From 90051a7ea55acb043434b1c2483b878d602246ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralph Amissah
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2021 19:37:00 -0400
Subject: org mode (ruby code within)
org/ | 1620 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 1620 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 org/
(limited to 'org/')
diff --git a/org/ b/org/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2c04a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/
@@ -0,0 +1,1620 @@
+-*- mode: org -*-
+#+TITLE: sisu json
+#+DESCRIPTION: documents - structuring, various output representations & search
+#+FILETAGS: :sisu:json:
+#+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah
+#+EMAIL: [[][]]
+#+COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2021 Ralph Amissah
+#+STARTUP: content hideblocks hidestars noindent entitiespretty
+#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t
+#+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :noweb yes
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :eval no
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :results no
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :cache no
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no
+* json.rb
+#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/json.rb"
+# <>
+module SiSU_JSON
+ require_relative 'se_hub_particulars' # se_hub_particulars.rb
+ include SiSU_Particulars
+ require_relative 'se' # se.rb
+ include SiSU_Env
+ require_relative 'json_shared' # json_shared.rb
+ include SiSU_JSON_Munge
+ require_relative 'json_format' # json_format.rb
+ include SiSU_JSON_Format
+ require_relative 'json_persist' # json_persist.rb
+ require_relative 'shared_metadata' # shared_metadata.rb
+ @@alt_id_count=0
+ @@tablefoot=''
+ class Source
+ def initialize(opt)
+ @opt=opt
+ @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::CombinedSingleton.instance.get_all(opt)
+ end
+ def read
+ begin
+ @env,@md,@ao_array=@particulars.env,,@particulars.ao_array
+ unless @opt.act[:quiet][:set]==:on
+ tool=if (@opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \
+ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on)
+ @env.program.web_browser +
+ ' file://' +
+ @md.file.output_path.json.dir + '/' +
+ @md.file.base_filename.json
+ elsif @opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on
+ @env.program.web_browser +
+ ' file://' +
+ @md.file.output_path.json.dir + '/' +
+ @md.file.base_filename.json
+ else "[#{@opt.f_pth[:lng_is]}] #{@opt.fno}"
+ end
+ (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \
+ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \
+ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on) \
+ ?
+ @opt.act[:color_state][:set],
+ 'JSON',
+ tool
+ ).green_hi_blue
+ :
+ @opt.act[:color_state][:set],
+ 'JSON',
+ tool
+ ).green_title_hi
+ if (@opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \
+ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on)
+ @opt.act[:color_state][:set],
+ @opt.fns,
+ '/' + @md.file.output_path.json.dir +
+ '/' + @md.file.base_filename.json
+ ).flow
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+$!,$@,@opt.selections.str,@opt.fns).location do
+ __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
+ end
+ ensure
+ Dir.chdir(@opt.f_pth[:pth])
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ class Songsheet
+ def initialize(particulars)
+ @env,@md,@ao_array,@particulars=
+ particulars.env,,particulars.ao_array,particulars
+ end
+ def song
+ begin
+ rescue
+$!,$@,@md.opt.selections.str,@md.fns).location do
+ __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
+ end
+ ensure
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Scroll
+ require_relative 'json_shared' # json_shared.rb #check already called
+ require_relative 'txt_shared' # txt_shared.rb
+ include SiSU_TextUtils
+ require_relative 'css' # css.rb
+ def initialize(particulars)
+ @env,@md,@ao_array=particulars.env,,particulars.ao_array
+ @tab="\t"
+ end
+ def songsheet
+ begin
+ pre
+ @data=markup(@ao_array)
+ post
+ publish
+ ensure
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def embedded_endnotes(dob='')
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}(\d+)\s+(.+?)#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/,
+ '\1 \2 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}([*+]\d+)\s+(.+?)#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/,
+ '\1 \2 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}([*+]+)\s+(.+?)#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/,
+ '\1 \2 ')
+ end
+ def extract_endnotes(dob='')
+ notes=dob.obj.scan(/(?:#{Mx[:en_a_o]}|#{Mx[:en_b_o]})([\d*+]+\s+.+?)(?:#{Mx[:en_a_c]}|#{Mx[:en_b_c]})/)
+ notes.flatten.each do |e|
+ s=e.to_s
+ wrap=util.line_json_clean
+ wrap=wrap.gsub(/^(\d+)\s+(.+?)\s*\Z/m, <<-WOK
+\\n[\\1.] \\2
+ ).
+ gsub(/^([*+]\d+)\s+(.+?)\s*\Z/m, <<-WOK
+\\n[\\1.] \\2
+ ).
+ gsub(/^([*+]+)\s+(.+?)\s*\Z/m, <<-WOK
+\\n[\\1.] \\2
+ ).strip
+#KEEP alternative presentation of endnotes
+# wrap=wrap.gsub(/^(\d+)\s+(.+?)\s*\Z/m, <
+##{Ax[:tab]*2}\\1. \\2
+ @endnotes << wrap
+ end
+ end
+ def json_head
+ #@per.head << metadata
+ end
+ def name_tags(dob)
+ tags=''
+ if defined? dob.tags \
+ and dob.tags.length > 0 # insert tags "hypertargets"
+ dob.tags.each do |t|
+ tags=tags << %{ }
+ end
+ end
+ tags
+ end
+ def json_structure(dob,attrib=nil)
+ if ==:para \
+ || ==:heading
+ if
+ lv=dob.ln
+ dob.ln + 2
+ else lv=nil
+ end
+ extract_endnotes(dob)
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}([\d*+]+)\s+(?:.+?)#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/,'\1 '). #footnote/endnote clean
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}([\d*+]+)\s+(?:.+?)#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/,'\1 ')
+ wrapped=util.line_json_clean
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '{'
+ if defined? dob.ocn and dob.ocn
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*2 + '"ocn": ' + dob.ocn.to_s + '",'
+ end
+ if lv # main text, contents, body KEEP
+ @per.body <<
+ Ax[:tab]*2 + %{"object": "} + wrapped + %{ } +
+ ((@endnotes.length > 0) ? '",' : '"')
+ else
+ @per.body <<
+ Ax[:tab]*2 + '"object": "' + wrapped +
+ ((@endnotes.length > 0) ? '",' : '"')
+ end
+ if @endnotes.length > 0 # main text, endnotes KEEP
+ @per.body <<
+ Ax[:tab]*2 + '"endnotes": "' +
+ @endnotes.compact.join.strip + '"'
+ end
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '},' # unless is last object then '}'
+ @endnotes=[]
+ end
+ end
+ def block_structure(dob)
+ dob=@trans.markup_block(dob)
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.strip.
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}([\d*+]+)\s+(?:.+?)#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/,'\1 '). #footnote/endnote clean
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}([\d*+]+)\s+(?:.+?)#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/,'\1 ') #footnote/endnote clean
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '{'
+ if defined? dob.ocn and dob.ocn
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*2 + '"ocn": ' + dob.ocn.to_s + '",'
+ end
+ @per.body <<
+ Ax[:tab]*2 + '"object": "' + dob.obj + '"'
+ #((@endnotes.length > 0) ? '",' : '"')
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '},' # unless is last object then '}'
+ end
+ def group_structure(dob)
+ dob=@trans.markup_group(dob)
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.strip.
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}([\d*+]+)\s+(?:.+?)#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/,'\1 '). #footnote/endnote clean
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}([\d*+]+)\s+(?:.+?)#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/,'\1 ') #footnote/endnote clean
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '{'
+ if defined? dob.ocn and dob.ocn
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*2 + '"ocn": ' + dob.ocn.to_s + '",'
+ end
+ @per.body <<
+ Ax[:tab]*2 + '"object": "' + dob.obj + '"'
+ #((@endnotes.length > 0) ? '",' : '"')
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '},' # unless is last object then '}'
+ end
+ def poem_structure(dob)
+ dob=@trans.markup_group(dob)
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.strip
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '{'
+ if defined? dob.ocn and dob.ocn
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*2 + '"ocn": ' + dob.ocn.to_s + '",'
+ end
+ @per.body <<
+ Ax[:tab]*2 + '"object": "' + dob.obj + '"'
+ #((@endnotes.length > 0) ? '",' : '"')
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '},' # unless is last object then '}'
+ end
+ def code_structure(dob)
+ dob=@trans.markup_group(dob)
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/\s\s/,' ').strip
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '{'
+ if defined? dob.ocn and dob.ocn
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*2 + '"ocn": ' + dob.ocn.to_s + '",'
+ end
+ @per.body <<
+ Ax[:tab]*2 + '"object": "' + dob.obj + '"'
+ #((@endnotes.length > 0) ? '",' : '"')
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '},' # unless is last object then '}'
+ end
+ def table_structure(dob)
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '{'
+ if defined? dob.ocn and dob.ocn
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*2 + '"ocn": ' + dob.ocn.to_s + '",'
+ end
+ @per.body <<
+ Ax[:tab]*2 + '"object": "' + table.table.obj + '"'
+ #((@endnotes.length > 0) ? '",' : '"')
+ @per.body << Ax[:tab]*1 + '},' # unless is last object then '}'
+ end
+ def markup(data)
+ @endnotes=[]
+ @rcdc=false
+ @level,@cont,@copen,@json_contents_close=[],[],[],[]
+ json_head
+ (0..7).each { |x| @cont[x]=@level[x]=false }
+ (4..7).each { |x| @json_contents_close[x]='' }
+ data.each_with_index do |dob,i|
+ dob=@trans.char_enc.utf8(dob) if @sys.locale =~/utf-?8/i #% utf8
+ dob=@trans.markup(dob)
+ if @rcdc==false \
+ and (dob.obj =~/~meta/ \
+ and dob.obj =~/Document Information/)
+ @rcdc=true
+ end
+ if dob.obj !~/(^#{Rx[:meta]}|#{Mx[:br_eof]}|#{Mx[:br_endnotes]})/
+ if not @rcdc
+ if
+ json_structure(dob)
+ dob.obj=case dob.ln
+ when 0 then x.heading_body0
+ when 1 then x.heading_body1
+ when 2 then x.heading_body2
+ when 3 then x.heading_body3
+ when 4 then x.heading_body4
+ when 5 then x.heading_body5
+ when 6 then x.heading_body6
+ when 7 then x.heading_body7
+ end
+ else
+ if ==:verse
+ poem_structure(dob)
+ elsif ==:group
+ group_structure(dob)
+ elsif ==:block
+ block_structure(dob)
+ elsif ==:code
+ code_structure(dob)
+ elsif ==:table
+ table_structure(dob)
+ elsif ==:para \
+ and dob.indent.to_s =~/[1-9]/ \
+ and dob.bullet_==true
+ json_structure(dob,"indent_bullet#{dob.indent}")
+ elsif ==:para \
+ and dob.indent.to_s =~/[1-9]/ \
+ and dob.indent == dob.hang
+ json_structure(dob,"indent#{dob.indent}")
+ elsif \
+ and dob.hang.to_s =~/[0-9]/ \
+ and dob.indent != dob.hang
+ json_structure(dob,"hang#{dob.hang.to_s}_indent#{dob.indent.to_s}")
+ else json_structure(dob)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:pa_o]}:\S+#{Mx[:pa_c]}/,'') if dob.obj
+ end
+ end
+ 6.downto(4) do |x|
+ y=x - 1; v=x - 3
+ @per.body << "#{Ax[:tab]*5}\n#{Ax[:tab]*y}" if @level[x]==true
+ end
+ 3.downto(1) do |x|
+ y=x - 1
+ @per.body << "#{Ax[:tab]*y}" if @level[x]==true
+ end
+ end
+ def pre
+ @per.head,@per.body=[],[]
+ = '{'
+ end
+ def post
+ @per.close = '}'
+ end
+ def publish
+ content=[]
+ @per.body[-1] = @per.body[-1].gsub(/,$/, '') #= Ax[:tab]*1 + '}'
+ content << << @per.head << @per.body << @per.metadata
+ content << @per.tail << @per.close
+ content=content.flatten.compact
+ end
+ end
+ class Output
+ def initialize(data,md)
+ @data,@md=data,md
+ end
+ def json
+ filename_json=@file.write_file.json
+ @data.each do |str|
+ str=str.gsub(/\A\s+\Z/m,'') #str.gsub(/^\s+$/,'')
+ filename_json.puts str unless str.empty?
+ end
+ filename_json.close
+ end
+ end
+ end
+* json_parts.rb
+#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/json_parts.rb"
+# <>
+module SiSU_Parts_JSON
+ require_relative 'generic_parts' # generic_parts.rb
+ include SiSU_Parts_Generic
+ def the_line_break
+ ' '
+ end
+ def the_table_close
+ '
+ end
+ def the_url_decoration
+ def xml_open #'<'
+ Dx[:url_o]
+ end
+ def xml_close #'>'
+ Dx[:url_c]
+ end
+ def txt_open
+ '['
+ end
+ def txt_close
+ ']'
+ end
+ self
+ end
+module SiSU_Proj_XML
+ require_relative 'html_parts' # html_parts.rb
+ require_relative 'se' # se.rb
+ include SiSU_Env
+ class Bits < SiSU_Proj_HTML::Bits
+ end
+* json_shared.rb
+#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/json_shared.rb"
+# <>
+module SiSU_JSONutils
+ require_relative 'generic_parts' # generic_parts.rb
+ class Clean
+ def initialize(para='')
+ @para=para
+ #@para,@n_char_max,@n_indent,@post,=para,n_char_max,n_indent,post
+ #@n_char_max_extend = n_char_max
+ #@n_hang=n_hang ? n_hang : @n_indent
+ end
+ def line_json_clean
+ @para=@para.gsub(/ /,' \\ ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:br_nl]}/,"\n\n").
+ gsub(/"/,'\"').
+ gsub(/'/,"\\\\'")
+ @para
+ end
+ end
+module SiSU_JSON_Munge
+ require_relative 'json_parts' # json_parts.rb
+ class Trans
+ include SiSU_Parts_JSON
+ def initialize(md)
+ @md=md
+ if @md.sem_tag
+ @ab ||=semantic_tags.default
+ end
+ end
+ def semantic_tags
+ def default
+ {
+ pub: 'publication',
+ conv: 'convention',
+ vol: 'volume',
+ pg: 'page',
+ cty: 'city',
+ org: 'organization',
+ uni: 'university',
+ dept: 'department',
+ fac: 'faculty',
+ inst: 'institute',
+ co: 'company',
+ com: 'company',
+ conv: 'convention',
+ dt: 'date',
+ y: 'year',
+ m: 'month',
+ d: 'day',
+ ti: 'title',
+ au: 'author',
+ ed: 'editor', #editor?
+ v: 'version', #edition
+ n: 'name',
+ fn: 'firstname',
+ mn: 'middlename',
+ ln: 'lastname',
+ in: 'initials',
+ qt: 'quote',
+ ct: 'cite',
+ ref: 'reference',
+ ab: 'abreviation',
+ def: 'define',
+ desc: 'description',
+ trans: 'translate',
+ }
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def char_enc #character encode
+ def utf8(dob='')
+ if @sys.locale =~/utf-?8/i # instead ucs for utf8 # String#encode Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn
+ str=if defined? dob.obj then dob.obj
+ elsif dob.is_a?(String) then dob
+ end
+ if str
+ #¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûü
+ #¢£¥§©ª«®°±²³µ¶¹º»¼½¾×÷
+ str=str.gsub(//um,'>'). # '>' # >
+ gsub(/¢/um,'¢'). # '¢' # ¢
+ gsub(/£/um,'£'). # '£' # £
+ gsub(/¥/um,'¥'). # '¥' # ¥
+ gsub(/§/um,'§'). # '§' # §
+ gsub(/©/um,'©'). # '©' # ©
+ gsub(/ª/um,'ª'). # 'ª' # ª
+ gsub(/«/um,'«'). # '«' # «
+ gsub(/®/um,'®'). # '®' # ®
+ gsub(/°/um,'°'). # '°' # °
+ gsub(/±/um,'±'). # '±' # ±
+ gsub(/²/um,'²'). # '²' # ²
+ gsub(/³/um,'³'). # '³' # ³
+ gsub(/µ/um,'µ'). # 'µ' # µ
+ gsub(/¶/um,'¶'). # '¶' # ¶
+ gsub(/¹/um,'¹'). # '¹' # ¹
+ gsub(/º/um,'º'). # 'º' # º
+ gsub(/»/um,'»'). # '»' # »
+ gsub(/¼/um,'¼'). # '¼' # ¼
+ gsub(/½/um,'½'). # '½' # ½
+ gsub(/¾/um,'¾'). # '¾' # ¾
+ gsub(/×/um,'×'). # '×' # ×
+ gsub(/÷/um,'÷'). # '÷' # ÷
+ gsub(/¿/um,'¿'). # '¿' # ¿
+ gsub(/À/um,'À'). # 'À' # À
+ gsub(/Á/um,'Á'). # 'Á' # Á
+ gsub(/Â/um,'Â'). # 'Â' # Â
+ gsub(/Ã/um,'Ã'). # 'Ã' # Ã
+ gsub(/Ä/um,'Ä'). # 'Ä' # Ä
+ gsub(/Å/um,'Å'). # 'Å' # Å
+ gsub(/Æ/um,'Æ'). # 'Æ' # Æ
+ gsub(/Ç/um,'Ç'). # 'Ç' # Ç
+ gsub(/È/um,'È'). # 'È' # È
+ gsub(/É/um,'É'). # 'É' # É
+ gsub(/Ê/um,'Ê'). # 'Ê' # Ê
+ gsub(/Ë/um,'Ë'). # 'Ë' # Ë
+ gsub(/Ì/um,'Ì'). # 'Ì' # Ì
+ gsub(/Í/um,'Í'). # 'Í' # Í
+ gsub(/Î/um,'Î'). # 'Î' # Î
+ gsub(/Ï/um,'Ï'). # 'Ï' # Ï
+ gsub(/Ð/um,'Ð'). # 'Ð' # Ð
+ gsub(/Ñ/um,'Ñ'). # 'Ñ' # Ñ
+ gsub(/Ò/um,'Ò'). # 'Ò' # Ò
+ gsub(/Ó/um,'Ó'). # 'Ó' # Ó
+ gsub(/Ô/um,'Ô'). # 'Ô' # Ô
+ gsub(/Õ/um,'Õ'). # 'Õ' # Õ
+ gsub(/Ö/um,'Ö'). # 'Ö' # Ö
+ gsub(/Ø/um,'Ø'). # 'Ø' # Ø
+ gsub(/Ù/um,'Ù'). # 'Ù' # Ù
+ gsub(/Ú/um,'Ú'). # 'Ú' # Ú
+ gsub(/Û/um,'Û'). # 'Û' # Û
+ gsub(/Ü/um,'Ü'). # 'Ü' # Ü
+ gsub(/Ý/um,'Ý'). # 'Ý' # Ý
+ gsub(/Þ/um,'Þ'). # 'Þ' # Þ
+ gsub(/ß/um,'ß'). # 'ß' # ß
+ gsub(/à/um,'à'). # 'à' # à
+ gsub(/á/um,'á'). # 'á' # á
+ gsub(/â/um,'â'). # 'â' # â
+ gsub(/ã/um,'ã'). # 'ã' # ã
+ gsub(/ä/um,'ä'). # 'ä' # ä
+ gsub(/å/um,'å'). # 'å' # å
+ gsub(/æ/um,'æ'). # 'æ' # æ
+ gsub(/ç/um,'ç'). # 'ç' # ç
+ gsub(/è/um,'è'). # 'è' # è
+ gsub(/é/um,'é'). # '´' # é
+ gsub(/ê/um,'ê'). # 'ˆ' # ê
+ gsub(/ë/um,'ë'). # 'ë' # ë
+ gsub(/ì/um,'ì'). # 'ì' # ì
+ gsub(/í/um,'í'). # '´' # í
+ gsub(/î/um,'î'). # 'î' # î
+ gsub(/ï/um,'ï'). # 'ï' # ï
+ gsub(/ð/um,'ð'). # 'ð' # ð
+ gsub(/ñ/um,'ñ'). # 'ñ' # ñ
+ gsub(/ò/um,'ò'). # 'ò' # ò
+ gsub(/ó/um,'ó'). # 'ó' # ó
+ gsub(/ô/um,'ô'). # 'ô' # ô
+ gsub(/õ/um,'õ'). # 'õ' # õ
+ gsub(/ö/um,'ö'). # 'ö' # ö
+ gsub(/ø/um,'ø'). # 'ø' # ø
+ gsub(/ù/um,'ú'). # 'ù' # ú
+ gsub(/ú/um,'û'). # 'ú' # û
+ gsub(/û/um,'ü'). # 'û' # ü
+ gsub(/ü/um,'ý'). # 'ü' # ý
+ gsub(/þ/um,'þ'). # 'þ' # þ
+ gsub(/ÿ/um,'ÿ'). # 'ÿ' # ÿ
+ gsub(/‘/um,'‘'). # '‘' # ‘
+ gsub(/’/um,'’'). # '’' # ’
+ gsub(/“/um,'“'). # “ # “
+ gsub(/”/um,'”'). # ” # ”
+ gsub(/–/um,'–'). # – # –
+ gsub(/—/um,'—'). # — # —
+ gsub(/∝/um,'∝'). # ∝ # ∝
+ gsub(/∞/um,'∞'). # ∞ # ∞
+ gsub(/™/um,'™'). # ™ # ™
+ gsub(/✠/um,'✠'). # ✗ # ✠
+ gsub(/ /um,' '). # space identify
+ gsub(/ /um,' ') # space identify
+ end
+ dob=if defined? dob.obj
+ dob.obj=str
+ dob
+ elsif dob.is_a?(String)
+ str
+ end
+ dob
+ end
+ end
+ def html(dob='')
+ if @sys.locale =~/utf-?8/i # instead ucs for utf8 # String#encode Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/ /u,' '). # space identify
+ gsub(/ /u,' ') # space identify
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def tidywords(wordlist)
+ wordlist_new=[]
+ wordlist.each do |x|
+ #imperfect solution will not catch all possible cases
+ x=x.gsub(/&/,'&') unless x =~/&\S+;/
+ x=x.gsub(/&([A-Z])/,'&\1')
+ wordlist_new << x
+ end
+ wordlist_new
+ end
+ def markup(dob='')
+ wordlist=dob.obj.scan(/&[#0-9a-z]+;|\S+|\n/) #\n needed for tables, check though added 2005w17
+ dob.obj=tidywords(wordlist).join(' ').strip
+ unless
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:br_line]}/u,' ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}/u,' ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:br_line]}|#{Mx[:br_nl]}/,' ')
+ end
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:mk_o]}:name#\S+?#{Mx[:mk_c]}/,'').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:mk_o]}#([a-zA-Z]+)#{Mx[:mk_c]}/,'&\1;').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:mk_o]}(#[0-9]+)#{Mx[:mk_c]}/,'&\1;').
+ gsub(/(^|#{Mx[:gl_c]}|\s+)<\s+/,'\1< ').gsub(/\s+>(\s+|$)/,' >\1').
+ #gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_emphasis_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_emphasis_c]}/,'\1 '). #reinstate
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}/m,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}/m,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_superscript_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_superscript_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_subscript_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_subscript_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_insert_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_insert_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_cite_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_cite_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_strike_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_strike_c]}/,'\1').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_monospace_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_monospace_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/<:pb>\s*/,''). #Fix
+ gsub(/<+[-~]#>+/,'')
+ if !=:code
+ #embeds a red-bullet image -->
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_strike_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_strike_c]}/,'\1')
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:br_line]}|#{Mx[:br_nl]}/,' ') unless
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:br_page]}\s*/,'').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:br_page_new]}\s*/,'').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:br_page_line]}\s*/,'').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:pa_non_object_no_heading]}|#{Mx[:pa_non_object_dummy_heading]}/,'').
+ gsub(/<[-~]#>/,'').
+ gsub(/href="#{Xx[:segment]}/m,'href="').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}([^#{Mx[:lnk_o]}#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:rel_o]}#{Mx[:rel_c]}]+?)#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:rel_o]}(\.\.\/\S+?)#{Mx[:rel_c]}/,
+ ' \1').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}([^#{Mx[:lnk_o]}#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:rel_o]}#{Mx[:rel_c]}]+?)#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:rel_o]}:(\S+?)#{Mx[:rel_c]}/,
+ ' \1').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:rel_o]}(\S+?)#{Mx[:rel_c]}/,
+ ' \1').
+ gsub(/(?:^|[^_\\])#{Mx[:lnk_o]}[ ]*(\S+?\.(?:jpg|png|gif))[ ]+(\d+)x(\d+)(\s+[^}]+)?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:url_o]}(\S+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/,
+ %{ [\\1] \\4}).
+ gsub(/(?:^|[^_\\])#{Mx[:lnk_o]}[ ]*(\S+?\.(?:jpg|png|gif))([ ]+[^}]+)?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:url_o]}(\S+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/,
+ %{ \\1}).
+ gsub(/(?:^|[^_\\])#{Mx[:lnk_o]}[ ]*(\S+?\.(?:jpg|png|gif))[ ]+(\d+)x(\d+)(\s+[^}]+)?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}image/,
+ %{ [\\1] \\4}).
+ gsub(/(?:^|[^_\\])#{Mx[:lnk_o]}[ ]*(\S+?\.(?:jpg|png|gif))([ ]+[^}]+)?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}image/,
+ %{ \\1}).
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:url_o]}(\S+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/,
+ ' \1'). #watch, compare html_tune
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:url_o]}(\S+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/,
+ %{#{the_url_decoration.xml_open} \\1#{the_url_decoration.xml_close}}).
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:url_o]}_(\S+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/,
+ ' \1') #escaped urls not linked, deal with later
+ else
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(//m,'>')
+ end
+ if dob.of==:block
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:gl_bullet]}/,'● ')
+ end
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:url_o]}([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\@\S+?\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)#{Mx[:url_c]}/,
+ %{#{the_url_decoration.xml_open}\\1#{the_url_decoration.xml_close}}).
+ gsub(/#{Dx[:url_o]}/,"#{Dx[:url_o_xml]}").
+ gsub(/#{Dx[:url_c]}/,"#{Dx[:url_c_xml]}").
+ gsub(/ |#{Mx[:nbsp]}/m,' ').
+ gsub(/;&([^#]|(?:[^gl][^t]|[^a][^m][^p]|[^n][^b][^s][^p])[^;])/,';&\1') # pattern not to match
+ dob
+ end
+ def markup_light(dob='')
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/\/\{(.+?)\}\//,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/[*!]\{(.+?)\}[*!]/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/_\{(.+?)\}_/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/-\{(.+?)\}-/,'\1').
+ gsub(/ /,' ').
+ gsub(/<:pb>\s*/,'').
+ gsub(/<[-~]#>/,'').
+ gsub(/(^|#{Mx[:gl_c]}|\s)&\s+/,'\1& '). #sort
+ gsub(/&([^;]{1,5})/,'&\1'). #sort, rough estimate, revisit #WATCH found in node not sax
+ gsub(/(?:^|[^_\\])#{Mx[:lnk_o]}(\S+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif))[ ]+.+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}|image)/,
+ "#{@md.file.output_path.xml.rel_image}\/\\1 ").
+ gsub(/ |#{Mx[:nbsp]}/,' ').
+ gsub(/;&([^#]|(?:[^gl][^t]|[^a][^m][^p]|[^n][^b][^s][^p])[^;])/,';&\1') # pattern not to match
+ wordlist=dob.obj.scan(/&[#0-9a-z]+;|\S+|\n/) #\n needed for tables, check though added 2005w17
+ dob.obj=tidywords(wordlist).join(' ').strip
+ dob
+ end
+ def clean(str)
+ str=str.gsub(/#{Mx[:gl_o]}(#[0-9]{3})#{Mx[:gl_c]}/u,'&\1;').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:gl_o]}#([a-z]{2,4})#{Mx[:gl_c]}/u,'&\1;')
+ end
+ def markup_fictionbook(str='',is='')
+ str=str.gsub(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}([\d+*]+).+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/m,'[\1] ').
+ gsub(/&/,'&'). #sort
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:mk_o]}#([a-zA-Z]+)#{Mx[:mk_c]}/,'&\1;').
+ gsub(/(^|#{Mx[:gl_c]}|\s)&\s+/,'\1& '). #sort
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:mk_o]}(#[0-9]+)#{Mx[:mk_c]}/,'&\1;')
+ str=str.gsub(/#{Mx[:br_line]}|#{Mx[:br_nl]}/,' ') unless is==:table
+ str=str.gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_superscript_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_superscript_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_subscript_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_subscript_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_insert_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_insert_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_cite_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_cite_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_strike_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_strike_c]}/,'\1').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_monospace_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_monospace_c]}/,'\1 '). # tt, kbd
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\s*(\S+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif)).+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}|#{Mx[:rel_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:rel_c]}|image)/m,' ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:url_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/,"#{Dx[:url_o]}\\1#{Dx[:url_c]}").
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:mk_o]}:name#(\S+?)#{Mx[:mk_c]}/,' ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:gl_bullet]}/m,'● '). # not available
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:nbsp]}/,' '). # not available
+ gsub(/<(p|br)>/,'<\1 />')
+ clean(str)
+ end
+ def markup_docbook(dob='') # work on, initially a copy of fictionbook!
+ if !=:code
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}(\d+)\s*(.+?)#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/m,'\2 ').
+ gsub(/\\\\/,'').
+ gsub(/&/,'&'). #sort
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:mk_o]}#([a-zA-Z]+)#{Mx[:mk_c]}/,'&\1;').
+ gsub(/(^|#{Mx[:gl_c]}|\s)&\s+/,'\1& '). #sort
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:mk_o]}(#[0-9]+)#{Mx[:mk_c]}/,'&\1;')
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:br_line]}|#{Mx[:br_nl]}/,' ') unless
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_superscript_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_superscript_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_subscript_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_subscript_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_insert_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_insert_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_cite_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_cite_c]}/,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_strike_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_strike_c]}/,'\1').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_monospace_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_monospace_c]}/,'\1 '). # tt, kbd
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\s*(\S+?)\.(png|jpg|gif).+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}|#{Mx[:rel_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:rel_c]}|image)/m,
+ %{#{Xx[:split]}:spaces0:\n:spaces1: \n:spaces1:
\n:spaces0: #{Xx[:split]}}). # common image location, else use ./images
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:url_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/,
+ '\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:url_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:url_c]}/,
+ '\1 ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:mk_o]}:name#(\S+?)#{Mx[:mk_c]}/,' ').
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:gl_bullet]}/m,'● '). # not available
+ gsub(/#{Mx[:nbsp]}/,' '). # not available
+ gsub(/<(p|br)>/,'<\1 />')
+ dob.obj=clean(dob.obj)
+ elsif == :code
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/&/m,'&'). #sort
+ gsub(/,'<').gsub(/>/,'>')
+ else # p ??
+ end
+ dob
+ end
+ def markup_group(dob='')
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/,'<').gsub(/>/,'>').
+ gsub(/<:?br(?:\s+\/)?>/,' ').
+ gsub(/<(link xmlns:xl=".+?")>/,'<\1>').
+ gsub(/<(\/link)>/,'<\1>').
+ gsub(/<(\/?en)>/,'<\1>')
+ dob
+ end
+ def markup_block(dob='')
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/,'<').gsub(/>/,'>').
+ gsub(/<:?br(?:\s+\/)?>/,' ').
+ gsub(/<(link xmlns:xl=".+?")>/,'<\1>').
+ gsub(/<(\/link)>/,'<\1>').
+ gsub(/<(\/?en)>/,'<\1>')
+ dob
+ end
+ def xml_sem_block_paired(matched) # colon depth: many, recurs
+ matched=matched.gsub(/\b(au):\{(.+?)\}:\1\b/m, %{\\2 }).
+ gsub(/\b(vol):\{(.+?)\}:\1\b/m, %{\\2 }).
+ gsub(/\b(pub):\{(.+?)\}:\1\b/m, %{\\2 }).
+ gsub(/\b(ref):\{(.+?)\}:\1\b/m, %{\\2 }).
+ gsub(/\b(desc):\{(.+?)\}:\1\b/m,%{\\2 }).
+ gsub(/\b(conv):\{(.+?)\}:\1\b/m,%{\\2 }).
+ gsub(/\b(ct):\{(.+?)\}:\1\b/m, %{\\2 }).
+ gsub(/\b(cty):\{(.+?)\}:\1\b/m, %{\\2 }).
+ gsub(/\b(org):\{(.+?)\}:\1\b/m, %{\\2 }).
+ gsub(/\b(dt):\{(.+?)\}:\1\b/m, %{\\2 }).
+ gsub(/\b(n):\{(.+?)\}:\1\b/m, %{\\2 }).
+ gsub(/([a-z]+(?:[_:.][a-z]+)*)(?::\{(.+?)\}:\1)/m,'\2 ')
+ end
+ def xml_semantic_tags(dob)
+ if @md.sem_tag
+ dob.obj.gsub!(/([a-z]+(?:[_:.][a-z]+)*)(?::\{(.+?)\}:\1)/m) {|c| xml_sem_block_paired(c) }
+ dob.obj.gsub!(/([a-z]+(?:[_:.][a-z]+)*)(?::\{(.+?)\}:\1)/m) {|c| xml_sem_block_paired(c) }
+ dob.obj.gsub!(/([a-z]+(?:[_:.][a-z]+)*)(?::\{(.+?)\}:\1)/m) {|c| xml_sem_block_paired(c) }
+ dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/:\{(.+?)\}:au\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/:\{(.+?)\}:n\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/:\{(.+?)\}:ti\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/:\{(.+?)\}:ref\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/:\{(.+?)\}:desc\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/:\{(.+?)\}:cty\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/:\{(.+?)\}:org\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/:\{(.+?)\}:([a-z]+(?:[_:.][a-z]+)*)/m,'\1 ').
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};ti\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};qt\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};ref\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};ed\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};v\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};desc\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};def\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};trans\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};y\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};ab\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};pg\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};fn?\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};mn?\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};ln?\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};in\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};uni\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};fac\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};inst\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};dept\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};org\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};com?\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};cty\b/m, %{\\1 }).
+ gsub(/;\{([^}]+(?![;]))\};([a-z]+(?:[_:.][a-z]+)*)/m,'\1 ')
+ end
+ dob
+ end
+ end
+module SiSU_XML_Tags #Format
+ require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb
+ include SiSU_Param
+ class RDF
+ include SiSU_Parts_JSON
+ def initialize(md='',seg_name=[],tracker=0)
+ @full_title=@subtitle=@author=@subject=@description=@publisher=@contributor=@date=@date_created=@date_issued=@date_available=@date_valid=@date_modified=@type=@format=@identifier=@source=@language=@relation=@coverage=@rights=@copyright=@owner=@keywords=''
+ @md=md
+ @rdfurl=%{ rdf:about=""\n}
+ if defined? @md.title.full \
+ and @md.title.full # DublinCore 1 - title
+ @rdf_title=%{ dc.title="#{seg_name}#{@md.title.full}"\n}
+ @full_title=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and\S+/ # DublinCore 2 - creator/author (author)
+ @rdf_author=%{"#{}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(
+ @author=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.publisher \
+ and @md.publisher # DublinCore 5 - publisher (current copy published by)
+ @rdf_publisher=%{ dc.publisher="#{@md.publisher}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.publisher)
+ @publisher=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.creator.contributor \
+ and @md.creator.contributor=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 6 - contributor
+ @rdf_contributor=%{ dc.contributor="#{@md.creator.contributor}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.creator.contributor)
+ @contributor=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and\S+/ # DublinCore 7 - date year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date=%{ \n} # fix @md.date_scheme
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and\S+/ # DublinCore 7 - date.created year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_created=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date_created=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and\S+/ # DublinCore 7 - date.issued year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_issued=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date_issued=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and\S+/ # DublinCore 7 - date.available year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_available=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date_available=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and\S+/ # DublinCore 7 - date.valid year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_valid=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date_valid=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and\S+/ # DublinCore 7 - date.modified year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_modified=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date_modified=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.rights.all \
+ and @md.rights.all # DublinCore 15 - rights
+ @rdf_rights=%{ dc.rights="#{@md.rights.all}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.rights.all)
+ @rights=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.classify.subject \
+ and @md.classify.subject=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 3 - subject (us library of congress, eric or udc, or schema???)
+ @rdf_subject=%{ dc.subject="#{@md.classify.subject}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.classify.subject)
+ @subject=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.description \
+ and @md.notes.description=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 4 - description
+ @rdf_description=%{ dc.description="#{@md.notes.description}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.notes.description)
+ @description=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.coverage \
+ and @md.notes.coverage=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 14 - coverage
+ @rdf_coverage=%{ dc.coverage="#{@md.notes.coverage}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.notes.coverage)
+ @coverage=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.relation \
+ and @md.notes.relation=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 13 - relation
+ @rdf_relation=%{ dc.relation="#{@md.notes.relation}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.notes.relation)
+ @relation=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.type \
+ and @md.notes.type # DublinCore 8 - type (genre eg. report, convention etc)
+ @rdf_type=%{ dc.type="#{@md.notes.type}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.notes.type)
+ @type=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.format \
+ and @md.notes.format=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 9 - format (use your mime type)
+ @rdf_format=%{ dc.format="#{@md.notes.format}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.notes.format)
+ @format=%{ \n}
+ end
+ #if defined? @md.identifier.sisupod \
+ #and @md.identifier.sisupod=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 10 - identifier (your identifier, could use urn which is free)
+ # @rdf_identifier=%{ dc.identifier="#{@md.identifier.sisupod}"\n}
+ # content=meta_content_clean(@md.identifier.sisupod)
+ # @identifier=%{ \n}
+ #end
+ if defined? @md.original.source \
+ and @md.original.source=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 11 - source (document source)
+ @rdf_source=%{ dc.source="#{@md.original.source}"\n}
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.original.source)
+ @source=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.title.language \
+ and @md.title.language=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 12 - language (English)
+ @rdf_language=%{ dc.language="#{@md.title.language}"\n}
+ @language=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.original.language \
+ and @md.original.language=~/\S+/
+ @rdf_language_original=%{ dc.language="#{@md.original.language}"\n}
+ @language_original=%{ \n}
+ end
+ content=meta_content_clean(@md.keywords)
+ @keywords=%{ \n} if @md.keywords
+ end
+ def meta_content_clean(content='')
+ content=if not content.nil?
+ gsub(/&/,'&')
+ else content
+ end
+ end
+ def rdfseg #segHead
+ rdftoc
+ end
+ def comment_xml(extra='')
+ generator="Generated by: #{@md.project_details.project} #{@md.project_details.version} of #{@md.project_details.date_stamp} (#{})" if @md.project_details.version
+ lastdone="Last Generated on: #{}"
+ rubyv="Ruby version: #{@md.ruby_version}"
+ sc=if @md.sc_info
+ "Source file: #{@md.sc_filename} version: #{@md.sc_number} of: #{@md.sc_date}"
+ else ''
+ end
+ if extra.empty?
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ def comment_xml_sax
+ desc='SiSU XML, SAX type representation'
+ comment_xml(desc)
+ end
+ def comment_xml_node
+ desc='SiSU XML, Node type representation'
+ comment_xml(desc)
+ end
+ def comment_xml_dom
+ desc='SiSU XML, DOM type representation'
+ comment_xml(desc)
+ end
+ def metatag_html #values strung together, because some empty, and resulting output (line breaks) is much better
+module SiSU_JSON_Format
+ require_relative 'dp' # dp.rb
+ require_relative 'json_parts' # json_parts.rb
+ include SiSU_Param
+ class ParagraphNumber
+ def initialize(md,paranum)
+ @md=md
+ @paranum=(paranum \
+ ? (/(\d+)/m.match(paranum)[1])
+ : nil)
+ end
+ def display
+ p_num_display=if @paranum
+ @paranum.gsub(/(\d+)/,
+ '' +
+ ' \1 ')
+ else ''
+ end
+ p_num_display
+ end
+ def name
+ p_num_name=@paranum.gsub(/(\d+)/,' ')
+ p_num_name
+ end
+ def goto
+ p_num_goto=@paranum.gsub(/(\d+)/,'')
+ p_num_goto
+ end
+ end
+ class HeadInformation
+ include SiSU_Parts_JSON
+ def initialize #dc rdf
+ @full_title=@subtitle=@author=@subject=@description=@publisher=@contributor=@date=@type=@format=@identifier=@source=@language=@relation=@coverage=@rights=@copyright=@owner=@keywords=''
+ @md=@@md
+ # DublinCore 1 - title
+ @rdfurl=%{ rdf:about=""\n}
+ if defined? @md.title.full \
+ and @md.title.full # DublinCore 1 - title
+ @rdf_title=%{ dc.title="#{seg_name}#{@md.title.full}"\n}
+ @full_title=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and # DublinCore 2 - creator/author (author)
+ @rdf_author=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @author=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.classify.subject \
+ and @md.classify.subject=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 3 - subject (us library of congress, eric or udc, or schema???)
+ @rdf_subject=%{ dc.subject="#{@md.classify.subject}"\n}
+ @subject=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.description \
+ and @md.notes.description=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 4 - description
+ @rdf_description=%{ dc.description="#{@md.notes.description}"\n}
+ @description=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.publisher \
+ and @md.publisher=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 5 - publisher (current copy published by)
+ @rdf_publisher=%{ dc.publisher="#{@md.publisher}"\n}
+ @publisher=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.creator.contributor \
+ and @md.creator.contributor=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 6 - contributor
+ @rdf_contributor=%{ dc.contributor="#{@md.creator.contributor}"\n}
+ @contributor=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and # DublinCore 7 - date year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and # DublinCore 7 - date.created year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_created=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date_created=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and # DublinCore 7 - date.issued year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_issued=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date_issued=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and # DublinCore 7 - date.available year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_available=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date_available=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and # DublinCore 7 - date.valid year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_valid=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date_valid=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? \
+ and # DublinCore 7 - date.modified year-mm-dd
+ @rdf_date_modified=%{"#{}"\n}
+ @date_modified=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.coverage \
+ and @md.notes.coverage=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 14 - coverage
+ @rdf_coverage=%{ dc.coverage="#{@md.notes.coverage}"\n}
+ @coverage=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.relation \
+ and @md.notes.relation=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 13 - relation
+ @rdf_relation=%{ dc.relation="#{@md.notes.relation}"\n}
+ @relation=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.type \
+ and @md.notes.type # DublinCore 8 - type (genre eg. report, convention etc)
+ @rdf_type=%{ dc.type="#{@md.notes.type}"\n}
+ @type=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.notes.format \
+ and @md.notes.format=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 9 - format (use your mime type)
+ @rdf_format=%{ dc.format="#{@md.notes.format}"\n}
+ @format=%{ \n}
+ end
+ #if defined? @md.identifier.sisupod \
+ #and @md.identifier.sisupod=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 10 - identifier (your identifier, could use urn which is free)
+ # @rdf_identifier=%{ dc.identifier="#{@md.identifier.sisupod}"\n}
+ # @identifier=%{ \n}
+ #end
+ if defined? @md.original.source \
+ and @md.original.source=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 11 - source (document source)
+ @rdf_source=%{ dc.source="#{@md.original.source}"\n}
+ @source=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.original.language \
+ and @md.original.language=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 12 - language (English)
+ @rdf_language=%{ dc.language="#{@md.original.title}"\n}
+ @language=%{ \n}
+ end
+ if defined? @md.rights.all \
+ and @md.rights.all=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 15 - rights
+ rights=meta_content_clean(@md.rights.all)
+ copyright=meta_content_clean(@md.rights.copyright.all)
+ @rdf_rights=%{ dc.rights="#{rights}"\n}
+ @rights=%{ \n}
+ end
+ @copyright=%{ \n} \
+ if @md.rights.copyright.all # possibly redundant see dc.rights
+ @owner=%{ \n} if @md.owner
+ @keywords=%{ \n} if @md.keywords
+ @index='index'
+ end
+ def meta_content_clean(content='')
+ content=if not content.nil?
+ gsub(/&/,'&')
+ else content
+ end
+ end
+ def table_close
+ ' '
+ end
+ def toc_head
+ <
+ end
+ end
+ class ParagraphNumber
+ def initialize(md,ocn)
+ @md,@ocn=md,ocn.to_s
+ @ocn ||=''
+ end
+ def ocn_display
+ if
+ ocn_class='ocn'
+ if @ocn.to_i==0
+ @ocn.gsub(/^(\d+|)$/,
+ %{ })
+ else
+ @ocn.gsub(/^(\d+|)$/,
+ %{\\1 })
+ end
+ else
+ ocn_class='ocn_off'
+ @ocn.gsub(/^(\d+|)$/,
+ %{ })
+ end
+ end
+ def name
+ %{ }
+ end
+ def id #w3c? "tidy" complains about numbers as identifiers ! annoying
+ %{id="o#{@ocn}"}
+ end
+ def goto
+ %{}
+ end
+ end
+ class FormatTextObject
+ include SiSU_Parts_JSON
+ attr_accessor :md,:dob,:txt,:ocn,:format,:table,:link,:linkname,:paranum,:p_num,:headname,:banner,:url
+ def initialize(md,t_o)
+ @md,@t_o=md,t_o
+ if t_o.class.inspect =~/Object/
+ @txt=if defined? t_o.obj; t_o.obj
+ else nil
+ end
+ @ocn=if defined? t_o.ocn; t_o.ocn.to_s
+ else nil
+ end
+ @headname=if and defined?;
+ else nil
+ end
+ else
+ if @md.opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on
+ p __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__.to_s
+ p t_o.class
+ p caller
+ end
+ end
+ if defined? @t_o.ocn
+ ocn=((@t_o.ocn.to_s =~/\d+/) ? @t_o.ocn : nil)
+ end
+ if @format and not @format.empty?
+ if @format=~/^\d:(\S+)/ #need more reliable marker #if @format =~ /#{Rx[:lv]}/
+ headname=$1 #format[/\d~(\S+)/m,1]
+ @headname=if headname =~/^[a-zA-Z]/; %{ } #consider: h_#{headname}
+ else %{ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @dob=t_o if defined?
+ end
+ def para
+ para_form_css('p','norm')
+ end
+ def code
+ para_form_css('p','code')
+ end
+ def center
+ para_form_css('p','center')
+ end
+ def bold
+ para_form_css('p','bold')
+ end
+ def bullet
+ para_form_css('li','bullet')
+ end
+ def format(tag,attrib)
+ para_form_css(tag,attrib)
+ end
+ def heading_normal(tag,attrib)
+ %{
+ #{@p_num.ocn_display}
+ <#{tag} class="#{attrib}" #{}>#{}
+ #{@headname}#{@txt}
+ #{tag}>
+ end
+ def heading_body
+ heading_normal('p','norm')
+ end
+ def heading_body0
+ heading_normal('h1','norm')
+ end
+ def heading_body1
+ heading_normal('h1','norm')
+ end
+ def heading_body2
+ heading_normal('h2','norm')
+ end
+ def heading_body3
+ heading_normal('h3','norm')
+ end
+ def heading_body4
+ heading_normal('h4','norm')
+ end
+ def heading_body5
+ heading_normal('h5','norm')
+ end
+ def heading_body6
+ heading_normal('h6','norm')
+ end
+ def heading_body7
+ heading_normal('h7','norm')
+ end
+ def title_header(tag,attrib)
+ %{
+<#{tag} class="#{attrib}">
+ #{@txt}
+ #{tag}>
+ end
+ def title_header1
+ title_header('h1','tiny')
+ end
+ def title_header2
+ title_header('h2','tiny')
+ end
+ def title_header3
+ title_header('h3','tiny')
+ end
+ def title_header4
+ ''
+ end
+ def dl #check :trailer
+ "#{@txt} #{@trailer} "
+ end
+ def table_css_end #
+ '
+ '
+ end
+ def gsub_body
+ @txt=case @txt
+ when /^\s*\((i+|iv|v|vi+|ix|x|xi+)\)/
+ @txt.gsub(/^\((i+|iv|v|vi+|ix|x|xi+)\)/,'(\1) ').
+ gsub(/^(#{Mx[:pa_o]}i[1-9]#{Mx[:pa_c]})\s*\((i+|iv|v|vi+|ix|x|xi+)\)/,'\1(\2) ')
+ when /^\s*\(?(\d|[a-z])+\)/
+ @txt.gsub(/^\((\d+|[a-z])+\)/,'(\1) ').
+ gsub(/^(#{Mx[:pa_o]}i[1-9]#{Mx[:pa_c]})\s*\((\d+|[a-z])+\)/,'\1(\2) ')
+ when /^\s*\d{1,3}\.\s/
+ @txt.gsub(/^\s*(\d+\.)/,'\1 ')
+ when /^\s*[A-Z]\.\s/
+ @txt.gsub(/^\s*([A-Z]\.)/,'\1 ')
+ else @txt
+ end
+ end
+ def bold_para
+ %{#{the_margin.txt_0}
+ #{@txt}
+ end
+ def bold_header
+ @txt=@txt.gsub(/[1-9]~(\S+)/,' ').
+ gsub(/[1-9]~/,'')
+ %{
+ #{@txt}
+ end
+ def toc_head_copy_at
+ %{#{@txt}
+ end
+ def center
+ %{#{@txt}
+ end
+ def bold
+ %{#{@txt}
+ end
+ def center_bold
+ %{#{@txt}
+ end
+ end
+* json_persist.rb
+#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :tangle "../lib/sisu/json_persist.rb"
+# <>
+module SiSU_JSON_Persist
+ class Persist
+ @@persist=nil
+ attr_accessor :head,:toc,:body,:tail,:open,:close,:sc,:endnotes,:book_idx,:metadata
+ #attr_accessor :head,:body,:tail,:open,:close,:sc
+#@@odf={ body: [], head: [], toc: [], metadata: [], tail: [], book_idx: [], endnotes: [] }
+ def initialize(args=nil)
+ @@persist=args=(args ? args : (@@persist || persist_init_hash_values))
+ @head=args[:head]
+ @toc=args[:toc]
+ @body=args[:body]
+ @tail=args[:tail]
+ @open=args[:open]
+ @close=args[:close]
+ @sc=args[:sc]
+ @endnotes=args[:endnotes]
+ @book_idx=args[:book_idx]
+ @metadata=args[:metadata]
+ end
+ def head
+ @head
+ end
+ def toc
+ @toc
+ end
+ def body
+ @body
+ end
+ def tail
+ @tail
+ end
+ def open
+ @open
+ end
+ def close
+ @close
+ end
+ def sc
+ @sc
+ end
+ def endnotes
+ @endnotes
+ end
+ def book_idx
+ @book_idx
+ end
+ def metadata
+ @metadata
+ end
+ def persist_init_hash_values
+ {
+ head: [],
+ toc: [],
+ body: [],
+ tail: [],
+ open: [],
+ close: [],
+ sc: [],
+ endnotes: [],
+ book_idx: [],
+ metadata: [],
+ }
+ end
+ def persist_init
+ @@persist=nil
+ end
+ end
+* document header
+#+NAME: sisu_document_header
+#+BEGIN_SRC text
+encoding: utf-8
+- Name: SiSU
+ - Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search
+ json
+ - Author: Ralph Amissah
+ - Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
+ 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019,
+ 2020, 2021, Ralph Amissah,
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ - License: GPL 3 or later:
+ SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
+ Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program. If not, see .
+ If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
+ available at these locations:
+ - SiSU uses:
+ - Standard SiSU markup syntax,
+ - Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
+ - Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
+ - Homepages:
+ - Git
cgit v1.2.3