, "w"); f.writeln(html_css); // foreach (o; doc) { // f.writeln(o); // } } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // Handle error } } #+END_SRC *** epub [#B] :epub: **** epub special files :format: ***** fixed ****** mimetype (file) #+name: output_epub_fixed #+BEGIN_SRC d string epub_mimetypes() { string o; o = format(q"¶application/epub+zip¶"); return o; } #+END_SRC ****** META-INF/container.xml (file) #+name: output_epub_fixed #+BEGIN_SRC d string epub_container_xml() { string o; o = format(q"¶<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container"> <rootfiles> <rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml" /> </rootfiles> </container>¶"); return o; } #+END_SRC ***** constructs (in OEBPS) ****** TODO OEBPS/content.opf (register content: files, images etc.) #+name: output_epub_constructs #+BEGIN_SRC d string epub_oebps_content( // string[string][string] dochead_meta, ) { // string[] toc; // int counter = 0; string uuid = "18275d951861c77f78acd05672c9906924c59f18a2e0ba06dad95959693e9bd8"; // TODO shared elsewhere string content = format(q"¶<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <package xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" version="2.0" unique-identifier="EPB-UUID"> <opf:metadata xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" unique-identifier="urn:uuid:%s" version="2.0"> <dc:title>%s</dc:title> <dc:creator opf:file-as="%s" opf:role="aut">%s</dc:creator> <dc:language>en</dc:language> <dc:date opf:event="published">%s</dc:date> <dc:rights>Copyright: %s</dc:rights> <dc:identifier opf:scheme="URI">ox/current/en/epub/sisu_markup.epub</dc:identifier> <dc:identifier id="bookid">urn:uuid:%s</dc:identifier> <!-- <dc:identifier id="EPB-UUID">urn:uuid:%s</dc:identifier> --> </opf:metadata> <manifest> <!-- NCX --> <item id="ncx" href="toc.ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" /> <!-- CSS Style Sheets --> <item id="main-css" href="css/xhtml.css" media-type="text/css" />¶", uuid, doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], // title (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : " by " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], // author (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : " by " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], // author (doc_matters.dochead_meta["date"]["published"].empty) ? "" : " by " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["date"]["published"], // date (doc_matters.dochead_meta["rights"]["copyright"].empty) ? "" : " by " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["rights"]["copyright"], // rights uuid, uuid, ); foreach (sect; doc_matters.keys_seq_seg) { foreach (obj; contents[sect]) { } } return content; } #+END_SRC ****** TODO OEBPS/toc.ncx (navigable toc using Dom structure) #+name: output_epub_constructs #+BEGIN_SRC d string epub_oebps_toc() { int counter = 0; string uuid = "18275d951861c77f78acd05672c9906924c59f18a2e0ba06dad95959693e9bd8"; // TODO shared elsewhere auto markup = InlineMarkup(); enum DomTags { none, open, close, close_and_open, open_still, } string toc = format(q"¶<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <ncx xmlns="http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/" version="2005-1"> <head> <!-- four required metadata items (for all NCX documents, (including the relaxed constraints of OPS 2.0) --> <title>%s%s</title> <link href="css/xhtml.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" id="main-css" /> <meta name="dtb:uid" content="urn:uuid:%s" /> <!-- <meta name="epub-creator" content="SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu (this copy)" /> --> <meta name="dtb:depth" content="%s" /> <meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0" /> <meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0" /> </head> <docTitle> <text>%s</text> </docTitle> <docAuthor> <text>%s</text> </docAuthor> <navMap>¶", doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], // title (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : " by " ~ doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], // author uuid, // uuid "3", // content depth doc_matters.dochead_meta["title"]["full"], // title (doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"].empty) ? "" : doc_matters.dochead_meta["creator"]["author"], // author ); foreach (sect; doc_matters.keys_seq_seg) { foreach (obj; contents[sect]) { if (obj.is_a == "heading") { foreach_reverse (k; 0 .. 7) { switch (obj.dom_markedup[k]) { case DomTags.close : writeln(markup.indent_by_spaces_provided(k), "</", k, ">"); toc ~= "</navPoint>"; break; case DomTags.close_and_open : writeln(markup.indent_by_spaces_provided(k), "</", k, ">"); writeln(markup.indent_by_spaces_provided(k), "<", k, ">", obj.text); ++counter; toc ~= "</navPoint>"; toc ~= format(q"¶<navPoint class="chapter" id="navpoint" playOrder="%s"> <navLabel> <text>%s</text> </navLabel> <content src="%s" />¶", counter, obj.text, obj.segment_anchor_tag, // lev < 4 [no link]; lev == 4 [filename] markup.xhtml; lev > 4 [filename#ocn] (links done in segment_anchor_tag) ); break; case DomTags.open : writeln(markup.indent_by_spaces_provided(k), "<", k, ">", obj.text); ++counter; toc ~= format(q"¶<navPoint class="chapter" id="navpoint" playOrder="%s"> <navLabel> <text>%s</text> </navLabel> <content src="%s" />¶", counter, obj.text, obj.segment_anchor_tag, // lev < 4 [no link]; lev == 4 [filename] markup.xhtml; lev > 4 [filename#ocn] (fix links in segment_anchor_tag) ); break; default : break; } } } } } toc ~= format(q"¶ </navMap> </ncx>¶"); return toc; } #+END_SRC **** build (sections & objects) switch (for epub xhtml output format) #+name: output_epub_xhtml_seg #+BEGIN_SRC d void doc_content(C,T)( auto ref const C contents, auto ref T doc_matters, ) { auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); auto rgx = Rgx(); // string[] toc; string[][string] doc_epub; string[] doc; string segment_filename; string[] top_level_headings = ["","","",""]; auto mimetypes = epub_mimetypes; auto meta_inf_container_xml = epub_container_xml; auto oebps_toc_ncx = epub_oebps_toc; auto oebps_content_opf = epub_oebps_content; foreach (part; doc_matters.keys_seq_seg) { foreach (obj; contents[part]) { if (obj.is_a == "heading") { switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) { // case 0: // break; case 0: .. case 3: /+ fill buffer, and replace with new levels from 1 to 3 +/ switch (obj.heading_lev_markup) { case 0: top_level_headings[0] = ""; top_level_headings[1] = ""; top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 1: top_level_headings[1] = ""; top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 2: top_level_headings[2] = ""; top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; case 3: top_level_headings[3] = ""; goto default; default: top_level_headings[obj.heading_lev_markup] = xhtml_format.heading(obj); break; } break; case 4: segment_filename = obj.segment_anchor_tag; doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.seg_head(doc_matters.dochead_meta); foreach (top_level_heading; top_level_headings) { // writeln(top_level_heading); doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= top_level_heading; } doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj); break; case 5: .. case 7: doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.heading(obj); break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } } else if (obj.use == "frontmatter") { switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "toc": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.toc(obj); // doc_epub ~= xhtml_toc(obj); break; default: // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; default: // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } } else if (obj.use == "body") { switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "para": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; default: // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; case "block": switch (obj.is_a) { case "poem": // double check why both poem & verse break; case "verse": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); // doc_epub ~= xhtml_verse(obj); break; case "group": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); // doc_epub ~= xhtml_group(obj); break; case "block": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); // doc_epub ~= xhtml_block(obj); break; case "quote": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.nugget(obj); // doc_epub ~= xhtml_quote(obj); break; case "table": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); // // doc_epub ~= xhtml_table(obj); break; case "code": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.code(obj); break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; default: // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_of); break; } } else if (obj.use == "backmatter") { switch (obj.is_of) { case "para": switch (obj.is_a) { case "endnote": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.endnote(obj); break; case "glossary": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; case "bibliography": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; case "bookindex": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; case "blurb": doc_epub[segment_filename] ~= xhtml_format.para(obj); break; default: // writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } break; default: writeln(__FILE__, ":", __LINE__, ": ", obj.is_a); break; } } } } writeln(doc_matters.keys_seq_seg); epub_write_output_files( doc_matters, doc_epub, mimetypes, meta_inf_container_xml, oebps_toc_ncx, oebps_content_opf, ); } #+END_SRC **** output files #+name: output_epub_xhtml_seg #+BEGIN_SRC d void epub_write_output_files(C,EpD,Mt,Mic,Ot,Oc)( C doc_matters, EpD doc_epub, Mt mimetypes, Mic meta_inf_container_xml, Ot oebps_toc_ncx, Oc oebps_content_opf, ) { debug(asserts){ static assert(is(typeof(doc_epub) == string[][string])); static assert(is(typeof(mimetypes) == string)); static assert(is(typeof(meta_inf_container_xml) == string)); static assert(is(typeof(oebps_toc_ncx) == string)); static assert(is(typeof(oebps_content_opf) == string)); } mixin SiSUpaths; auto pth_epub = EpubPaths(); // doc = xhtml_format.scroll_head ~ doc_epub ~ xhtml_format.tail; auto xhtml_format = outputXHTMLs(); try { mkdirRecurse(pth_epub.doc_meta_inf(doc_matters.source_filename)); mkdirRecurse(pth_epub.doc_oebps_css(doc_matters.source_filename)); mkdirRecurse(pth_epub.doc_oebps_image(doc_matters.source_filename)); /+ OEBPS/[segments].xhtml +/ foreach (seg_filename; doc_matters.segnames) { auto f = File(pth_epub.fn_oebps_content_xhtml(doc_matters.source_filename, seg_filename), "w"); /+ // f.writeln(seg_head); // not needed built and inserted earlier +/ foreach (docseg; doc_epub[seg_filename]) { f.writeln(docseg); } f.writeln(xhtml_format.tail); // needed for each lev4 } /+ mimetypes +/ auto f = File(pth_epub.fn_mimetypes(doc_matters.source_filename), "w"); f.writeln(mimetypes); /+ META-INF/container.xml +/ f = File(pth_epub.fn_dmi_container_xml(doc_matters.source_filename), "w"); f.writeln(meta_inf_container_xml); /+ OEBPS/toc.ncx +/ f = File(pth_epub.fn_oebps_toc_ncx(doc_matters.source_filename), "w"); f.writeln(oebps_toc_ncx); /+ OEBPS/content.opf +/ f = File(pth_epub.fn_oebps_content_opf(doc_matters.source_filename), "w"); f.writeln(oebps_content_opf); } catch (ErrnoException ex) { // Handle error } } #+END_SRC ** pdf [#C] :pdf: ** odt :odt: ** sqlite [#B] :sqlite: ** pgsql :pgsql: * +other+ ** example head <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title> Democratizing Innovation </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="dc.title" content="Democratizing Innovation" /> <meta name="dc.author" content="Eric von Hippel" /> <meta name="dc.publisher" content="SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu (this copy)" /> <meta name="dc.date" content="2005" /> <meta name="dc.date.created" content="2005" /> <meta name="dc.date.issued" content="2005" /> <meta name="dc.date.available" content="2005" /> <meta name="dc.date.valid" content="2005" /> <meta name="dc.date.modified" content="2005" /> <meta name="dc.language" content="US" /> <meta name="dc.rights" content="Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005 Eric von Hippel. Exclusive rights to publish and sell this book in print form in English are licensed to The MIT Press. All other rights are reserved by the author. An electronic version of this book is available under a Creative Commons license. \\ License: Creative Commons US Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license 2.0. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/legalcode Some Rights Reserved. You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform the work, under the following conditions: Attribution, you must give the original author credit; you may not use this work for commercial purposes; No Derivative Works, you may not alter, transform, or build-upon this work. For reuse or distribution you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above." /> <meta name="generator" content="SiSU 7.1.8 of 2016w08/5 (2016-02-26) (n*x and Ruby!)" /> <link rel="generator" href="http://www.sisudoc.org/" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../_sisu/image/rb7.ico" /> <link href="../../_sisu/css/html.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="../../../_sisu/css/html.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body lang="en"> <a name="top" id="top"></a> <a name="bottom" id="bottom"></a> <a name="end" id="end"></a> </div> </body> </html>