path: root/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/ftplugin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/ftplugin')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/ftplugin/sisu.vim b/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/ftplugin/sisu.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 43c7e53..0000000
--- a/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/ftplugin/sisu.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-"%% SiSU Vim ftplugin
-" SiSU Maintainer: Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>
-" SiSU Markup: SiSU (sisu-3.3) 2012-08-18
-" an ftplugin setting defaults for editing sisu markup files
-:syntax on
-:filetype off
-":filetype on
-:filetype indent on
-:autocmd FileType sisu :set nonumber
-:set encoding=utf-8 fileencodings=
-:set ff=unix
-:set autowrite " Automatically save before commands like :next and :make
-:set nocompatible
-:set tabstop=2
-:set expandtab
-:set shiftwidth=2
-:set autoindent
-:set showcmd " Show (partial) command in status line.
-:set showmatch " Show matching brackets.
-:set ignorecase " Do case insensitive matching
-:set smartcase
-:set incsearch
-:set hlsearch
-:set gdefault
-:set guioptions=agr " add 'm' for menu
-:map <silent> <C-m> :if &guioptions =~# 'm' <Bar>
- \set guioptions-=m <Bar>
- \set guioptions-=T <Bar>
- \else <Bar>
- \set guioptions+=m <Bar>
- \set guioptions-=T <Bar>
- \endif<CR>
-:set paste
-""% statusline
-"set statusline= "
-"set fillchars=stl:―,stlnc:—,vert:│,fold:۰,diff:·
-"" [ buffer number ]
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#[ "
-"set statusline +=%#Identifier#%n " buffer number
-"set statusline +=%#PreProc#%M " modified flag
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#] "
-"" [ file name (& modified?) ]
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#\ [ "
-"set statusline +=%#Statement#%<%F%* " full path
-""set statusline +=%#Statement#%<%t " full path
-"set statusline +=%#PreProc#%M " modified flag
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#] "
-"" [ column : line number / number of lines in file, percentage of file ] [%v:%l/%L\ %p%%]
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#\ [ "
-"set statusline +=%#Identifier#%v " column & line
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#: "
-"set statusline +=%#Identifier#%l " column & line
-"set statusline +=%#SpecialKey#/%L\ " total lines
-"set statusline +=%#Identifier#%p " percentage of file
-"set statusline +=%#SpecialKey#%% "
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#] " "
-"" [ file format : file type ]
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#\ [ "
-"set statusline +=%#SpecialKey#%{&fenc} " file format
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#: "
-"set statusline +=%#SpecialKey#%{&ff} " file format
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#: "
-"set statusline +=%#SpecialKey#%y " file type
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#] "
-"" [ character under cursor ]
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#\ [ "
-"set statusline +=%#String#0x%04B " character under cursor
-"set statusline +=%#Normal#]\ "
-"" [ syntastic ]
-"set statusline +=%#warningmsg#
-"set statusline +=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}\ "
-""set statusline+=%*
-"" Status line background
-"set statusline +=%#Folded#\ "
-"" misc
-"set laststatus=2 " status line always on
-"% textwrap
-:set whichwrap=<,>,h,l,[,]
-:set nolinebreak " only affects display not buffer
-:set wrap
-:set wrapmargin=0
-"% map
-":let mapleader = "," " consider
-:map <leader>paste :set invpaste<cr>
-"% wrap/formatting paragraph according to the current 'textwidth' with ^\ (control-\):
-:imap <C-\> <C-O>gqap
-:nmap <C-\> gqap
-:vmap <C-\> gq
-"% save file, go to next file in buffer
-:map <leader>nf :w <enter> :n <enter>
-"% vimdiff q exits
-:if &diff
-: cmap q qa
-"% directory files, placed in vertical split window
-:map <leader>ls :vs<cr> :Explore<cr>
-:map <leader>dir :vs<cr> :Explore<cr>
-"% remapping lines make cursor jump a line at a time within wrapped text
-:nnoremap j gj
-:nnoremap k gk
-:vnoremap j gj
-:vnoremap k gk
-:nnoremap <Down> gj
-:nnoremap <Up> gk
-:vnoremap <Down> gj
-:vnoremap <Up> gk
-:inoremap <Down> <C-o>gj
-:inoremap <Up> <C-o>gk
-"% search and replace
-:map <leader>rd :.,$s///c "search and replace down
-:map <leader>rg :%s///c "search and replace whole file
-:map <leader>rr :rubyd gsub!(//,"")
-"% pwd t64 working directory set to that of the file you're editing
-"changes pwd to directory of file in current buffer
-:function! CHANGE_CURR_DIR()
-: let _dir = expand("%:p:h")
-: exec "cd " . _dir
-: unlet _dir
-"% Change to the directory the file in your current buffer is in
-:if has("autocmd")
- autocmd BufEnter * :lcd %:p:h
-"% autocompletefilenames To search for files in the current directory
-:set path=,,
-"auto-completion for file to edit in current dir, used in normal mode
-:map <leader>e :e <c-r>=expand("%:p:h") . "/" <cr>
-:map <leader>pwd :exe 'cd ' . expand ("%:p:h")<cr>
-"% searchhighlight t93: Toggle search highlight <C-n>
-:function! ToggleHLSearched()
-: if &hls
-: set nohls
-: else
-: set hls
-: endif
-:nmap <silent> <C-n> :silent call ToggleHLSearched()<cr>
-"%% SiSU vim folds
-"% foldsearchx FoldSearch (opens result of search all else closed) t77
-:map <leader>fs :set foldmethod=expr foldcolumn=2 foldlevel=0 <cr>
-:map <leader>ff :F<cr>
-:map <leader>fe :F<cr> zE
-"% foldtoggle Fold Toggle mapped to <space>
-:fun! ToggleFold()
-: if foldlevel('.') == 0
-: normal! l
-: else
-: if foldclosed('.') < 0
-: foldclose
-: else
-: foldopen
-: endif
-: endif
-" Clear status line
-: echo
-" Map this function to Space key.
-:noremap <space> :call ToggleFold()<cr>
-"% foldtype Fold? set foldtext
-:set foldtext=v:folddashes.substitute(getline(v:foldstart),'\\=','','g',)
-:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum-1)!~@/&&getline(v:lnum)!~@/&&getline(v:lnum+1)!~@/
-"% foldsearch t77: Fold on search result
-:function! FoldMake(search)
-: set fdm=manual
-: normal zE
-: normal G$
-: let folded = 0 "flag to set when a fold is found
-: let flags = "w" "allow wrapping in the search
-: let line1 = 0 "set marker for beginning of fold
-: while search(a:search, flags) > 0
-: let line2 = line(".")
-: if (line2 -1 > line1)
-: "echo line1 . ":" . (line2-1)
-: "echo "a fold goes here."
-: execute ":" . line1 . "," . (line2-1) . "fold"
-: let folded = 1 "at least one fold has been found
-: endif
-: let line1 = line2 "update marker
-: let flags = "W" "turn off wrapping
-: endwhile
-" create the last fold which goes to the end of the file.
-: normal $G
-: let line2 = line(".")
-: if (line2 > line1 && folded == 1)
-: execute ":". line1 . "," . line2 . "fold"
-: endif
-: normal 1G
-"% folds Fold Patterns
-:command! -nargs=+ -complete=command FMake call FoldMake(<q-args>)
-: if ( &filetype == "ruby" )
-: command! F FMake ^# ==\?\|^\s*\(\(def\|class\|module\)\s\|\(public\|protected\|private\|__END__\)\s*$\)\|\(^\s*\|\s\+\)#%\s
-: command! Fa FMake \(^# ==\?\|^\s*\(\(\(def\|class\|module\)\s\)\|\(\(public\|protected\|private\|__END__\)\(\s*$\)\)\)\)\|^[0-9]\~\|\([#%]\|^["]\)\{1,4\}\s*%\|{\({\|!!\)
-: command! FD FMake \(^# ==\?\|^\s*\(\(def\|class\|module\)\s\)\)\|^\s*\([#%"0-9]\{0,4\}\~\(%\+\s\|!!\)\|#\s\+=\+\s\+\)
-: else
-"% folds :F Fold Patterns SiSU Markup :F
-: command! F FMake ^\([1-8]\|:\?[A-C]\)\~\|\(^%\|\(^\|\s\+\)[#"]\)%\{1,2\}\(\s\|$\)\|^<<\s*|
-: command! Fa FMake ^\([1-8]\|:\?[A-C]\)\~\|\(^%\|\(^\|\s\+\)[#"]\)%\{1,2\}\(\s\|$\)\|^<<\s*|\|^\(Book\|Part\|Chapter\|Section\|Article\|BOOK\|PART\|CHAPTER\|SECTION\|ARTICLE\)\s
-: command! F0 FMake ^\(\s*0\~\|@\S\+:[+-]\?\s\+\)
-: command! FA FMake ^:\?A\~
-: command! FB FMake ^:\?[AB]\~
-: command! FC FMake ^:\?[A-C]\~
-: command! F1 FMake ^\(:\?[A-C]\|1\)\~
-: command! F2 FMake ^\(:\?[A-C]\|[12]\)\~
-: command! F3 FMake ^\(:\?[A-C]\|[1-3]\)\~
-: command! F4 FMake ^[1-4]\~
-: command! F5 FMake ^[4-5]\~
-: command! F6 FMake ^[4-6]\~
-: command! Fc FMake ^[%]\+\s\+
-: endif
-"% folds Fold Patterns misc
-":command! Fp FMake ^\s*[A-Za-z0-9#]
-:command! Fp FMake ^\s*\S
-:command! Fo FMake ^[%\"]\s*[{>]
-"% linenumbering, on, relative, off
-:map <Leader>nn :set <c-r>={'00':'','01':'r','10':'nor'}[&rnu.&nu]<CR>nu<CR>
-"% cursorline
-:map <leader>cu :if &cursorcolumn <Bar>
- \set nocursorline nocursorcolumn <Bar>
- \else <Bar>
- \set cursorline cursorcolumn <Bar>
- \endif<cr>
-:map <leader>cu- :set nocursorline nocursorcolumn<cr>
-:map <leader>cu+ :set cursorline cursorcolumn<cr>
diff --git a/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/ftplugin/sisurb.vim b/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/ftplugin/sisurb.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index b959626..0000000
--- a/misc/editor-syntax-etc/vim/ftplugin/sisurb.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-:set number
-:set relativenumber
-:autocmd FileType ruby :set relativenumber
-:autocmd FocusLost *.rb :set norelativenumber
-:autocmd FocusGained *.rb :set relativenumber
-:autocmd InsertEnter *.rb :set norelativenumber
-:autocmd InsertLeave *.rb :set relativenumber