-*- mode: org -*- #+TITLE: sisudoc spine search cgi (doc_reform) hub #+DESCRIPTION: documents - structuring, various output representations & search #+FILETAGS: :spine:hub: #+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah #+EMAIL: [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]] #+COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2024 Ralph Amissah #+LANGUAGE: en #+STARTUP: content hideblocks hidestars noindent entitiespretty #+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :noweb yes #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :results no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :cache no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no #+PROPERTY: header-args+ :mkdirp yes #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:t ::t |:t ^:nil -:t f:t *:t - [[./doc-reform.org][doc-reform.org]] [[./][org/]] - [[./spine_build_scaffold.org][make/build]] VERSION #+NAME: year #+BEGIN_SRC text 2024 #+END_SRC * 0. version.txt configuration.txt (set version & configuration) ** program version struct #+NAME: spine_version_struct #+BEGIN_SRC d /+ obt - org-mode generated file +/ struct Version { int major; int minor; int patch; } #+END_SRC ** program version VERSION :version:set:project: #+NAME: spine_version_set #+BEGIN_SRC d enum _ver = Version(<>); #+END_SRC ** compilation restrictions (supported compilers) - set compilation restrictions https://dlang.org/spec/version.html#predefined-versions #+NAME: spine_compiler_restrictions #+BEGIN_SRC d version (Posix) { version (DigitalMars) { } else version (LDC) { } else version (GNU) { } else { static assert (0, "Unsupported D compiler"); } } else { static assert (0, "Unsupported D compiler"); } #+END_SRC * 1. spine search cgi :spine_search: ** notes - provide ** spine_search src/sisudoc/spine_search.d :template: #+HEADER: :tangle "../src/sisudoc/spine_search.d" #+HEADER: :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env rdmd" #+HEADER: :noweb yes #+BEGIN_SRC d <> /+ dub.sdl name "spine search" description "spine cgi search" /+ obt - org-mode generated file +/ +/ module spine_search; @system: <> void spine_cgi_search_function(Cgi cgi) { mixin(import("configuration.txt")); <> <> <> <> cv.db_selected = _cfg.db_sqlite_filename; auto text_fields() { string canned_query_str = environment.get("QUERY_STRING", ""); if ("query_string" in cgi.post) { canned_query_str = environment.get("QUERY_STRING", ""); } string[string] canned_query; if (conf.request_method == "POST") { } else if (conf.request_method == "GET") { foreach (pair_str; canned_query_str.split("&")) { // cgi.write(pair_str ~ "
"); string[] pair = pair_str.split("="); canned_query[pair[0]] = pair[1]; } // foreach (field, content; canned_query) { // cgi.write(field ~ ": " ~ content ~ "
"); // } } <> <> <> return got; } auto tf = text_fields; // struct SQL_select { string the_body = ""; string the_range = ""; } auto sql_select = SQL_select(); string canned_url () { string _url = ""; if (environment.get("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST") == "POST") { _url = conf.query_base_url ~ tf.canned_query; } else if (environment.get("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST") == "GET") { _url = conf.query_base_url ~ environment.get("QUERY_STRING", ""); } return _url; } auto regex_canned_search () { static struct RgxCS { static track_offset = ctRegex!(`(?P[&]smo=)(?P[0-9]+)`); static results_type = ctRegex!(`[&]rt=(?Pidx|txt)`); static results_type_index = ctRegex!(`[&]rt=idx`); static results_type_text = ctRegex!(`[&]rt=txt`); static fn = ctRegex!(`[&]fn=(?P[^&]+)`); } return RgxCS(); } string show_matched_objects (string fn) { <> } <> string previous_next () { <> } { <> } { <> } { string post_value(string field_name, string type="box", string set="on") { <> } string the_can(string fv) { <> } string provide_tip() { <> } <> { string set_value(string field_name, string default_val) { <> } bool set_bool(string field_name) { <> } <> } } { cgi.write(header); cgi.write(table); cgi.write(form); // cgi.write(previous_next); { // debug environment // foreach (k, d; environment.toAA) { // cgi.write(k ~ ": " ~ d ~ "
"); // } } { // debug cgi info: // <> } } auto db = Database(conf.db_path ~ "/" ~ cv.db_selected); { uint sql_match_offset_counter(T)(T cv) { sql_match_offset_count += cv.sql_match_limit.to!uint; return sql_match_offset_count; } void sql_search_query() { string highlight_text_matched(string _txt, string search_field) { <> } string select_field_like(string db_field, string search_field) { <> } <> <> <> <> } sql_search_query; } { db.close; } { string tail = format(q"┃ ┃"); cgi.write(tail); } } @system mixin GenericMain!spine_cgi_search_function; #+END_SRC ** settings spine_search.d *** spine search parts **** imports #+NAME: spine_search_imports #+BEGIN_SRC d import std.format; import std.range; import std.regex; import arsd.core; import arsd.cgi; import d2sqlite3; import std.process : environment; #+END_SRC **** inits #+NAME: spine_search_init_1 #+BEGIN_SRC d string header; string table; string form; #+END_SRC #+NAME: spine_search_init_2 #+BEGIN_SRC d string base; // = ""; string tip; // = ""; string search_note; // = ""; uint sql_match_offset_count = 0; #+END_SRC **** config struct see: cfte_configuation.org ***** init config struct #+NAME: spine_search_config_struct_init #+BEGIN_SRC d struct Config { string http_request_type; string http_host; // string server_name; string doc_collection_subroot; string cgi_script_name; string cgi_search_form_title; string cgi_search_form_html_title; string data_path_html; string http_url; string query_base_url; string query_string; string request_method; string db_path; } #+END_SRC ***** SET config struct #+NAME: spine_search_config_struct_set #+BEGIN_SRC d auto conf = Config(); conf.http_request_type = environment.get("REQUEST_SCHEME", _cfg.http_request_type); conf.http_host = environment.get("SERVER_NAME", _cfg.http_host); // conf.http_host = environment.get("HTTP_HOST", _cfg.http_host); conf.doc_collection_subroot = _cfg.www_url_doc_subroot; conf.cgi_script_name = environment.get("SCRIPT_NAME", _cfg.cgi_filename); conf.cgi_search_form_title = _cfg.cgi_search_form_title; // ≅ SiSU spine search form conf.cgi_search_form_html_title = "" ~ _cfg.cgi_search_form_title ~ ""; conf.query_base_url = conf.http_request_type ~ "://" ~ conf.http_host ~ conf.cgi_script_name ~ "?"; conf.query_string = environment.get("QUERY_STRING", ""); conf.http_url = environment.get("HTTP_REFERER", conf.query_base_url ~ conf.query_string); conf.request_method = environment.get("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST"); conf.db_path = _cfg.db_sqlite_path; #+END_SRC **** cgi val #+NAME: spine_search_cgi_val #+BEGIN_SRC d struct CGI_val { string db_selected = ""; string sql_match_limit = ""; // radio: ( 1000 | 2500 ) string sql_match_offset = ""; string search_text = ""; string results_type = ""; // index bool checked_echo = false; bool checked_stats = false; bool checked_url = false; bool checked_searched = false; bool checked_tip = false; bool checked_sql = false; } auto cv = CGI_val(); #+END_SRC **** rgx #+NAME: spine_search_rgx #+BEGIN_SRC d static struct Rgx { // static canned_query = ctRegex!(`\A(?P.+)\Z`, "m"); static search_text_area = ctRegex!(`\A(?P.+)\Z`, "m"); // static fulltext = ctRegex!(`\A(?P.+)\Z`, "m"); static line = ctRegex!(`^(?P.+?)(?: ~|$)`, "m"); static text = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)text:\s+(?P.+?)(?: ~|$)`, "m"); static author = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)author:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static title = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)title:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static uid = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)uid:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static fn = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)fn:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static keywords = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)keywords:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static topic_register = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)topic_register:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static subject = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)subject:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static description = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)description:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static publisher = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)publisher:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static editor = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)editor:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static contributor = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)contributor:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static date = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)date:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static results_type = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)type:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static format = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)format:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static source = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)source:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static language = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)language:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static relation = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)relation:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static coverage = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)coverage:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static rights = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)rights:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static comment = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)comment:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); // static abstract_ = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)abstract:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); static src_filename_base = ctRegex!(`^src_filename_base:\s+(?P.+)$`, "m"); } auto rgx = Rgx(); #+END_SRC **** search fields #+NAME: spine_search_searchfields #+BEGIN_SRC d struct searchFields { string canned_query = ""; // GET canned_query == cq string search_text_area = ""; // POST search_text_area == tsa string text = ""; // text == txt string author = ""; // author == au string title = ""; // title == ti string uid = ""; // uid == uid string fn = ""; // fn == fn string keywords = ""; // keywords == kw string topic_register = ""; // topic_register == tr string subject = ""; // subject == su string description = ""; // description == de string publisher = ""; // publisher == pb string editor = ""; // editor == ed string contributor = ""; // contributor == ct string date = ""; // date == dt string format = ""; // format == fmt string source = ""; // source == src sfn string language = ""; // language == lng string relation = ""; // relation == rl string coverage = ""; // coverage == cv string rights = ""; // rights == rgt string comment = ""; // comment == cmt // string abstract = ""; string src_filename_base = ""; // src_filename_base == bfn string results_type = ""; // results_type == rt radio string sql_match_limit = ""; // sql_match_limit == sml radio string sql_match_offset = ""; // sql_match_offset == smo string stats = ""; // stats == sts checked string echo = ""; // echo == ec checked string url = ""; // url == url checked string searched = ""; // searched == se checked string sql = ""; // sql == sql checked } auto got = searchFields(); #+END_SRC **** post #+NAME: spine_search_post #+BEGIN_SRC d if (environment.get("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST") == "POST") { if ("sf" in cgi.post) { got.search_text_area = cgi.post["sf"]; if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.text)) { got.text = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "sf=" ~ m["matched"]; } else if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.line)) { if ( !(m["matched"].matchFirst(rgx.author)) && !(m["matched"].matchFirst(rgx.title)) ) { got.text = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "sf=" ~ m["matched"]; } } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.author)) { got.author = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&au=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.title)) { got.title = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&ti=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.uid)) { got.uid = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&uid=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.fn)) { got.fn = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&fn=" ~ m["matched"]; } else if ("fn" in cgi.post) { got.search_text_area ~= "\nfn: " ~ cgi.post["fn"] ~ "\n"; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.keywords)) { got.keywords = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&kw=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.topic_register)) { got.topic_register = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&tr=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.subject)) { got.subject = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&su=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.description)) { got.description = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&de=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.publisher)) { got.publisher = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&pb=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.editor)) { got.editor = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&ed=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.contributor)) { got.contributor = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&ct=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.date)) { got.date = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&dt=" ~ m["matched"]; } // if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.results_type)) { // got.results_type = m["matched"]; // got.canned_query ~= "&rt=" ~ m["matched"]; // } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.format)) { got.format = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&fmt=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.source)) { got.source = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&src=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.language)) { got.language = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&lng=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.relation)) { got.relation = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&rl=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.coverage)) { got.coverage = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&cv=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.rights)) { got.rights = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&rgt=" ~ m["matched"]; } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.comment)) { got.comment = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&cmt=" ~ m["matched"]; } // if (auto m = search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.abstract)) { // got.abstract = m["matched"]; // } if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.src_filename_base)) { got.src_filename_base = m["matched"]; got.canned_query ~= "&bfn=" ~ m["matched"]; } } if ("fn" in cgi.post) { got.fn = cgi.post["fn"]; got.canned_query ~= "&fn=" ~ cgi.post["fn"]; } if ("rt" in cgi.post) { got.results_type = cgi.post["rt"]; got.canned_query ~= "&rt=" ~ cgi.post["rt"]; } if ("sts" in cgi.post) { got.stats = cgi.post["sts"]; got.canned_query ~= "&sts=" ~ cgi.post["sts"]; } if ("ec" in cgi.post) { got.echo = cgi.post["ec"]; got.canned_query ~= "&ec=" ~ cgi.post["ec"]; } if ("url" in cgi.post) { got.url = cgi.post["url"]; got.canned_query ~= "&url=" ~ cgi.post["url"]; } if ("se" in cgi.post) { got.searched = cgi.post["se"]; got.canned_query ~= "&se=" ~ cgi.post["se"]; } if ("sql" in cgi.post) { got.sql = cgi.post["sql"]; got.canned_query ~= "&sql=" ~ cgi.post["sql"]; } if ("sml" in cgi.post) { got.sql_match_limit = cgi.post["sml"]; got.canned_query ~= "&sml=" ~ cgi.post["sml"]; } if ("smo" in cgi.post) { got.sql_match_offset = "0"; // cgi.post["smo"]; got.canned_query ~= "&smo=0"; // ~ cgi.post["smo"]; } got.canned_query = got.canned_query.strip.split(" ").join("%20"); conf.query_string = got.canned_query; // cgi.write("f.canned_query: " ~ got.canned_query ~ "
"); } else if (environment.get("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST") == "GET") { got.canned_query = environment.get("QUERY_STRING", ""); // cgi.write("f.canned_query: " ~ got.canned_query ~ "
"); got.search_text_area = ""; if ("sf" in canned_query && !(canned_query["sf"]).empty) { got.text = canned_query["sf"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "text: " ~ got.text ~ "\n"; } if ("au" in canned_query && !(canned_query["au"]).empty) { got.author = canned_query["au"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "author: " ~ got.author ~ "\n"; } if ("ti" in canned_query && !(canned_query["ti"]).empty) { got.title = canned_query["ti"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "title: " ~ got.title ~ "\n"; } if ("uid" in canned_query && !(canned_query["uid"]).empty) { got.uid = canned_query["uid"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "uid: " ~ got.uid ~ "\n"; } if ("fn" in canned_query && !(canned_query["fn"]).empty) { got.fn = canned_query["fn"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "fn: " ~ got.fn ~ "\n"; } if ("kw" in canned_query && !(canned_query["kw"]).empty) { got.keywords = canned_query["kw"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "keywords: " ~ got.keywords ~ "\n"; } if ("tr" in canned_query && !(canned_query["tr"]).empty) { got.topic_register = canned_query["tr"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "topic_register: " ~ got.topic_register ~ "\n"; } if ("su" in canned_query && !(canned_query["su"]).empty) { got.subject = canned_query["su"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "subject: " ~ got.subject ~ "\n"; } if ("de" in canned_query && !(canned_query["de"]).empty) { got.description = canned_query["de"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "description: " ~ got.description ~ "\n"; } if ("pb" in canned_query && !(canned_query["pb"]).empty) { got.publisher = canned_query["pb"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "publisher: " ~ got.publisher ~ "\n"; } if ("ed" in canned_query && !(canned_query["ed"]).empty) { got.editor = canned_query["ed"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "editor: " ~ got.editor ~ "\n"; } if ("ct" in canned_query && !(canned_query["ct"]).empty) { got.contributor = canned_query["ct"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "contributor: " ~ got.contributor ~ "\n"; } if ("dt" in canned_query && !(canned_query["dt"]).empty) { got.date = canned_query["dt"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "date: " ~ got.date ~ "\n"; } if ("rt" in canned_query && !(canned_query["rt"]).empty) { got.results_type = canned_query["rt"].split("%20").join(" "); // got.search_text_area ~= "results_type: " ~ got.results_type ~ "\n"; } if ("fmt" in canned_query && !(canned_query["fmt"]).empty) { got.format = canned_query["fmt"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "format: " ~ got.format ~ "\n"; } if ("src" in canned_query && !(canned_query["src"]).empty) { got.source = canned_query["src"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "source: " ~ got.source ~ "\n"; } if ("lng" in canned_query && !(canned_query["lng"]).empty) { got.language = canned_query["lng"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "language: " ~ got.language ~ "\n"; } if ("rl" in canned_query && !(canned_query["rl"]).empty) { got.relation = canned_query["rl"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "relation: " ~ got.relation ~ "\n"; } if ("cv" in canned_query && !(canned_query["cv"]).empty) { got.coverage = canned_query["cv"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "coverage: " ~ got.coverage ~ "\n"; } if ("rgt" in canned_query && !(canned_query["rgt"]).empty) { got.rights = canned_query["rgt"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "rights: " ~ got.rights ~ "\n"; } if ("cmt" in canned_query && !(canned_query["cmt"]).empty) { got.comment = canned_query["cmt"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "comment: " ~ got.comment ~ "\n"; } // if ("abstract" in canned_query && !(canned_query["abstract"]).empty) { // got.abstract = canned_query["abstract"]; // } if ("bfn" in canned_query && !(canned_query["bfn"]).empty) { // search_field got.src_filename_base = canned_query["bfn"].split("%20").join(" "); got.search_text_area ~= "src_filename_base: " ~ got.src_filename_base ~ "\n"; } if ("sml" in canned_query && !(canned_query["sml"]).empty) { got.sql_match_limit = canned_query["sml"].split("%20").join(" "); // got.search_text_area ~= "sql_match_limit: " ~ got.sql_match_limit ~ "\n"; } // cgi.write("f.search_text_area: " ~ got.search_text_area ~ "
"); } #+END_SRC **** show_matched_objects (string fn) {} #+NAME: spine_search_show_matched_objects #+BEGIN_SRC d auto rgx = regex_canned_search; string _matched_objects_text = ""; string _url = canned_url; string _url_new = ""; string _matches_show_text = "&rt=txt"; string _matches_show_index = "&rt=idx"; string _fn = "&fn=" ~ fn; _url_new = _url; if (_url_new.match(rgx.results_type_index)) { _url_new = _url_new.replace(rgx.results_type_index, _matches_show_text); } else if (_url.match(rgx.results_type_text)) { _url_new = _url_new.replace(rgx.results_type_text, _matches_show_index); } else { if (!(_url.match(rgx.results_type))) { _url_new = _url ~ _matches_show_text; } } if (!(_url_new.match(rgx.fn))) { _url_new = _url_new ~ _fn; } _matched_objects_text = "" ~ "" ~ "፠" ~ ""; return _matched_objects_text; #+END_SRC **** previous_next () {} #+NAME: spine_search_previous_next #+BEGIN_SRC d auto rgx = regex_canned_search; string _previous_next = ""; int _current_offset_value = 0; string _set_offset_next = ""; string _set_offset_previous = ""; string _url = canned_url; string _url_previous = ""; string _url_next = ""; string arrow_previous = ""; string arrow_next = ""; if (auto m = _url.matchFirst(rgx.track_offset)) { _current_offset_value = m.captures["offset_val"].to!int; _set_offset_next = m.captures["offset_key"] ~ ((m.captures["offset_val"]).to!int + cv.sql_match_limit.to!int).to!string; _url_next = _url.replace(rgx.track_offset, _set_offset_next); if (_current_offset_value < cv.sql_match_limit.to!int) { _url_previous = ""; } else { _url_previous = ""; _set_offset_previous = m.captures["offset_key"] ~ ((m.captures["offset_val"]).to!int - cv.sql_match_limit.to!int).to!string; _url_previous = _url.replace(rgx.track_offset, _set_offset_previous); } } else { // _current_offset_value = 0; if ("query_string" in cgi.post) { _url_next = _url ~= "&smo=" ~ cv.sql_match_limit.to!string; } else { _url_next = ""; } } if (_url_previous.empty) { arrow_previous = ""; } else { arrow_previous = "" ~ "" ~ "❮❮ prev" ~ " || "; } if (_url_next.empty) { arrow_next = ""; } else { arrow_next = "" ~ "" ~ "next ❯❯" ~ ""; } _previous_next = "
" ~ arrow_previous ~ arrow_next; return _previous_next; #+END_SRC **** format html header #+NAME: spine_search_format_html_header #+HEADER: :noweb yes #+BEGIN_SRC d header = format(q"┃ %s ┃", conf.cgi_search_form_title, conf.http_request_type, conf.http_host, ); #+END_SRC **** format html table #+NAME: spine_search_format_html_table #+BEGIN_SRC d table = format(q"┃
┃", conf.cgi_search_form_html_title, ); #+END_SRC **** post_value(string field_name, string type="box", string set="on") {} #+NAME: spine_search_post_value #+BEGIN_SRC d string val = ""; switch (type) { case "field": val = ((field_name in cgi.post && !(cgi.post[field_name]).empty) ? cgi.post[field_name] : (field_name in cgi.get) ? cgi.get[field_name] : ""); val = tf.search_text_area; break; case "box": // generic for checkbox or radio; checkbox set == "on" radio set == "name set" val = ((field_name in cgi.post && !(cgi.post[field_name]).empty) ? (cgi.post[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off") : (field_name in cgi.get) ? (cgi.get[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off") : "off"); break; case "radio": // used generic bo val = ((field_name in cgi.post && !(cgi.post[field_name]).empty) ? (cgi.post[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off") : (field_name in cgi.get) ? (cgi.get[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off") : "checked"); break; case "checkbox": // used generic bo val = ((field_name in cgi.post && !(cgi.post[field_name]).empty) ? (cgi.post[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off") : (field_name in cgi.get) ? (cgi.get[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off") : "checked"); break; default: } return val; #+END_SRC **** string the_can(string fv) {} #+NAME: spine_search_the_can #+BEGIN_SRC d string show_the_can = post_value("url"); string _the_can = ""; if (show_the_can == "checked") { tf = text_fields; string method_get_url = conf.query_base_url ~ environment.get("QUERY_STRING", ""); string method_post_url_construct = conf.query_base_url ~ tf.canned_query; // assert(method_get_url == environment.get("HTTP_REFERER", conf.query_base_url ~ conf.query_string)); if (conf.request_method == "POST") { _the_can = "" ~ "POST: " ~ "" ~ method_post_url_construct ~ "" ~ "
"; } else if (conf.request_method == "GET") { _the_can = "" ~ "GET:  " ~ "" ~ method_get_url ~ ""; } conf.http_url = conf.http_request_type ~ "://" ~ conf.http_host ~ conf.cgi_script_name ~ tf.canned_query; } return _the_can; #+END_SRC **** string provide_tip() {} #+NAME: spine_search_provide_tip #+BEGIN_SRC d string searched_tip = post_value("se"); string tip = ""; if (searched_tip == "checked") { string search_field = post_value("sf", "field"); tf = text_fields; tip = format(q"┃ database: %s; selected view: index search string: %s %s %s %s %s %s
%s %s %s %s %s %s ┃", cv.db_selected, (tf.text.empty ? "" : "\"text: " ~ tf.text ~ "; "), (tf.title.empty ? "" : "\"title: " ~ tf.title ~ "; "), (tf.author.empty ? "" : "\"author: " ~ tf.author ~ "; "), (tf.date.empty ? "" : "\"date " ~ tf.date ~ "; "), (tf.uid.empty ? "" : "\"uid: " ~ tf.uid ~ "; "), (tf.fn.empty ? "" : "\"fn: " ~ tf.fn ~ "; "), (tf.text.empty ? "" : "text: " ~ tf.text ~ "
"), (tf.title.empty ? "" : "title: " ~ tf.title ~ "
"), (tf.author.empty ? "" : "author: " ~ tf.author ~ "
"), (tf.date.empty ? "" : "date: " ~ tf.date ~ "
"), (tf.uid.empty ? "" : "\"uid: " ~ tf.uid ~ "; "), (tf.fn.empty ? "" : "\"fn: " ~ tf.fn ~ "; "), ); } return tip; #+END_SRC **** form ⁜ ☀ ፨ ፠ ※ ⚏ #+NAME: spine_search_form #+HEADER: :noweb yes #+BEGIN_SRC d form = format(q"┃ <> ┃", _cfg.cgi_filename, (post_value("ec") == "checked") ? post_value("sf", "field") : "", provide_tip, search_note, the_can(post_value("sf", "field")), cv.db_selected, post_value("rt", "box", "idx"), post_value("rt", "box", "txt"), post_value("sml", "box", "1000"), post_value("sml", "box", "2500"), post_value("ec"), post_value("url"), post_value("se"), post_value("sql"), ); #+END_SRC #+NAME: spine_search_form_html #+BEGIN_SRC html
%s %s %s
match [ results: ፨ (index) ⚏ (text / grep) ]  [ limit: 1,000 2,500 ]
echo query search url searched sql statement
#+END_SRC **** set_value(string field_name, string default_val) {} #+NAME: spine_search_set_value #+BEGIN_SRC d string val; if (field_name in cgi.post) { val = cgi.post[field_name]; } else if (field_name in cgi.get) { val = cgi.get[field_name]; } else { val = default_val; } return val; #+END_SRC **** set_bool(string field_name) {} #+NAME: spine_search_set_bool #+BEGIN_SRC d bool val; if (field_name in cgi.post && cgi.post[field_name] == "on") { val = true; } else if (field_name in cgi.get && cgi.get[field_name] == "on") { val = true; } else { val = false; } return val; #+END_SRC **** set selections #+NAME: spine_search_set_selections #+BEGIN_SRC d cv.db_selected = set_value("selected_db", _cfg.db_sqlite_filename); // selected_db_name == db (spine.search.db or whatever) cv.sql_match_limit = set_value("sml", "1000"); cv.sql_match_offset = set_value("smo", "0"); cv.search_text = set_value("sf", ""); cv.results_type = set_value("rt", "idx"); cv.checked_echo = set_bool("ec"); cv.checked_stats = set_bool("sts"); cv.checked_url = set_bool("url"); cv.checked_searched = set_bool("se"); cv.checked_tip = set_bool("tip"); cv.checked_sql = set_bool("sql"); tf = text_fields; #+END_SRC **** string highlight_text_matched(string _txt, string search_field) {} #+NAME: spine_search_query_highlight_text_matched #+BEGIN_SRC d string _mark_open = "┤"; string _mark_close = "├"; string _span_match = ""; string _span_close = ""; string _sf_str = search_field.strip.split("%20").join(" ").strip; string[] _sf_arr = _sf_str.split(regex(r"\s+AND\s+|\s+OR\s+")); auto rgx_url = regex(r"]+?>"); foreach (_sf; _sf_arr) { auto rgx_matched_text = regex(_sf, "i"); auto rgx_marked_pair = regex(r"┤(?P" ~ _sf ~ ")├", "i"); if (auto m = _txt.matchFirst(rgx_url)) { _txt = replaceAll!(m => _mark_open ~ m.captures[0] ~ _mark_close )(_txt, rgx_matched_text); _txt = replaceAll!(m => replaceAll!(u => u["keep"] )(m.hit, rgx_marked_pair) )(_txt, rgx_url); _txt = replaceAll!(m => _span_match ~ m["keep"] ~ _span_close )(_txt, rgx_marked_pair); } else { _txt = replaceAll!(m => _span_match ~ m.captures[0] ~ _span_close )(_txt, rgx_matched_text); } } return _txt; #+END_SRC **** string select_field_like(string db_field, string search_field) {} #+NAME: spine_search_query_select_field_like #+BEGIN_SRC d string where_ = ""; if (!(search_field.empty)) { string _sf = search_field.strip.split("%20").join(" "); if (_sf.match(r" OR ")) { _sf = _sf.split(" OR ").join("%' OR " ~ db_field ~ " LIKE '%"); } if (_sf.match(r" AND ")) { _sf = _sf.split(" AND ").join("%' AND " ~ db_field ~ " LIKE '%"); } _sf = "( " ~ db_field ~ " LIKE\n '%" ~ _sf ~ "%' )"; where_ ~= format(q"┃ %s ┃", _sf ); } return where_; #+END_SRC **** query fields #+NAME: spine_search_query_fields #+BEGIN_SRC d string[] _fields; _fields ~= select_field_like("doc_objects.clean", tf.text); _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.title", tf.title); _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.creator_author", tf.author); _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.uid", tf.uid); _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.src_filename_base", tf.fn); _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.src_filename_base", tf.src_filename_base); _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.language_document_char", tf.language); _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.date_published", tf.date); _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.classify_keywords", tf.keywords); _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.classify_topic_register", tf.topic_register); string[] fields; foreach (f; _fields) { if (!(f.empty)) { fields ~= f; } } string fields_str = ""; fields_str ~= fields.join(" AND "); #+END_SRC **** the body format sql select #+NAME: spine_search_query_format_sql_select_the_body #+BEGIN_SRC d sql_select.the_body ~= format(q"┃ SELECT metadata_and_text.uid, metadata_and_text.title, metadata_and_text.creator_author_last_first, metadata_and_text.creator_author, metadata_and_text.src_filename_base, metadata_and_text.language_document_char, metadata_and_text.date_published, metadata_and_text.classify_keywords, metadata_and_text.classify_topic_register, doc_objects.body, doc_objects.seg_name, doc_objects.ocn, doc_objects.lev, doc_objects.is_a, metadata_and_text.uid FROM doc_objects, metadata_and_text WHERE ( %s ) AND doc_objects.uid_metadata_and_text = metadata_and_text.uid ORDER BY metadata_and_text.creator_author_last_first, metadata_and_text.date_published DESC, metadata_and_text.title, metadata_and_text.language_document_char, metadata_and_text.src_filename_base, doc_objects.ocn LIMIT %s OFFSET %s ;┃", fields_str, cv.sql_match_limit, cv.sql_match_offset, ); #+END_SRC **** cgi writes #+NAME: spine_search_cgi_writes #+BEGIN_SRC d (cv.checked_sql) ? cgi.write(previous_next ~ "
" ~ sql_select.the_body.strip.split("\n ").join(" ").split("\n").join("
") ~ "\n" ) : ""; cgi.write(previous_next); auto select_query_results = db.execute(sql_select.the_body).cached; string _old_uid = ""; if (!select_query_results.empty) { string _date_published = "0000"; string _close_para = ""; string _matched_ocn_open = ""; foreach (idx, row; select_query_results) { if (row["uid"].as!string != _old_uid) { _close_para = (idx == 1) ? "" : "

"; _matched_ocn_open = (idx == 1) ? "" : "

"; _old_uid = row["uid"].as!string; _date_published = (row["date_published"].as!string.match(regex(r"^([0-9]{4})"))) ? row["date_published"].as!string : "0000"; // used in regex that breaks if no match auto m = _date_published.match(regex(r"^([0-9]{4})")); string _date = (m.hit == "0000") ? "(year?) " : "(" ~ m.hit ~ ") "; cgi.write( _close_para ~ "

" ~ "

\"" ~ row["title"].as!string ~ "\"" ~ " " ~ _date ~ "[" ~ row["language_document_char"].as!string ~ "] " ~ row["creator_author_last_first"].as!string ~ " " ~ show_matched_objects(row["src_filename_base"].as!string) ~ "

" ~ "
" ); } if (cv.results_type == "txt") { string _sfn, _id; if ((row["lev"].as!int < 4) || (row["ocn"].as!string == "0")) { if (row["is_a"].as!string == "bookindex") { _sfn = "bookindex"; _id = "idx"; } else if (row["is_a"].as!string == "blurb") { _sfn = "blurb"; _id = "bm"; } else { _sfn = "toc"; _id = row["ocn"].as!string; } cgi.write( "
" ~ "
" ~ "

" ~ _id ~ ":

" ~ "
" ~ "
" ~ highlight_text_matched(row["body"].as!string, tf.text) ~ "
" ~ "
" ); } else { if (row["is_a"].as!string == "bibliography") { _id = row["ocn"].as!string ~ "b"; _sfn = "bibliography"; } else if (row["is_a"].as!string == "glossary") { _id = row["ocn"].as!string ~ "g"; _sfn = "glossary"; } else { _id = row["ocn"].as!string; _sfn = row["seg_name"].as!string; } cgi.write( "
" ~ "
" ~ "

" ~ _id ~ ":

" ~ "
" ~ "
" ~ highlight_text_matched(row["body"].as!string, tf.text) ~ "
" ~ "
" ); } } else { string _sfn, _id; if ((row["lev"].as!int < 4) || (row["ocn"].as!string == "0")) { if (row["is_a"].as!string == "bookindex") { _sfn = "bookindex"; _id = "i"; } else if (row["is_a"].as!string == "blurb") { _sfn = "blurb"; _id = "bm"; } else { _sfn = "toc"; _id = row["ocn"].as!string; } cgi.write( _matched_ocn_open ~ "" ~ _id ~ ", " ); } else { if (row["is_a"].as!string == "bibliography") { _id = row["ocn"].as!string ~ "b"; _sfn = "bibliography"; } else if (row["is_a"].as!string == "glossary") { _id = row["ocn"].as!string ~ "g"; _sfn = "glossary"; } else { _id = row["ocn"].as!string; _sfn = row["seg_name"].as!string; } cgi.write( _matched_ocn_open ~ "" ~ _id ~ ", " ); } _matched_ocn_open = ""; } } cgi.write( previous_next); } else { // offset_not_beyond_limit = false; cgi.write("select_query_results empty

\n"); } #+END_SRC **** cgi write tail #+NAME: spine_search_cgi_write_tail #+BEGIN_SRC d cgi.write("

Δ git

"); #+END_SRC **** debug info #+NAME: spine_search_debug_info #+BEGIN_SRC d cgi.write("db with path: " ~ conf.db_path ~ "/" ~ cv.db_selected ~ "
\n"); cgi.write("http url: " ~ conf.http_url ~ "
\n"); cgi.write("query base url: " ~ conf.query_base_url ~ "
\n"); cgi.write("db_selected: " ~ cv.db_selected ~ "
\n"); cgi.write("search_text: " ~ cv.search_text ~ "
\n"); cgi.write("sql_match_limit: " ~ cv.sql_match_limit ~ ";\n"); cgi.write("sql_match_offset: " ~ cv.sql_match_offset ~ ";\n"); cgi.write("results_type: " ~ cv.results_type ~ "
\n"); cgi.write("cv.checked_echo: " ~ (cv.checked_echo ? "checked" : "off") ~ "; \n"); cgi.write("cv.checked_stats: " ~ (cv.checked_stats ? "checked" : "off") ~ "; \n"); cgi.write("cv.checked_url: " ~ (cv.checked_url ? "checked" : "off") ~ "; \n"); cgi.write("cv.checked_searched: " ~ (cv.checked_searched ? "checked" : "off") ~ ";
\n"); cgi.write("cv.checked_tip: " ~ (cv.checked_tip ? "checked" : "off") ~ "; \n"); cgi.write("cv.checked_sql: " ~ (cv.checked_sql ? "checked" : "off") ~ "
\n"); #+END_SRC **** css - if base size is 16px, 62.5% is 10px 1rem == 10px 1.6rem == 16px #+NAME: spine_search_css #+BEGIN_SRC css html { font-size : 62.5%%; } ,*{ padding : 0px; margin : 2px; } body { height : 100vh; font-size : 1.6rem; color : #000000; background : #FFFFFF; background-color : #FFFFFF; } a:link { color : #003399; text-decoration : none; } a:visited { color : #003399; text-decoration : none; } a:hover { color : #000000; background-color : #F9F9AA; } a.matched_ocn:link { color : #003399; text-decoration : none; } a.matched_ocn:visited { color : #003399; text-decoration : none; } a.matched_ocn:hover { color : #000000; background-color : #F9F9AA; font-size : 1.6rem; } a.lnkocn:link { color : #777777; text-decoration : none; } a.lnkocn:visited { color : #32CD32; text-decoration : none; } a.lnkocn:hover { color : #777777; font-size : 1.6rem; } a:hover img { background-color : #FFFFFF; } a:active { color : #003399; text-decoration : underline; } .flex-container { display : flex; } div.publication { margin-top : 2px; margin-bottom : 4px; margin-left : 0%%; margin-right : 0%%; } div.textview_ocn { margin-left : 0%%; margin-right : 1%%; } div.textview_found { margin-left : 1%%; margin-right : 1%%; } textarea { color : #000000; background-color : #FFFFFF; } span.match { color : #000000; background-color : #FFFF48; } input, select, textarea { font-size : 2rem; } input[type="text"] { font-size : 2rem; line-height : 150%%; } button[type="submit"] { font-size : 2rem; line-height : 150%%; } p.norm { } p.center { text-align : center; } p.i1 { padding-left : 1em; } p.i2 { padding-left : 2em; } p.i3 { padding-left : 3em; } p.i4 { padding-left : 4em; } p.i5 { padding-left : 5em; } p.i6 { padding-left : 6em; } p.i7 { padding-left : 7em; } p.i8 { padding-left : 8em; } p.i9 { padding-left : 9em; } /* hanging indent */ p[indent="h0i0"] { padding-left : 0em; text-indent : 0em; } p.publication { font-size : 1.6rem; margin-left : 0em; margin-top : 0px; margin-bottom : 0px; margin-right : 6px; text-align : left; } p.ocn_is { font-size : 1.6rem; display : inline-block; } p.matched_ocn { font-size : 1.5rem; margin-left : 2em; margin-top : 0px; margin-bottom : 0px; margin-right : 6px; text-align : left; } p[indent="h0i1"] { padding-left : 1em; text-indent : -1em; } p[indent="h0i2"] { padding-left : 2em; text-indent : -2em; } p[indent="h0i3"] { padding-left : 3em; text-indent : -3em; } p[indent="h0i4"] { padding-left : 4em; text-indent : -4em; } p[indent="h0i5"] { padding-left : 5em; text-indent : -5em; } p[indent="h0i6"] { padding-left : 6em; text-indent : -6em; } p[indent="h0i7"] { padding-left : 7em; text-indent : -7em; } p[indent="h0i8"] { padding-left : 8em; text-indent : -8em; } p[indent="h0i9"] { padding-left : 9em; text-indent : -9em; } p[indent="h1i0"] { padding-left : 0em; text-indent : 1em; } p[indent="h1i1"] { padding-left : 1em; text-indent : 0em; } p[indent="h1i2"] { padding-left : 2em; text-indent : -1em; } p[indent="h1i3"] { padding-left : 3em; text-indent : -2em; } p[indent="h1i4"] { padding-left : 4em; text-indent : -3em; } p[indent="h1i5"] { padding-left : 5em; text-indent : -4em; } p[indent="h1i6"] { padding-left : 6em; text-indent : -5em; } p[indent="h1i7"] { padding-left : 7em; text-indent : -6em; } p[indent="h1i8"] { padding-left : 8em; text-indent : -7em; } p[indent="h1i9"] { padding-left : 9em; text-indent : -8em; } p[indent="h2i0"] { padding-left : 0em; text-indent : 2em; } p[indent="h2i1"] { padding-left : 1em; text-indent : 1em; } p[indent="h2i2"] { padding-left : 2em; text-indent : 0em; } p[indent="h2i3"] { padding-left : 3em; text-indent : -1em; } p[indent="h2i4"] { padding-left : 4em; text-indent : -2em; } p[indent="h2i5"] { padding-left : 5em; text-indent : -3em; } p[indent="h2i6"] { padding-left : 6em; text-indent : -4em; } p[indent="h2i7"] { padding-left : 7em; text-indent : -5em; } p[indent="h2i8"] { padding-left : 8em; text-indent : -6em; } p[indent="h2i9"] { padding-left : 9em; text-indent : -7em; } p[indent="h3i0"] { padding-left : 0em; 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