ocn #{c['ocn']}:#{c['body']}}
- end
- @counter_txt_ocn+=1
- output=title+text
- else #elsif cgi['view']=~/index/ #% idx body
- if c['suffix'] !~/1/ #seg
- index=%{#{c['ocn']}, } if @text_search_flag
- elsif c['suffix'] =~/1/ #doc #FIX
- index=%{#{c['ocn']}, }
- end
- if c['seg'] =~/\S+/
- if @text_search_flag
- @counter_txt_ocn+=1
- output=title+index
- end
- else
- @counter_txt_ocn+=1
- output=c['suffix'] !~/1/ \
- ? title+index
- : %{#{title}#{c['ocn'].sort}, }
- end
- end
- else output=title
- end
- @counters_txt=if @counter_txt_doc > 0
- if checked_stats =~/\S/
- @@lt_t=(@counter_txt_ocn==dbi_statement.sql_match_limit.to_i) ? true : false
- start=(@@offset.to_i+1).to_s
- range=(@@offset.to_i+@counter_txt_ocn.to_i).to_s
- %{Found #{@counter_txt_ocn} times in the main body of #{@counter_txt_doc} documents [ matches #{start} to #{range} ] }
- else ''
- end
- else ''
- end
- @body_main << output #+ details
- end
- #text_objects_endnote
- oldtid = 0
- s_endnotes.each do |e| #% endnotes
- location=e['src_filename'][/(.+?)\.(?:ssm\.sst|sst)$/,1]
- file_suffix=e['src_filename'][/.+?\.(ssm\.sst|sst)$/,1]
- lang=if location =~ /\S+?~(\S\S\S?)$/
- l=location[/\S+?~(\S\S\S?)$/,1]
- location=location.gsub(/(\S+?)~\S\S\S?/,'\1')
- l=".#{l}"
- else ''
- end
- #metadata_found_endnotes
- if @text_search_flag
- if e['metadata_tid'].to_i != oldtid.to_i
- ti=e['title']
- can_txt_srch=(cgi['view']=~/index/) \
- ? %{ }
- : %{ }
- title=%{ #{ti} [#{e['language_document_char']}] by #{e['creator_author']} #{can_txt_srch} } if file_suffix=~/s/
- @counter_endn_doc+=1
- oldtid=e['metadata_tid'].to_i
- else title = ''
- end
- if cgi['view']=~/text/ \
- or (cgi['view']!~/index/ and cgi['search'] !~/search db/) #% txt endnotes
- @counter_endn_ocn+=1
- matched_endnote=(@search_regx.to_s.is_a?(String) \
- && @search_regx.to_s=~/\S\S+/) \
- ? (matched=e['body'].gsub(/(<\s]+#{@search_regx}[^>]+?>|#{@search_regx})/mi,%{\\1}))
- : e['body']
- output=%{#{title}note #{e['nr']} referred to from ocn #{e['ocn']}: #{matched_endnote}}
- else #elsif cgi['view']=~/index/ #doc #FIX #% idx endnotes
- @counter_endn_ocn+=1
- output=%{#{title}#{e['nr']} [§ #{e['ocn']}], }
- end
- @counters_endn=if @counter_endn_doc > 0
- if checked_stats =~/\S/
- @@lt_e=@counter_endn_ocn==dbi_statement.sql_match_limit.to_i \
- ? true
- : false
- start=(@@offset.to_i+1).to_s
- range=(@@offset.to_i+@counter_endn_ocn.to_i).to_s
- %{Found #{@counter_endn_ocn} times in the endnotes of #{@counter_endn_doc} documents [ matches #{start} to #{range} ] }
- else ''
- end
- end
- @endnotes << output #+ details
- else @endnotes='' #does not take out yet
- end
- end
- offset=dbi_statement.sql_offset.to_s
- limit=dbi_statement.sql_match_limit.to_s
- @@lt_t ||=false; @@lt_e ||=false
- canned=(@@lt_t or @@lt_e) \
- ? dbi_statement.pre_next(true,@image_src).to_s
- : dbi_statement.pre_next(false,@image_src).to_s
- limit=dbi_statement.sql_match_limit.to_s
- cgi.out{@header.force_encoding("UTF-8") + @counters_txt.force_encoding("UTF-8") + @counters_endn.force_encoding("UTF-8") + canned.force_encoding("UTF-8") + @body_main.force_encoding("UTF-8") + @endnotes.force_encoding("UTF-8") + canned.force_encoding("UTF-8") + @tail.force_encoding("UTF-8")} #% print cgi_output_header+counters+body+endnotes
- end
- rescue Exception => e
- s='
' + CGI::escapeHTML(e.backtrace.reverse.join("\n"))
- s << CGI::escapeHTML(e.message) + '
- cgi.out{s}
- next
- ensure # eg. disconnect from server
- @conn.disconnect if @conn
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/cgi_sqlite.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/cgi_sqlite.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index da7aa97a..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/cgi_sqlite.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: generates naive cgi search form for search of sisu database (sqlite)
-module SiSU_CGI_SQLite #% database building documents
- require_relative 'sysenv' # sysenv.rb
- require_relative 'cgi_sql_common' # cgi_sql_common.rb
- include SiSU_CGI_SQL
- class SearchSQLite < CGI_Common
- def initialize(opt,webserv)
- @opt,@webserv=opt,webserv
- @cX=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(opt.cmd).cX
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new('',opt)
- @image_src="#{@env.url.webserv_cgi(@opt)}/_sisu/image_sys"
- @name_of={}
- @name_of[:output_dir_structure]=if @opt.dir_structure_by.to_s =~/(?:language|filetype|filename)/
- @opt.dir_structure_by.to_s
- else 'language'
- end
- @name_of[:lingual]=if @opt.lingual.to_s =~/(?:mono|multi)/
- @opt.lingual.to_s
- else 'multi'
- end
- @common=SiSU_CGI_SQL::CGI_Common.new(@webserv,@opt,@image_src,@env)
- @cgi_file_name=@env.url.cgi_sample_search_form_name(@opt)
- @name_of_sqlite_db_file='sisu_sqlite.db'
- end
- def sqlite
- serve=[]
- Dir.foreach(@env.path.webserv) do |x|
- if x !~/^\./ \
- and FileTest.directory?("#{@env.path.webserv}/#{x}")
- if FileTest.file?("#{@env.path.webserv}/#{x}/#{@name_of_sqlite_db_file}")
- serve << x unless x =~/^_\S+/
- end
- end
- end
- serve=serve.sort
- f1,f2,f3='','',''
- serve.each do |x|
- f1 << %{ \n}
- end
- f2 << %{ selected_db=case cgi['db']\n}
- serve.each do |x|
- f2 << %{ when /#{Db[:name_prefix]}#{x}/; ''\n}
- end
- f2 << " end\n"
- f3 << %{ db_name='#{@name_of_sqlite_db_file}'\n}
- f3 << %{ db_sqlite=case cgi['db']\n}
- serve.each do |x|
- f3 << %{ when /#{Db[:name_prefix]}#{x}/; "#{@env.path.webserv}/#{x}/\#{db_name}"\n}
- end
- f3 << %{ else '#{@env.path.webserv}/#{serve[0]}/\#{db_name}'\n end\n}
- if FileTest.writable?('.')
- output=File.open(@cgi_file_name,'w')
- output << header0 << header1 << header_desc << header2 << f1 << buttons1 << buttons2 << search_request << search_statement << search_statement_common << search_query1 << @common.pages << search_query2 << @common.tail << @common.main1 << f2 << f3 << dbi_connect << @common.main2 << @common.dir_structure << @common.main3
- puts <<-WOK
- generated sample search form: #{@cX.green}#{@cgi_file_name}#{@cX.off}
- default database name: #{@cX.green}#{Db[:name_prefix]}#{@env.path.stub_pwd}#{@cX.off} (#{@env.path.stub_pwd})
- cgi & db host on: #{@cX.blue}#{@env.url.webserv_base_cgi(@opt)}#{@cX.off}
- to modify use: #{@cX.brown}sisu --db-sqlite --webserv-search='#{@env.url.webserv_base_cgi(@opt)}'#{@cX.off}
- sisu output on: #{@cX.blue}#{@env.url.webserv_files_from_db(@opt)}#{@cX.off}
- to modify use: #{@cX.brown}sisu --db-sqlite --webserv-output='#{@env.url.webserv_files_from_db(@opt)}'#{@cX.off}
- cgi search form link name: #{@cX.green}#{@env.url.cgi_sample_search_form_name(@opt)}#{@cX.off}
- to modify use: #{@cX.brown}sisu --db-sqlite --cgi-search-form-name='#{@env.url.cgi_sample_search_form_name(@opt)}'#{@cX.off}
- #{@cX.fuchsia}(settings priority: command line; sisurc.yml; else defaults)#{@cX.off}
- #{@cX.fuchsia}NOTE it is first necessary to create the database and tables and populate it#{@cX.off}
- sisu --sqlite --dropall # removes existing postgresql db & tables
- sisu --sqlite --createall -v # creates postgresql db & tables
- sisu --sqlite --update -v *.sst *.ssm # populate the db
- sisu --sample-search-form --sqlite # creates the postgresql search form
- # this should be done after creating the db
- # to be searched
- sisu --webrick & # starts ruby webrick web server
- # if necessary make the directory '/usr/lib/cgi-bin'
- # here we copy the postgresql search form to cgi-bin
- # (copy #{@cgi_file_name} to your cgi directory)
- # set file permissions to 755
- a=case @webserv
- when /pwd/; ''
- else <<-WOK
- sudo cp -vi #{Dir.pwd}/#{@cgi_file_name} /usr/lib/cgi-bin/.; \\
- sudo chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/#{@cgi_file_name}
- end
- b='(to create and populate sisu sqlite database see "man sisu" and in particular the -d flag)'
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,a,b).warn
- a=<<-WOK
- #{@env.webserv_base_cgi(@opt)}/cgi-bin/#{@cgi_file_name}
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,a).print_blue
- else puts "failed in attempt to write #{@cgi_file_name} to present directory, is directory writable?"
- end
- end
- def header0
- <<-WOK_SQL
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
- * Description: generates naive cgi search form for search of sisu database (sqlite)
- require 'cgi'
- require 'fcgi'
- require 'dbi'
- @stub_default='sisu_sqlite'
- @image_src='#{@image_src}'
- @hosturl_cgi='#{@env.url.webserv_base_cgi(@opt)}/cgi-bin'
- @hosturl_files='#{@env.url.webserv_files_from_db(@opt)}'
- @output_dir_structure_by='#{@name_of[:output_dir_structure]}'
- @lingual='#{@name_of[:lingual]}'
- @db_name_prefix='#{Db[:name_prefix]}'
- @base='#{@env.url.webserv_base_cgi(@opt)}/cgi-bin/#{@env.url.cgi_sample_search_form_name(@opt)}' #fix sqlite
- end
- def search_statement
- <<-'WOK_SQL'
- class DBI_SearchString
- def initialize(l,t,q,cse=false)
- @l,@t,@q=l,t,q
- end
- def string
- search={ search: [], flag: false }
- if @t =~/\S+/ or @q =~/\S+/
- if @t =~/\S+/ then unescaped_search=CGI.unescape(@t)
- elsif @q =~/\S+/ then unescaped_search=CGI.unescape(@q)
- end
- search_construct=[]
- unescaped_search=unescaped_search.gsub(/\s*(AND|OR)\s*/,"%' \) \\1 #{@l} LIKE \( '%").
- gsub(/(.+)/,"#{@l} LIKE \( '%\\1%' \)")
- search_construct << unescaped_search
- search_construct=search_construct.join(' ')
- search[:search] << search_construct
- search[:flag]=true
- search
- end
- search
- end
- end
- end
- def search_query1
- <<-'WOK_SQL'
- @search_text,@search_endnotes='',''
- @search_text=search[:text].flatten.join(' AND ')
- @search_text=@search_text.gsub(/(doc_objects\.clean\s+LIKE\s+\(\s*'%[^']+%'\s*\)\s+(?:(?:AND|OR)\s+doc_objects\.clean\s+LIKE\s+\(\s*'%[^']+%'\s*\))+)/,'(\1)')
- @search_endnotes=search[:endnotes].flatten.join(' AND ')
- @search_endnotes=@search_endnotes.gsub(/(endnotes\.clean\s+LIKE\s+\(\s*'%[^']+%'\s*\)\s+(?:(?:AND|OR)\s+endnotes\.clean\s+LIKE\s+\(\s*'%[^']+%'\s*\))+)/,'(\1)')
- end
- end
- def search_query2
- <<-'WOK_SQL'
- def sql_select_body
- limit ||=@@limit
- offset ||=@@offset
- @sql_statement[:body]=%{SELECT metadata_and_text.title, metadata_and_text.creator_author, metadata_and_text.src_filename, metadata_and_text.language_document_char, metadata_and_text.notes_suffix, doc_objects.body, doc_objects.seg, doc_objects.ocn, metadata_and_text.tid FROM doc_objects, metadata_and_text WHERE #{@search_text} AND doc_objects.metadata_tid = metadata_and_text.tid ORDER BY metadata_and_text.language_document_char, metadata_and_text.title, metadata_and_text.src_filename, doc_objects.ocn}
- @sql_statement[:range]=%{LIMIT #{limit} OFFSET #{offset} ;}
- select=@sql_statement[:body] + ' ' + @sql_statement[:range]
- select
- end
- def sql_select_endnotes
- limit ||=@@limit
- offset ||=@@offset
- @sql_statement[:endnotes]=%{SELECT metadata_and_text.title, metadata_and_text.creator_author, metadata_and_text.src_filename, metadata_and_text.language_document_char, endnotes.body, endnotes.nr, endnotes.ocn, endnotes.metadata_tid FROM metadata_and_text, endnotes WHERE #{@search_endnotes} AND metadata_and_text.tid = endnotes.metadata_tid ORDER BY metadata_and_text.language_document_char, metadata_and_text.title, metadata_and_text.src_filename, endnotes.nr}
- @sql_statement[:range]=%{LIMIT #{limit} OFFSET #{offset} ;}
- select=@sql_statement[:endnotes] + ' ' + @sql_statement[:range]
- select
- end
- def sql_select_body_format
- %{#{sql_select_body}}
- end
- def sql_select_endnotes_format
- %{#{sql_select_endnotes}}
- end
- def contents
- @conn.select_all(sql_select_body)
- end
- def endnotes
- @conn.select_all(sql_select_endnotes)
- end
- end
- end
- def dbi_connect
- <<-'WOK_SQL'
- @dbi="DBI:SQLite3:#{db_sqlite}" #sqlite3 ?
- @conn=DBI.connect(@dbi)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/composite.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/composite.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d537f4a..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/composite.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: composite documents, assemble/build documents from other
- documents or parts of marked up text
-module SiSU_Assemble
- require_relative 'sysenv' # sysenv.rb
- class RemoteImage
- def initialize
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new
- end
- def image(dir)
- images=[]
- images[0]=dir
- images
- end
- def download_images(images_info)
- path="#{@env.processing_path.processing}/external_document/image"
- FileUtils::mkdir_p(path) unless FileTest.directory?(path)
- download_from=images_info.shift
- images_info.each do |i|
- image="#{path}/#{i}"
- imagefile=File.new(image,'w+')
- open("#{download_from}/#{i}") do |g|
- imagefile << g.read
- end
- imagefile.close
- end
- output_path="#{@env.path.webserv}/#{@env.path.stub_pwd}/_sisu/image_external"
- FileUtils::mkdir_p(output_path) unless FileTest.directory?(output_path)
- SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new("#{path}/*",output_path,'q').rsync
- end
- end
- class Composite
- @@imager={}
- def initialize(opt)
- @opt=opt
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new
- end
- def read
- begin
- pwd=Dir.pwd
- Dir.chdir(@opt.f_pth[:pth])
- @fns_array=IO.readlines(@opt.fno,'')
- assembled=insertions?
- write(assembled)
- Dir.chdir(pwd)
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- ensure
- end
- end
- def write(assembled)
- assembled_file=File.new("#{@env.processing_path.composite_file}/#{@opt.fnb}.ssm.sst",'w+')
- assembled.each {|a| assembled_file << a }
- assembled_file.close
- end
- def download_images(download_from,images_array)
- path="#{@env.processing_path.processing}/external_document/image"
- FileUtils::mkdir_p(path) unless FileTest.directory?(path)
- images_array.each do |i|
- image="#{path}/#{i}"
- unless FileTest.exists?(image)
- imagefile=File.new(image,'w+')
- open("#{download_from}/#{i}") do |g|
- imagefile << g.read
- end
- imagefile.close
- end
- end
- end
- def insertion(fni,insert_array)
- file={ prepared: [], images: [] }
- rgx_image=/(?:^|[^_\\])\{\s*(\S+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif))/
- file[:prepared] << "\n% |#{fni}|@|^|>>ok\n"
- @code_flag=false
- insert_array.each do |i|
- @code_flag=if i =~/^code\{/ then true
- elsif i =~/^\}code/ then false
- else @code_flag
- end
- if not @code_flag \
- and i !~/^%+\s/
- i=i.gsub(/^([123]|:?[ABC])~\? /,'% [conditional heading:] \1~ ') #off conditional heading (consider syntax)
- if i =~/^@\S+?:/
- i=i.gsub(/\n/m,"\n% ").
- gsub(/\n%\s+$/m,'').
- gsub(/^@\S+?:/m,"\n% [imported header:] ") #off imported headers
- end
- end
- file[:prepared] << i
- if i !~/^%+\s/ \
- and i =~rgx_image
- file[:images] << i.scan(rgx_image).uniq
- end
- end
- file[:prepared] << "\n% end import" << "\n\n"
- if file[:images].length > 0
- file[:images]=file[:images].flatten.uniq
- file[:images].delete_if {|x| x =~/https?:\/\// }
- end
- file
- end
- def insertions?
- data=@fns_array
- tuned_file,imagedir=[],[]
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'Composite Document',"[#{@opt.f_pth[:lng_is]}] #{@opt.fno}").grey_title_hi unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- data.each do |para|
- if para =~/^<<\s+(\S+?\.ss[it])$/ \
- or para =~/^<<\{(\S+?\.ss[it])\}$/ \
- or para =~/^(?:<<\s*)\|(\S+?)\|@\|.+?\|(?:req(?:quire)?\b|\s*\})?/ \
- or para =~/^r\{(.+?)\}/ #depreciated
- loadfile=$1.strip
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'loading:',loadfile).txt_grey if @opt.cmd =~/[MVv]/
- tuned_file << if loadfile =~ /(?:https?|file):\/\/\S+?\.ss[ti]$/ # and NetTest
- imagedir = /((?:https?|file):\/\/\S+?)\/[^\/]+?\.ss[ti]$/.match(loadfile).captures.join + '/_sisu/image' #watch
- require 'uri'
- image_uri=URI.parse(imagedir)
- require 'open-uri'
- require 'pp'
- insert=open(loadfile)
- insert_array=insert.dup
- insert.close
- file=insertion(loadfile,insert_array)
- @@imager[image_uri] ||=[]
- @@imager[image_uri] << file[:images]
- file[:prepared]
- elsif loadfile =~ /\.ss[ti]$/ \
- and FileTest.file?(loadfile)
- insert_array=IO.readlines(loadfile,'')
- file=insertion(loadfile,insert_array)
- file[:prepared]
- else
- cX=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd).cX
- STDERR.puts "\t #{cX.fuchsia}ERROR#{cX.off} #{cX.brown}#{@opt.fns}#{cX.off} #{cX.fuchsia}requires invalid or non-existent file:#{cX.off} #{cX.brown}#{loadfile}#{cX.off}"
- para
- end
- else tuned_file << para
- end
- tuned_file=tuned_file.flatten.compact
- end
- if @@imager.length >0
- @@imager.each do |d,i|
- i=i.flatten.uniq
- image_info=d + i
- download_images(image_info.flatten)
- end
- end
- tuned_file
- end
- end
- class CompositeFileList
- @@imager={}
- def initialize(opt)
- @opt=opt
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new
- end
- def read
- begin
- @opt.fns=@opt.fns.gsub(/\.ssm\.sst$/,'.ssm') #FIX earlier, hub
- @fns_array=IO.readlines(@opt.fns,'')
- insertions?
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- ensure
- end
- end
- def insertions?
- data=@fns_array
- tuned_file=[]
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'Composite Document',@opt.fno).grey_title_hi unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- @ssm=[@opt.fns]
- data.each do |para|
- if para =~/^<<\s+(\S+?\.ss[it])$/
- loadfile=$1.strip
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'loading:',loadfile).txt_grey if @opt.cmd =~/[MVv]/
- tuned_file << if loadfile =~ /(?:https?|file):\/\/\S+?\.ss[ti]$/
- @ssm << loadfile
- elsif loadfile =~ /\.ss[ti]$/ \
- and FileTest.file?(loadfile)
- @ssm << loadfile
- else
- cX=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd).cX
- STDERR.puts "\t #{cX.fuchsia}ERROR#{cX.off} #{cX.brown}#{@opt.fns}#{cX.off} #{cX.fuchsia}requires invalid or non-existent file:#{cX.off} #{cX.brown}#{loadfile}#{cX.off}"
- para
- end
- end
- end
- @ssm
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/concordance.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/concordance.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5387dce3..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/concordance.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: concordance file (html concordance, wordmap, linked index of
- words in document)
-module SiSU_Concordance
- require_relative 'particulars' # particulars.rb
- include SiSU_Particulars
- require_relative 'sysenv' # sysenv.rb
- include SiSU_Env
- require_relative 'defaults' # defaults.rb
- include SiSU_Viz
- require_relative 'html_format' # html_format.rb
- include SiSU_HTML_Format
- require_relative 'html_minitoc' # html_minitoc.rb
- class Source
- def initialize(opt)
- @opt=opt
- @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::CombinedSingleton.instance.get_all(opt)
- end
- def read
- begin
- @env,@md=@particulars.env,@particulars.md
- @env.url.output_tell
- unless @md.opt.cmd =~/q/
- tool=(@md.opt.cmd =~/[MVv]/) \
- ? "#{@env.program.web_browser} #{@md.file.output_path.html_concordance.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.html_concordance}"
- : "[#{@opt.f_pth[:lng_is]}] #{@opt.fno}"
- @md.opt.cmd=~/[MVvz]/ \
- ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"Concordance",tool).green_hi_blue
- : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'Concordance',tool).green_title_hi
- end
- wordmax=@env.concord_max
- unless @md.wc_words.nil?
- if @md.wc_words < wordmax
- SiSU_Concordance::Source::Words.new(@particulars).songsheet
- else
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.opt.cmd,"concordance skipped, large document has over #{wordmax} words (#{@md.wc_words})").warn unless @md.opt.cmd =~/q/
- end
- else
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.opt.cmd,"wc (word count) is off, concordance will be processed for all files including those over the max set size of: #{wordmax} words").warn unless @md.opt.cmd =~/q/
- SiSU_Concordance::Source::Words.new(@particulars).songsheet
- end
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@md.opt.cmd,@md.fns).location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- ensure
- SiSU_Env::CreateSite.new(@opt.cmd).cp_css
- end
- end
- private
- class DocTitle
- include SiSU_Viz
- #revisit, both requires (html & shared_xml) needed for stand alone operation (sisu -w [filename])
- require_relative 'shared_xml' # shared_xml.rb
- require_relative 'html' # html.rb
- def initialize(particulars)
- @particulars,@md=particulars,particulars.md
- @data=SiSU_HTML::Source::HTML_Environment.new(particulars).tuned_file_instructions
- @file=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md)
- @fnb=@md.fnb
- @lex_button=%{}
- @doc_details =<
Word index links are to html versions of the text the segmented version followed by the scroll (single document) version. [For segmented text references [T1], [T2] or [T3] appearing without a link, indicates that the word appears in a title (or subtitle) of the text (that is identifiable by the appended object citation number).]
(The word listing/index is Case sensitive: Capitalized words appear before lower case)
- word (number of occurences) linked references to word within document
- [if number of occurences exceed number of references - word occurs more than once in at least one reference. Footnote/endnotes are either assigned to the paragraph from which they are referenced or ignored, so it is relevant to check the footnotes referenced from within a paragraph as well.]
- (After the page is fully loaded) you can jump directly to a word by appending a hash (#) and the word to the url for this text, (do not forget that words are case sensitive, and may be listed twice (starting with and without an upper case letter)), #your_word # [ http://[web host]/#{@fnb}/concordance.html#your_word ]
- end
- end
- class Word
- @@word_previous=''
- def initialize(word,freq)
- @word,@freq=word,freq
- end
- def html
- w=if @word.capitalize==@@word_previous
- %{\n
- else n=@word.strip.gsub(/\s+/,'_') #also need to convert extended character set to html
- %{\n
- for word in @freq.keys.sort! {|a,b| a.downcase<=>b.downcase}
- f=/^(\S)/.match(word)[1]
- if letter < f.upcase
- while letter < f.upcase
- if alph.length > 0
- letter=alph.shift
- @file_concordance << %{\n
- alph.each do |x|
- if x =~/[0-9]/
- idx[:html] << ''
- idx[:xhtml] << ''
- else
- idx[:html] << %{#{x},#{$ep[:hsp]}}
- idx[:xhtml] << %{#{x},#{$ep[:hsp]}}
- end
- end
- idx[:html] << '
- idx[:xhtml] << '
- letter=alph.shift
- idx[:html] << %{\n
- idx[:xhtml] << %{\n
0 - 9
- the_idx.each do |i|
- i.each do |x|
- if x.is_a?(String)
- f=/^(\S)/.match(x)[1]
- if letter < f
- while letter < f
- if alph.length > 0
- letter=alph.shift
- idx[:html] << %{\n
- idx[:xhtml][@r]=idx[:xhtml][@r] + ''
- end
- end
- end
- @x +=1
- end
- end
- end
- print "\n" if @md.opt.cmd =~/V/
- idx
- end
- def screen_print(the_idx)
- the_idx.each do |i|
- i.each do |x|
- if x.is_a?(String)
- print "\n" + x + ', '
- elsif x.is_a?(Array)
- p 'array error? -->'
- print x
- elsif x.is_a?(Hash)
- if x['node_0_terms'].is_a?(Array)
- x['node_0_terms'].each do |a|
- if a[:range]
- print a[:range] + ', '
- elsif a[:ocn]
- print a[:ocn] + ', '
- else p 'error'
- end
- end
- end
- if x['node_1_subterms']
- x['node_1_subterms'].sort.each do |k,y|
- if k !~/node_0_terms/
- print "\n\t" + k + ', '
- y.each do |z|
- if z[:range]
- print z[:range] + ', '
- elsif z[:ocn]
- print z[:ocn] + ', '
- else p 'error'
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def output_idx(idx)
- if @md.book_idx
- path="#{@env.path.output}/#{@md.fnb}"
- Dir.mkdir(path) unless FileTest.directory?(path)
- puts "#{path}/#{@md.fn[:book_idx_html]} #{__FILE__}::#{__LINE__}"
- html_index_file=File.new("#{path}/#{@md.fn[:book_idx_html]}",'w')
- idx[:html].each {|x| html_index_file << x }
- html_index_file.close
- end
- end
- def clean_and_insert_index(data,sisu_markup_idx)
- tuned_file=[]
- data.each do |dob|
- tuned_file << dob
- if dob.obj =~/#{Mx[:br_endnotes]}/ \
- and sisu_markup_idx
- sisu_markup_idx.each do |idx|
- tuned_file << idx
- end
- end
- end
- tuned_file
- end
- def clean_index(data) #check on use of dob
- tuned_file=[]
- data.each do |para|
- para=para.gsub(/\n*#{@rgx_idx}/m,'')
- tuned_file << para
- end
- tuned_file
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/dal_images.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/dal_images.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d445b1e..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/dal_images.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: system environment, resource control and configuration details
-module SiSU_DAL_Images
- class Images
- #require 'RMagick'
- #include Magick
- def initialize(md,data)
- @md,@data=md,data
- end
- def images
- data=@data
- tuned_file=[]
- @rmgk=false
- imagemagick_=true #imagemagick_=SiSU_Env::InfoSettings.new.program?('rmagick')
- if imagemagick_
- begin
- @rmgk=SiSU_Env::Load.new('RMagick').prog
- rescue
- @rmgk=false
- end
- else
- if @md.opt.cmd =~/[vVM]/
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.opt.cmd,'*WARN* use of RMagick is not enabled in sisurc.yml').warn
- end
- end
- data.each do |dob|
- unless dob.is ==:table
- dob.obj=dob.obj.strip
- if dob.obj =~/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\s*\S+\.(?:png|jpg|gif)(?:\s*|\s+.+)?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}|image)/
- if dob.obj !~/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\s*\S+\.(?:png|jpg|gif)\s+\d+x\d+/
- m=/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\s*(\S+\.(?:png|jpg|gif))/
- if imagemagick_
- imgs=dob.obj.scan(m).flatten
- img_col=img_row=nil
- images=imgs.each do |image|
- dir=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns)
- path_image=[dir.path.image_source_include_local,dir.path.image_source_include_remote,dir.path.image_source_include]
- image_path=nil
- path_image.each do |img_pth|
- image_path=img_pth
- break if FileTest.exist?("#{img_pth}/#{image}")
- end
- if FileTest.exist?("#{image_path}/#{image}")
- if @rmgk
- img=Magick::ImageList.new("#{image_path}/#{image}")
- img_col,img_row=img.columns,img.rows
- else
- if @md.opt.cmd =~/[vVM]/
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.opt.cmd,'*WARN* RMagick not present, will attempt to use imagemagick (identify) directly').warn
- end
- imgk=SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new.imagemagick
- gmgk=SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new.graphicksmagick
- if imgk or gmgk
- if imgk
- imgsys=`identify #{image_path}/#{image}`.strip #system call
- elsif gmgk
- imgsys=`gm identify #{image_path}/#{image}`.strip #system call
- end
- img_col,img_row=/(\d+)x(\d+)/m.match(imgsys)[1,2]
- img_col,img_row=img_col.to_i,img_row.to_i
- end
- end
- row=((img && defined? img.rows) ? img.rows : img_row)
- col=((img && defined? img.columns) ? img.columns : img_col)
- if img_col > img_row #landscape
- if img_col> 640
- img_col=640
- img_row=((1.00*img_col/col)*row).round
- end
- else #portrait
- if img_col> 640
- img_col=640
- img_row=((1.00*img_col/col)*row).round
- end
- if img_row > 640
- img_row=640
- img_col=((1.00*img_row/row)*col).round
- end
- end
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/(#{image})/,"#{image} #{img_col}x#{img_row}")
- else dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\s*(\S+)\.(png|jpg|gif).+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}|image)/,'[ \1 (\2 missing) ]')
- end
- end
- else
- images=dob.obj.scan(m) do |image|
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.opt.cmd,'*WARN* where image dimensions have not been provided RMagick or imagemagick is required',image).warn #unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if dob.obj =~/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\s*\S+\.(?:png|jpg|gif).+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}|image)/
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/(#{Mx[:lnk_o]})\s*(\S+\.(?:png|jpg|gif))\s+/i,'\1\2 ')
- end
- end
- tuned_file << dob unless dob.nil?
- end
- tuned_file
- end
- end
-imgsys=`identify #{image_path}/#{image}`.strip
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/dal_metadata.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/dal_metadata.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9273d88a..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/dal_metadata.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: system environment, resource control and configuration details
-module SiSU_DAL_Metadata
- class Metadata
- def initialize(md,metad)
- @md,@metadata=md,metad
- l=SiSU_Env::StandardiseLanguage.new(@md.opt.lng).language
- language=l[:n]
- @tr=SiSU_Translate::Source.new(md,language)
- end
- def make_para(obj,ocn)
- h={ obj: obj, ocn: 0 }
- SiSU_DAL_DocumentStructure::ObjectPara.new.paragraph(h)
- end
- def make_heading(obj,ocn,name,lv,ln)
- h={ lv: lv, ln: ln, name: name, obj: obj, ocn: 0 }
- SiSU_DAL_DocumentStructure::ObjectHeading.new.heading(h)
- end
- def metadata
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/dal_misc_arrange.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/dal_misc_arrange.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e6cc72db..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/dal_misc_arrange.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: system environment, resource control and configuration details
-module SiSU_DAL_MiscArrangeText
- class SI
- def initialize(md,data)
- @md,@data=md,data
- end
- def conditional_headings(para)
- para=para.gsub(/^(:?A~)\s*$/,'\1~ @title @author'). #conditional header
- gsub(/^((?:[1-9]|:?[A-C])~\S*)\s*$/,'\1~ [Note: heading marker::required title missing]~#') #conditional header for incorporated document 2004w12
- if para =~/^@\S+?:/
- para=para.gsub(/^@(\S+?):(\s+|$)/,"#{Mx[:meta_o]}\\1#{Mx[:meta_c]}\\2").
- gsub(/^@(\S+?):([+-])(\s+|$)/,"#{Mx[:meta_o]}\\1\\2#{Mx[:meta_c]}\\3")
- end
- para
- end
- def code_blocks(para)
- def ticks(para)
- block_open,block_close,text=nil,nil,nil
- if para =~/\A[`]{3}\s+.+?\n.+?\n[`]{3}(?:\s+[~-][#]|\s+\~\{.+?\}\~)?\s*\Z/m
- block_open,text,block_close=/\A([`]{3}\s+.+?)\n(.+?)\n([`]{3}(\s+[~-][#]|\s+\~\{.+?\}\~)?)\s*\Z/m.match(para)[1..3]
- ((para=~/^[`]{3}\s+table(?:~h)?\s+/) \
- and (para !~/^[`]{3}\s+table(?:~h)?\s+c\d+/)) \
- ? para
- : (para=[]; para << block_open << text << block_close)
- elsif para =~/\A[`]{3}\s+.+?\n.*?\Z/m #look at, study
- block_open,text=/\A([`]{3}(?:\s+.+?))\n(.*?)\Z/m.match(para)[1,2]
- para=[]
- if not text.to_s.empty?
- para << block_open << text
- else
- para << block_open
- end
- elsif para =~/\A.+?\n[`]{3}(?:\s+[~-][#]|\s+\~\{.+?\}\~)?\s*\Z/m
- text,block_close=/\A(.+?)\n([`]{3}(?:\s+[~-][#]|\s+\~\{.+?\}\~)?)\s*\Z/m.match(para)[1,2]
- para=[]
- if not text.to_s.empty?
- para << text.to_s << block_close
- else
- para << block_close
- end
- else para
- end
- para
- end
- def curly_braces(para)
- block_open,block_close,text=nil,nil,nil
- para=if para =~/\A(?:code|poem|alt|group|block|table)\{ .+?\n.+?\n\}(?:code|poem|alt|group|block|table)(?: [~-][#])?\s*\Z/m
- block_open,text,block_close=/\A((?:code|poem|alt|group|block|table)\{ .+?)\n(.+?)\n(\}(?:code|poem|alt|group|block|table)(?: [~-][#])?)\s*\Z/m.match(para)[1..3]
- para=[]
- para << block_open << text << block_close
- elsif para =~/\A(?:code|poem|alt|group|block|table)\{ .+?\n.+?\Z/m
- block_open,text=/\A((?:code|poem|alt|group|block|table)\{ .+?)\n(.+?)\Z/m.match(para)[1,2]
- para=[]
- if not text.to_s.empty?
- para << block_open << text
- else
- para << block_open
- end
- elsif para =~/\A.+?\n\}(?:code|poem|alt|group|block|table)(?: [~-][#])?\s*\Z/m
- text,block_close=/\A(.+?)\n(\}(?:code|poem|alt|group|block|table)(?: [~-][#])?)\s*\Z/m.match(para)[1,2]
- para=[]
- if not text.to_s.empty?
- para << text.to_s << block_close
- else
- para << block_close
- end
- else para
- end
- para
- end
- para=para =~/^```/m \
- ? ticks(para)
- : para
- para=(para =~/^(?:code|poem|alt|group|block|table)\{|^\}(?:code|poem|alt|group|block|table)/m) \
- ? curly_braces(para)
- : para
- end
- def prepare_text
- data=@data
- data_new=[],[]
- if data[0] =~ /^#!\s*(?:\/usr\/bin\/env sisu|\/usr\/bin\/sisu)/ # remove bang from top #! (however file is stripped, so will be removed provided no content precedes it)
- data[0]=data[0].gsub(/^#!\s*\/usr\/bin\/sisu/,'').
- gsub(/^#!\s*\/usr\/bin\/env sisu/,'')
- end
- if data[0] =~ /^(SiSU\s+[\d.]*|sisu-[\d.]+)$/ # SiSU identifier
- data[0]=data[0].gsub(/^(SiSU\s*[\d.]*)$/,'% \1').
- gsub(/^(sisu-[\d.]+)$/,'% \1')
- end
- data.each do |para|
- para=conditional_headings(para)
- data_new << code_blocks(para)
- end
- data_new=data_new.flatten
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/dal_numbering.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/dal_numbering.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c2ac6785..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/dal_numbering.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: system environment, resource control and configuration details
-module SiSU_DAL_Numbering
- class Numbering
- attr_accessor :obj,:osp,:ocn,:lv,:name,:index,:comment
- def initialize(md,data)
- @md,@data=md,data
- @obj=@type=@ocn=@lv=@name=@index=@comment=nil
- end
- def numbering_song
- data=@data
- data=number_plaintext_para(data)
- data=auto_number_heading_ie_title(data.compact) #tr issue
- data=ocn(data.compact) #watch
- data=xml(data.compact)
- data=minor_numbering(data.compact)
- data,tags_map,ocn_html_seg_map=name_para_seg_filename(data)
- data=set_heading_top(data) unless @md.set_heading_top
- [data,tags_map,ocn_html_seg_map]
- end
- def number_plaintext_para(data)
- @tuned_file=[]
- data.each do |dob|
- if (dob.of !=:block \
- && dob.of !=:comment \
- && dob.of !=:layout) \
- && dob.ocn_ #and dob.obj !~ /#{Mx[:gr_o]}Th|#{Mx[:tc_o]}#{Mx[:tc_p]}#{Mx[:tc_p]}/ #FIX
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/(.+)\n/,'\1 ') #messy, but idea is that tables should retain breaks
- end
- unless dob.obj.is_a?(Array)
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/^\s+/,'').
- gsub(/\s$/,"\n")
- end
- @tuned_file << dob
- end
- @tuned_file=@tuned_file.flatten
- end
- def number_sub_heading(dob,num,title_no)
- unless dob.obj =~/\d+\.|(?:chapter|article|section|clause)\s+\d+/i #name selection arbitrary, fix
- dob.obj=case dob.name
- when /-/; dob.obj.gsub(/^/,"#{title_no} ")
- when /^#/; dob.obj.gsub(/^/,"#{title_no} ")
- when /^[a-z_\.]+/; dob.obj.gsub(/^/,"#{title_no} ")
- else
- dob.name=title_no if dob.name=~/^$/ #where title contains title number
- dob.obj.gsub(/^/,"#{title_no} ") if title_no =~/\d+/ #main, where title number is to be provided #watch changed placement
- end
- if @md.toc_lev_limit \
- and @md.toc_lev_limit < num
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/^/,'!_ ') #bold line, watch
- end
- end
- dob
- end
- def heading_tag_clean(heading_tag)
- heading_tag=heading_tag.gsub(/[ ]+/,'_').
- gsub(/["']/,'').
- gsub(/[\/]/,'-').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}|#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}/,'').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}|#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}/,'').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}|#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}/,'').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_cite_o]}|#{Mx[:fa_cite_c]}/,'').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_insert_o]}|#{Mx[:fa_insert_c]}/,'').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_strike_o]}|#{Mx[:fa_strike_c]}/,'').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_superscript_o]}|#{Mx[:fa_superscript_c]}/,'').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_subscript_o]}|#{Mx[:fa_subscript_c]}/,'').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_hilite_o]}|#{Mx[:fa_hilite_c]}/,'').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:gl_bullet]}/,'')
- end
- def auto_number_heading_ie_title(data) #also does some segment naming
- @tuned_file=[]
- if defined? @md.make.num_top \
- and @md.make.num_top \
- and @md.make.num_top !~/^$/
- input||=@md.make.num_top
- end
- num_top=(input ? input.to_i : nil)
- t_no1=t_no2=t_no3=0
- if num_top
- no1=num_top; no2=(num_top + 1); no3=(num_top + 2)
- end
- chapter_number_counter=0
- data=data.compact
- data.each do |dob| #@md.seg_names << [additions to segment names]
- title_no=nil
- dob=SiSU_DAL_DocumentStructureExtract::Structure.new(@md,dob).structure_markup #must happen earlier, node info etc. require
- if dob.is ==:heading \
- && dob.autonum_ \
- and defined? @md.make.num_top \
- and @md.make.num_top !~/^$/
- if dob.lv=='1' \
- and dob.obj =~/^#\s|\s#(?:\s|$)/
- chapter_number_counter +=1
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/^#\s/,"#{chapter_number_counter} ").
- gsub(/#([:,]?\s|[.]?$)/,"#{chapter_number_counter}\\1")
- end
- if dob.ln==no1
- @subnumber=1
- @subnumber=0 if dob.ln==no1
- end
- if dob.ln.to_s =~/^[1-6]/ \
- and not dob.toc_ \
- and dob.obj !~/#{Mx[:fa_o]}(?:~#|-#)#{Mx[:fa_c]}/ # <-- fix
- if dob.ln==no1
- t_no1+=1; t_no2=0; t_no3=0
- title_no="#{t_no1}"
- if @md.seg_names.is_a?(Array) \
- and not @md.seg_names.include?(title_no)
- if dob.ln==no1
- dob.name="#{title_no}" if not dob.name
- dob.tags=[title_no,dob.tags].flatten if title_no !~/^\d+$/ #check whether will work across file types with stop signs
- tag=dob.obj.gsub(/(Article|Clause|Section|Chapter)\s+/,"\\1_#{title_no}").downcase
- tag=heading_tag_clean(tag)
- dob.tags=[tag,dob.tags].flatten if tag !~/^\d+$/ #check whether will work across file types with stop signs
- dob.obj=(dob.obj =~/(Article|Clause|Section)\s+/) \
- ? (dob.obj.gsub(/(Article|Clause|Section)\s+/,"\\1 #{title_no} "))
- : (dob.obj.gsub(/^/,"#{title_no}. ")) #fix stop later
- end
- if dob.ln !=no1 \
- and dob.obj =~/^[\d.]+\s/ #fix -> if the title starts with a numbering scheme, do not auto-number, review
- dob.name ="#{title_no}" if not dob.name
- dob.tags=[title_no,dob.tags].flatten if title_no !~/^\d+$/ #check whether will work across file types with stop signs
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/^/,"#{title_no}. ")
- end
- @md.seg_names << title_no
- end
- if dob.ln!=no1 \
- and dob.name!~/^[a-z_\.]+$/ \
- and dob.obj !~/[A-Z]\.?\s/ #bug -> tmp fix, excludes A. B. C. lettering, but not roman numerals, is arbitrary, review required # not fixed, work on
- dob.tags=[title_no,dob.tags].flatten if title_no !~/^\d+$/ #check whether will work across file types with stop signs
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/^/i,"#{title_no}. ")
- end
- end
- if dob.ln==no1 #watch because here you change dob.name
- dob.tags=["h#{title_no}",dob.tags].flatten #check whether will work across file types with stop signs
- end
- if dob.ln==no2 #watch because here you change dob.name
- t_no2+=1; t_no3=0
- title_no="#{t_no1}.#{t_no2}"
- dob.tags=["h#{title_no}",dob.tags].flatten #check whether will work across file types with stop signs
- dob=number_sub_heading(dob,no2,title_no)
- end
- if dob.ln==no3 #watch because here you change dob.name
- t_no3+=1
- title_no="#{t_no1}.#{t_no2}.#{t_no3}"
- dob.tags=["h#{title_no}",dob.tags].flatten #check whether will work across file types with stop signs
- dob=number_sub_heading(dob,no3,title_no)
- end
- elsif dob.ln.to_s =~/^[1-6]/ \
- and dob.name =~ /^[\w-]+-/ # endnotes, watch2005# endnotes, watch2005
- dob.tags=[dob.name,dob.tags].flatten if dob.name !~/^\d+$/ #check whether will work across file types with stop signs
- dob.name.gsub(/^([a-z_\.]+)-$/,'\1')
- end
- elsif dob.is ==:heading \
- and dob.autonum_ \
- and @md.markup =~/num_extract/ #AS DANGEROUS force enable with document, note already does this type of numbering for cisg, locate and coordinate logic, is currently misplaced in code, chengwei inspired 2004w23/4
- #here lies a bug, as is nil when run from -Dv --update, FIX
- if (dob.name.nil? or dob.name.empty?) \
- and dob.ln.to_s =~/^[1-9]/ \
- and dob.obj =~ /^([\d\.]+)/ #risky (must be unique) consider output to 4~~\d instead of 4~\d
- dob.name=$1
- dob.tags=[dob.name,dob.tags].flatten if dob.name !~/^\d+$/ #check whether will work across file types with stop signs
- end
- if @md.toc_lev_limit
- end
- elsif defined? dob.name \
- and dob.name
- dob.tags=[dob.name,dob.tags].flatten if dob.name !~/^\d+$/ #check whether will work across file types with stop signs
- end
- dob.tags=dob.tags.uniq if defined? dob.tags
- @tuned_file << dob
- end
- @tuned_file=@tuned_file.flatten
- end
- def ocn(data) #and auto segment numbering increment
- @tuned_file=SiSU_DAL_DocumentStructureExtract::OCN.new(@md,data).ocn
- @tuned_file
- end
- def xml(data)
- @tuned_file=SiSU_DAL_DocumentStructureExtract::XML.new(@md,data).dom
- @tuned_file
- end
- def minor_numbering(data) #and auto segment numbering increment
- @tuned_file=[]
- number_small,letter_small=0,0
- letter=%w( a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z )
- data.each do |dob|
- if dob.of ==:heading \
- || dob.of ==:heading_insert \
- || dob.of ==:para \
- || dob.of ==:block
- if dob.is ==:heading \
- and dob.ln.to_s=~/^[1-9]/ #% sub-number system, (baby numbering) reset with any change of major number (more obviously should be placed in number titles, but that is conditionally executed, check and move later)
- number_small,letter_small=0,0
- elsif dob.is ==:para
- if dob.obj =~/^#[ 1]/ \
- and dob.obj !~/^#\s+(?:~#)?$/
- letter_small=0
- number_small=0 if dob.obj =~ /^#1/
- number_small+=1
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/^#[ 1]/,"#{number_small}. ")
- end
- if dob.obj =~/^_# /
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/^_# /,"#{letter[letter_small]}. ")
- dob.indent='1'
- letter_small+=1
- end
- end
- end
- @tuned_file << dob
- end
- @tuned_file=@tuned_file.flatten
- end
- def name_para_seg_filename(data) #segment naming, remaining
- # paragraph name/numbering rules
- # manual naming overrides, manual naming may be
- # alpha-numeric characters mixed,
- # numeric only (a number), if
- # all segments have been named,
- # the numbers used are over 1000 or
- # it is not minded that auto-numbering uses a funny scheme for naming segments (not yet implemented)
- # [for now a warning is printed for such documents on use of maintenance or very-verbose flag]
- # auto-naming takes the form of giving numbers to segments
- # the rules for which are as follows
- # if the title/heading text starts with a numeric, then that is used (1 3.1 3rd etc.)
- # otherwise the level 4 segment number from the embedded document structure info is used
- # if there is none a sequential number is designated, preceded by an underscore
- @tuned_file,@unique_auto_name=[],[]
- tags={}
- art_filename_auto=1
- @counter=1
- if not @md.seg_autoname_safe and @md.opt.cmd =~/[MV]/
- puts 'manual segment names, numbers used as names, risk warning (segmented html)'
- end
- ocn_html_seg=[]
- data.each do |dob|
- if dob.is==:heading \
- && dob.ln \
- and dob.ln.to_s =~/^[456]/
- if dob.ln==4 \
- and not dob.name \
- and not @md.set_heading_seg
- @md.set_heading_seg=true
- end
- if dob.name !~/^\S+/ \
- and dob.obj =~/^\s*(?:\S+\s+)?([\d.,:-]+)/m #heading starts with a recognised numeric or word followed by a recognised numerical construct, use that as name
- possible_seg_name=$1
- possible_seg_name=possible_seg_name.gsub(/(?:[:,-]|\W)/,'.').
- gsub(/\.$/,'')
- if @md.seg_names.is_a?(Array) \
- and not @md.seg_names.include?(possible_seg_name)
- dob.name=possible_seg_name
- dob.tags=[dob.name,dob.tags].flatten if dob.name !~/^\d+$/
- @md.seg_names << possible_seg_name
- else puts 'warn, there may be a conflicting numbering scheme' if @md.opt.cmd =~/[VM]/
- end
- end
- if dob.ln==4 \
- and dob.name #extract segment name from embedded document structure info
- if @md.seg_names.is_a?(Array) \
- and not @md.seg_names.include?(dob.name)
- dob.tags=[dob.name,dob.tags].flatten if dob.name !~/^\d+$/
- @md.seg_names << dob.name
- end
- end
- if dob.ln==4 \
- and not dob.name #if still no segment name, provide a numerical one
- pf='_' #pg='' #may use e.g. '' or '~' or '_'
- segn_auto="#{pf}#{art_filename_auto.to_s}"
- if @md.seg_names.is_a?(Array) \
- and not @md.seg_names.include?(segn_auto)
- dob.name=segn_auto
- dob.tags=[dob.name,dob.tags].flatten if dob.name !~/^\d+$/ #check whether will work across file types with stop signs
- @md.seg_names << segn_auto
- else puts 'segment name (numbering) error'
- end
- art_filename_auto+=1
- end
- if dob.ln==4 \
- and not dob.name #should not occur
- puts "e r r o r -\t#{__FILE__}::#{__LINE__}\n#{dob.inspect}"
- end
- end
- if (dob.is ==:heading \
- || dob.is ==:heading_insert) \
- && dob.ln==4
- @seg=dob.name
- end
- @tuned_file << if dob.is==:heading \
- && (@md.pagenew || @md.pagebreak || @md.pageline)
- m=dob.ln.to_s
- dob_tmp=[]
- if @md.pagenew.inspect =~/#{m}/
- dob_tmp << SiSU_DAL_DocumentStructure::ObjectLayout.new.break(Hx[:br_page_new]) << dob
- elsif @md.pagebreak.inspect =~/#{m}/
- dob_tmp << SiSU_DAL_DocumentStructure::ObjectLayout.new.break(Hx[:br_page]) << dob
- elsif @md.pageline.inspect =~/#{m}/
- dob_tmp << SiSU_DAL_DocumentStructure::ObjectLayout.new.break(Hx[:br_page_line]) << dob
- end
- unless dob_tmp.length > 0; dob
- else dob_tmp
- end
- else dob
- end
- if defined? dob.ocn \
- and dob.ocn
- @segname=((dob.is==:heading || dob.is==:heading_insert) && dob.ln==4 && (defined? dob.name)) \
- ? (dob.name)
- : @segname
- tags["#{dob.ocn}"]={ segname: @segname }
- ocn_html_seg[dob.ocn]=if (dob.is==:heading || dob.is==:heading_insert)
- if dob.ln =~/[1-3]/
- { seg: nil, level: dob.ln }
- else #elsif dob.ln =~/[4-6]/
- { seg: @seg, level: dob.ln }
- end
- else
- { seg: @seg, level: nil }
- end
- end
- dob.tags=dob.tags.uniq if defined? dob.tags
- if defined? dob.tags \
- and dob.tags.length > 0
- #@segname=((dob.is=='heading'|| dob.is=='heading_insert') && dob.ln==4 && (defined? dob.name)) \
- #? (dob.name) \
- #: @segname
- dob.tags.each do |y|
- tags[y]={ ocn: dob.ocn.to_s, segname: @segname }
- end
- end
- dob
- end
- ocn_html_seg.each_with_index do |ocn,i|
- if ocn \
- and ocn[:level].to_s=~/[1-3]/
- (1..4).each do |x|
- if ocn_html_seg[i+x] and ocn_html_seg[i+x][:level]==4
- ocn[:seg]=ocn_html_seg[i+x][:seg]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if @md.seg_names.length > 0
- @md.set_heading_seg=true
- end
- tuned_file=@tuned_file.flatten
- [tuned_file,tags,ocn_html_seg]
- end
- def set_heading_top(data) #% make sure no false positives
- unless @md.set_heading_top
- puts "\tdocument contains no top level heading, (will have to manufacture one)" if @md.opt.cmd =~/[MV]/
- @tuned_file=[]
- data.each do |t_o|
- unless @md.set_heading_top
- if t_o !~/^(?:#{Rx[:meta]}|@\S+:)\s/m \
- and t_o !~/\A\s*\Z/m
- @md.set_heading_top=true
- if defined? @md.title \
- and @md.title \
- and defined? @md.title.full \
- and defined? @md.creator \
- and @md.creator
- head=@md.title.main ? ([@lv='1',@obj=@md.title.main]) : ([@lv='1',@obj='[no title provided]'])
- @tuned_file << head
- end
- end
- end
- @tuned_file << t_o
- end
- @tuned_file=@tuned_file.flatten
- end
- end
- def set_heading_seg(data) #% make sure no false positives
- unless @md.set_heading_seg
- puts "\tdocument contains no segment level, (will have to manufacture one)" if @md.opt.cmd =~/[MV]/
- @tuned_file=[]
- data.each do |dob|
- unless @md.set_heading_seg
- if defined? dob.ln and dob.ln.to_s !~/^[123]/m \
- and dob.obj !~/\A\s*\Z/m \
- and dob.is !=:layout
- @md.set_heading_seg=true
- head=@md.title.main \
- ? (dob.ln,dob.name,dob.obj=4,'seg',@md.title.main)
- : (dob.ln,dob.name,dob.obj=4,'seg','[segment]')
- @tuned_file << head
- end
- end
- @tuned_file << dob
- end
- @tuned_file=@tuned_file.flatten
- end
- end
- def set_header_title(data) #% make sure no false positives
- unless @md.set_header_title
- puts "\t no document title provided, (will have to manufacture one)" if @md.opt.cmd =~/[MV]/
- @tuned_file=[]
- data.each do |t_o|
- unless @md.set_header_title
- if t_o !~/^%{1,2}\s/m \
- and t_o !~/\A\s*\Z/m
- @tuned_file << "#{Mx[:meta_o]}title#{Mx[:meta_c]} #{@md.heading_seg_first}"
- @md.title.main=@md.heading_seg_first
- @md.set_header_title=true
- end
- end
- @tuned_file << t_o
- end
- @tuned_file=@tuned_file.flatten
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/dal_syntax.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/dal_syntax.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f57307e..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/dal_syntax.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: Syntax for markup, input markup syntaxes, determined here
-module SiSU_DAL_Syntax
- class Words
- def initialize(line,md,mkp)
- @line,@md,@mkp=line,md,mkp
- end
- end
- class Markup
- def initialize(md='',data='')
- @md,@data=md,data
- @vz=SiSU_Viz::Defaults.new
- @data_new=[]
- url_and_stub=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new.url
- @output_url="#{url_and_stub.remote}"
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new
- emph_set=if defined? @md.emphasis_set_to \
- and not @md.emphasis_set_to.nil?
- @md.emphasis_set_to
- else @env.markup_emphasis
- end
- @emph=case emph_set
- when /bold/
- emph_italics=false
- { o: Mx[:fa_bold_o], c: Mx[:fa_bold_c] }
- when /italics/
- emph_italics=true
- { o: Mx[:fa_italics_o], c: Mx[:fa_italics_c] }
- when /underscore/
- emph_italics=false
- { o: Mx[:fa_underscore_o], c: Mx[:fa_underscore_c] }
- else p __LINE__.to_s + '::' + __FILE__
- end
- @http_m=%r{\{.+?\}https?://\S+|https?:\S+|:\S+|\.\.\/\S+|#\S+|\S+?\.png\b|[*]~\S+|^#{Mx[:meta_o]}.+|#{Mx[:gr_o]}(?:code|block|group|alt|verse)(?:-end)?#{Mx[:gr_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_o]}:br#{Mx[:fa_c]}}
- @manmkp_ital=emph_italics \
- ? '[i/*]\\{.+?\\}[i/*]'
- : '[i/]\\{.+?\\}[i/]'
- tail_m_ital=%q{(?:\s|[.,;:?!'")]|~\^|~\\\{\s|$)}
- tail_m_bold=%{(?:(?:#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]})?(?:\s|[.,;:?!'")]|~\^|~\\\{\s|$))?}
- bold_line=%{^!_\s.+?(?:#{Mx[:br_line]}|\n|$)}
- #ital_line=%{^/_\s.+?(?:#{Mx[:br_line]}|\n|$)} #not implemented
- @line_scan_ital=if defined? @md.italics_match_list[:str]
- /#{@http_m}|#{bold_line}|#{@manmkp_ital}#{tail_m_ital}|#{@md.italics_match_list[:str]}#{tail_m_ital}|\S+|\n/i
- elsif defined? @vz.markup_make_italic[:str]
- /#{@http_m}|#{bold_line}|#{@manmkp_ital}#{tail_m_ital}|#{@vz.markup_make_italic[:str]}#{tail_m_ital}|\S+|\n/i
- end
- @manmkp_bold=emph_italics \
- ? '^!_\s.+?(?:\n|$)|[!b]\\{.+?\\}[*!b]|[*!][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+[!]'
- : '^!_\s.+?(?:\n|$)|[*!b]\\{.+?\\}[*!b]|[*!][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+[*!]'
- @line_scan_bold=if (defined? @md.bold_match_list[:str] \
- and @md.bold_match_list[:str]) \
- and (defined? @vz.markup_make_bold[:str] \
- and @vz.markup_make_bold[:str])
- /#{@http_m}|#{bold_line}|(?:#{@manmkp_bold}|#{@md.bold_match_list[:str]}|#{@vz.markup_make_bold[:str]})#{tail_m_bold}|\S+|\n/i
- elsif defined? @md.bold_match_list[:str] \
- and @md.bold_match_list[:str]
- /#{@http_m}|#{bold_line}|(?:#{@manmkp_bold}|#{@md.bold_match_list[:str]})#{tail_m_bold}|\S+|\n/i
- elsif defined? @vz.markup_make_bold[:str] \
- and @vz.markup_make_bold[:str]
- /#{@http_m}|#{bold_line}|(?:#{@manmkp_bold}|#{@vz.markup_make_bold[:str]})#{tail_m_bold}|\S+|\n/i
- end
- end
- def songsheet
- @data=@data.compact
- @data.each do |dob|
- dob=breaks(dob)
- dob=if @md.sem_tag then sem(dob) else dob end #revisit
- dob=line_actions(dob)
- dob=paragraph_set(dob)
- dob=substitutions(dob)
- dob=wordlist_italics(dob)
- dob=wordlist_bold(dob)
- dob=bodymarkup(dob)
- @data_new << dob unless dob.nil?
- end
- @data_new
- end
- def sem(dob) #revisit
- dob=SiSU_Sem::Tags.new(dob,@md).rm.all
- end
- def breaks(dob)
- if dob.is !=:meta \
- && dob.is !=:comment \
- && dob.is !=:code \
- && dob.is !=:table
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/^-\\\\-\s*$/,"#{Mx[:br_page]}").
- gsub(/^=\\\\=\s*$/,"#{Mx[:br_page_new]}").
- gsub(/ \\\\(?: |$)/,"#{Mx[:br_line]}").
- gsub(/(?:<:?pb>)/,"#{Mx[:br_page]}"). # depreciated
- gsub(/(?:<:?pn>)/,"#{Mx[:br_page_new]}"). # depreciated
- gsub(/(?:<:?br>| )/,"#{Mx[:br_line]}"). # depreciated
- gsub(/(?:^-\.\.-\s*$)/,"#{Mx[:br_page_line]}")
- end
- dob
- end
- def wordlist_italics(dob)
- dob=dob.dup
- if (defined? @md.italics_match_list[:str] \
- and @md.italics_match_list[:str]) \
- or (defined? @vz.markup_make_italic[:str] \
- and @vz.markup_make_italic[:str])
- dob.obj=if dob.is !=:meta \
- && dob.is !=:heading \
- && dob.is !=:heading_insert \
- && dob.is !=:code \
- && dob.is !=:comment
- word=dob.obj.scan(@line_scan_ital)
- word=word.flatten.compact
- line_array=[]
- word.each do |w|
- unless /#{@manmkp_ital}|#{@http_m}/.match(w)
- if defined? @md.italics_match_list[:regx] \
- and @md.italics_match_list[:regx]
- w=w.gsub(@md.italics_match_list[:regx],
- "#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}")
- elsif defined? @vz.markup_make_italic \
- and @vz.markup_make_italic
- w=w.gsub(@vz.markup_make_italic,
- "#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}")
- else w
- end
- end
- line_array << w
- end
- line_array.join(' ')
- else dob.obj
- end
- end
- dob
- end
- def embolden(given)
- given=given.gsub(/^!_\s+((?:\{|#{Mx[:lnk_o]})(?:~^ )?.+?(?:\}|#{Mx[:lnk_o]})https?:\/\/\S+.*?)([#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}])/,
- "#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]} \\1 #{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}\\2").
- gsub(/^!_\s+((?:\{|#{Mx[:lnk_o]})(?:~^ )?.+?(?:\}|#{Mx[:lnk_o]})https?:\/\/\S+.*)/,
- "#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]} \\1 #{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}").
- gsub(/(?:^!_|^#{Mx[:lv_o]}[7-9]:\S*?#{Mx[:lv_c]})\s*(.+?)([#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}])/,
- "#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}\\2").
- gsub(/(?:^!_|^#{Mx[:lv_o]}[7-9]:\S*?#{Mx[:lv_c]})\s*(.+?)\s+((?:[*]~\S+\s*)+)/,
- "#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}\\2").
- gsub(/(?:^!_|^#{Mx[:lv_o]}[7-9]:\S*?#{Mx[:lv_c]})\s*(.+?)\s*([~-]#)$/,
- "#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}\\2").
- gsub(/(?:^!_\s+|^#{Mx[:lv_o]}[7-9]:\S*?#{Mx[:lv_c]}\s*)(.*)?\s*$/,
- "#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}")
- end
- def italicise(given)
- given=given.gsub(/^\/_\s*(.+?)([#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}])/,
- "#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}\\2").
- gsub(/^\/_\s*(.+?)\s+((?:[*]~\S+\s*)+)/,
- "#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}\\2").
- gsub(/^\/_\s*(.+?)\s*([~-]#)$/,
- "#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}\\2").
- gsub(/^\/_\s+(.*)?\s*$/,
- "#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}")
- end
- def line_actions(dob)
- dob.obj=if (dob.is !=:heading \
- && dob.is !=:heading_insert \
- && dob.is !=:comment \
- && dob.is !=:meta) \
- and dob.obj =~ /^!_\s+/
- embolden(dob.obj)
- elsif dob.obj =~ /^\/_\s+/
- italicise(dob.obj)
- else dob.obj
- end
- dob
- end
- def paragraph_set(dob)
- dob.obj=if dob.is !=:meta \
- && dob.is !=:heading \
- && dob.is !=:heading_insert \
- && dob.is !=:code \
- && dob.is !=:comment \
- && dob.is !=:table
- dob.obj.gsub(/\n/m,' ').
- gsub(/ \s+/m,' ')
- else dob.obj
- end
- dob
- end
- def substitutions(dob)
- dob=dob.dup
- dob=if defined? @md.substitution_match_list[:match_and_replace] \
- and @md.substitution_match_list[:match_and_replace].is_a?(Array)
- dob=if dob.is !=:meta \
- && dob.is !=:heading_insert \
- && dob.is !=:code \
- && dob.is !=:comment \
- && dob.is !=:table
- if dob.obj =~/#{@md.substitution_match_list[:matches]}/
- @md.substitution_match_list[:match_and_replace].each do |x|
- dob.obj=if x[:case_s]==:i
- dob.obj.gsub(/#{x[:match]}/mi,x[:replace])
- else
- dob.obj.gsub(/#{x[:match]}/m,x[:replace])
- end
- end
- end
- dob
- else dob
- end
- dob
- else dob
- end
- end
- def wordlist_bold(dob)
- dob=dob.dup
- if (defined? @md.bold_match_list[:str] \
- and @md.bold_match_list[:str]) \
- or (defined? @vz.markup_make_bold[:str] \
- and @vz.markup_make_bold[:str])
- dob.obj=if dob.is !=:meta \
- && dob.is !=:heading \
- && dob.is !=:heading_insert \
- && dob.is !=:code \
- && dob.is !=:comment \
- && dob.is !=:table
- line_array=[]
- word=dob.obj.scan(@line_scan_bold)
- word=word.flatten.compact
- word.each do |w|
- unless /#{@manmkp_bold}|#{@http_m}/.match(w)
- if defined? @md.bold_match_list[:regx] \
- and @md.bold_match_list[:regx] #document header: @bold: [bold word list]
- w=w.gsub(@md.bold_match_list[:regx],"#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}")
- elsif defined? @vz.markup_make_bold \
- and @vz.markup_make_bold #defaults adjusted bold word list
- w=w.gsub(@vz.markup_make_bold,"#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\1#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}")
- end
- else
- w=if w =~ /(?:^!_|^#{Mx[:lv_o]}[7-9]:\S*?#{Mx[:lv_c]})\s+/
- embolden(w) #bold paragraph/emphasize #may wish to remove think about 7{ 8{ conversion not satisfactory, as information is lost!
- elsif w =~/^\/_\s+/
- italicise(w)
- else w
- end
- end
- line_array << w
- end
- line_array.join(' ')
- else dob.obj
- end
- else
- dob.obj=if dob.is==:heading \
- and dob.ln.to_s =~/[7-9]/
- embolden(dob.obj)
- else dob.obj
- end
- end
- dob
- end
- def fontface_lines(dob,leader)
- while (dob.obj =~/#{Mx[:br_nl]}/ \
- and dob.obj =~/(?:#{leader})([*!\/_#])\{(.+?)\}\1/m) \
- and $2 =~/#{Mx[:br_nl]}/
- dob=if dob.obj =~/#{Mx[:br_nl]}/ \
- and dob.obj =~/(#{leader})([*!\/_#])\{(.+?)\}\2/m
- lead,fce,txt=$1,$2,$3
- dob=if txt =~/#{Mx[:br_nl]}/
- lead_break=if dob.obj =~/^#{Mx[:br_nl]}/
- dob.obj=dob.obj.sub(/^#{Mx[:br_nl]}/,'')
- Mx[:br_nl]
- else ''
- end
- txt="#{lead_break}#{fce}\{" + txt.split(Mx[:br_nl]).join("\}#{fce}#{Mx[:br_nl]}#{fce}\{") + "\}#{fce}"
- dob.obj=dob.obj.sub(/(?:^|#{Mx[:gl_c]}|\s+|['"]|[#{Mx[:nbsp]}#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}#{Mx[:fa_c]}#{Mx[:lnk_o]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:tc_c]}#{Mx[:tc_p]}]|[\(\[\{]|\>)([*!\/_#])\{.+?\}\1/m,"#{lead}#{txt}")
- dob
- else dob
- end
- end
- dob
- end
- dob
- end
- def fontface(dob)
- leader=/^|#{Mx[:gl_c]}|\s+|['"]|[#{Mx[:nbsp]}#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}#{Mx[:fa_c]}#{Mx[:lnk_o]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:tc_c]}#{Mx[:tc_p]}]|[\(\[\{]|[、。]|\>/
- dob=fontface_lines(dob,leader)
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/(#{leader})\*\{(.+?)\}\*/m,
- "\\1#{@emph[:o]}\\2#{@emph[:c]}"). #emphasis
- gsub(/(#{leader})!\{(.+?)\}!/m,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}"). #bold
- gsub(/(#{leader})\/\{(.+?)\}\//m,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}"). #italics
- gsub(/(#{leader})_\{(.+?)\}_/m,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}"). #underscore
- gsub(/(#{leader})#\{(.+?)\}#/m,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_monospace_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_monospace_c]}"). #monospace
- gsub(/(^|#{Mx[:gl_c]}|\s+|['"]|[#{Mx[:nbsp]}#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}#{Mx[:fa_c]}]|\(|\>)\"\{(.+?)\}\"/m,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_cite_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_c_o]}cite#{Mx[:fa_c]}"). #cite /blockquote?
- gsub(/(^|[^\\])\^\{(.+?)\}\^/m,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_superscript_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_superscript_c]}"). #superscript
- gsub(/(^|[^\\]),\{(.+?)\},/m,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_subscript_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_subscript_c]}"). #subscript
- gsub(/(^|#{Mx[:gl_c]}|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:nbsp]}|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)\+\{(.+?)\}\+/m,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_insert_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_insert_c]}"). #inserted text
- gsub(/(^|#{Mx[:gl_c]}|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:nbsp]}|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)-\{(.+?)\}-/m,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_strike_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_strike_c]}"). #strikethrough - deleted text
- gsub(/(^|#{Mx[:gl_c]}|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:nbsp]}|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>|\d+)\^(\S+?)\^/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_superscript_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_superscript_c]}") #superscript single word, watch digit added
- dob
- end
- def bodymarkup(dob)
- # << http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_markup_table/markup >>
- # See: data/sisu/sample/document_samples_sisu_markup/
- ## fontface
- # *{emphasis}* e{emphasis}e emphasis
- # !{bold text}! b{bold}b bold text
- # _{underline}_ u{underline}u underline
- # /{italics}/ i{italics}i italics
- # "{citation}" c{citation}c citation #blockquote?
- # ^{superscript}^ superscript
- # ,{subscript}, subscript
- # +{inserted text}+ inserted text
- # -{deleted text}- deleted text
- # #{monospace text}#
- #
- # {url address}:url
- # {image.png}imageurl
- # {image.png}png
- # ~{endnote}~
- # !_ #bold/emphasise paragraph
- # _" #blockquote paragraph
- # _1 <:i1> #indent paragraph 1 step
- # _2 <:i2> #indent paragraph 2 steps
- # _3 <:i3> #indent paragraph 3 steps
- # _4 <:i4> #indent paragraph 4 steps
- # _* #bullet (list) ●
- # _1* #bullet (list) indented
- # _1* #bullet (list) indented
- # # #numbered (list) level 1
- # _# #numbered (list) level 2
- dob=dob.dup
- if dob.is !=:meta \
- && dob.is !=:comment \
- && dob.is !=:code \
- && dob.is !=:table
- line_array=[]
- word=dob.obj.scan(/\S+|\n/) #unless line =~/^(?:#{Mx[:meta_o]}|%+\s)/ #visit
- if word
- word.each do |w| # _ - / # | : ! ^ ~
- unless w =~/~\{|\}~|~\[|\]~|^\^~|~\^|\*~\S+|~#|\{t?~|\{table|https?:\/\/\S+/ # do something earlier about table!!
- w=w.gsub(/\\?~/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#126#{Mx[:gl_c]}") #escaped special character
- end
- w=w.gsub(/^\<$/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#lt#{Mx[:gl_c]}").gsub(/^\>$/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#gt#{Mx[:gl_c]}") #escaped special character
- line_array << w
- end
- dob.obj=line_array.join(' ')
- dob.obj=dob.obj.strip
- end
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/^([*#-.]{1,12})$/,'\1 ~#'). #ocn off for these paragraph separators
- gsub(/~\{(.+?)\}~/m,Mx[:en_a_o] + '\1' + Mx[:en_a_c]).
- gsub(/~\[([^*+].+?)\]~/m,Mx[:en_b_o] + '* \1' + Mx[:en_b_c]). #default if markup does not specify
- gsub(/~\[(.+?)\]~/m,Mx[:en_b_o] + '\1' + Mx[:en_b_c])
- if dob.is ==:heading \
- and dob.ln ==1
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/\s*@title\b/," #{@md.title.full}")
- dob.obj=if defined? @md.creator.author \
- and @md.creator.author
- dob.obj.gsub(/\s+(?:@creator|@author)/,",#{Mx[:br_line]}#{@md.creator.author}")
- else dob.obj.gsub(/\s+(?:@creator|@author)/,'')
- end
- end
- if defined? @md.title \
- and @md.title \
- and defined? @md.title.full \
- and defined? @md.creator \
- and @md.creator
- if dob.is ==:heading
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/^\s*@title\s*$/,@md.title.full) if dob.lv =~/1/
- dob.obj=if dob.lv =~/[23]/ \
- and defined? @md.creator.author \
- and @md.creator.author
- dob.obj.gsub(/^\s*(?:(by\s+)?(?:@creator|@author))\s*$/,"\\1#{@md.creator.author}")
- else dob.obj.gsub(/^\s*(?:(by\s+)?(?:@creator|@author))\s*$/,'\1')
- end
- end
- end
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/<(https?:\/\/\S+?)>/,'< \1 >'). #catch problem markup
- gsub(/<:=(\S+?)>/,'{ c_\1.png 14x14 }image').
- gsub(//,'<:\1>'). #escaped special character
- gsub(/ /,"#{Mx[:nbsp]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\~/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#126#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\{/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#123#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\}/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#125#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\<,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#lt#{Mx[:gl_c]}#{Mx[:gl_o]}#lt#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\>>/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#gt#{Mx[:gl_c]}#{Mx[:gl_o]}#gt#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#lt#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\>/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#gt#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\_/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#095#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\-/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#045#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\+/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#043#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\//,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#047#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\#/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#035#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\&/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#038#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #& #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\|/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#124#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #not really a sisu special character but made available as possibility
- gsub(/\\\:/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#058#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #not really a sisu special character but made available as possibility
- gsub(/\\\!/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#033#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #not really a sisu special character but made available as possibility
- gsub(/\\\^/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#094#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #not really a sisu special character but made available as possibility
- gsub(/\\\,/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#044#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #not really a sisu special character but made available as possibility
- gsub(/\\\\/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#092#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\*/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#042#{Mx[:gl_c]}"). #escaped special character
- gsub(/\\\!/,"#{Mx[:gl_o]}#033#{Mx[:gl_c]}") #escaped special character
- if dob.obj=~/(?:https?:|ftp:|\{([^{}]+?)\}(?:#|:|[.]{1,2}\/))\S+/m
- if dob.obj=~/(?:^|[#{Mx[:gl_c]}#{Mx[:nbsp]} ])\{~\^ (?:.+?)\s*\}(?:(?:https?:|ftp:|:|[.]{1,2}\/)\S+?)\s*#{Mx[:en_a_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/m
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/(^|[#{Mx[:gl_c]}#{Mx[:nbsp]} ])\{~\^ ([^}]+?)\s*\}((?:https?:|ftp:|:|[.]{1,2}\/)\S+?)\s*#{Mx[:en_a_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/m,
- "\\1#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\\2#{Mx[:lnk_c]}\\3 #{Mx[:en_a_o]}\\3 \\4#{Mx[:en_a_c]}") # watch
- end
- if dob.obj=~/(?:^|[#{Mx[:gl_c]}#{Mx[:nbsp]} ])\{~\^ (?:.+?)\s*\}(?:(?:https?:|ftp:|:|[.]{1,2}\/)\S+?)([;,.]?)(?=\s|[#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}]|$)/m
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/(^|[#{Mx[:gl_c]}#{Mx[:nbsp]} ])\{~\^ (.+?)\s*\}((?:https?:|ftp:|:|[.]{1,2}\/)\S+?)([;,.]?)(?=\s|[#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}]|$)/m,
- "\\1#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\\2#{Mx[:lnk_c]}\\3\\4 #{Mx[:en_a_o]}\\3#{Mx[:en_a_c]} ")
- end
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/(^|[^#])\{\s*([^{}]+?)\s*\}((?:https?:|:|[.]{2}\/|#)\S+?)(?=\s|[#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}#{Mx[:en_a_o]}#{Mx[:en_b_o]}]|$)/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\\2#{Mx[:lnk_c]}\\3"). #linked (text or image, however text cannot include modified face, e.g. bold, ital, underline)
- gsub(/(^|[#{Mx[:gl_c]}#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:en_a_o]}#{Mx[:en_b_o]}(\s])((?:https?|ftp):\/\/\S+?\.[^>< ]+?)([,.;'"]?)(?=[\s#{Mx[:en_a_c]}#{Mx[:en_b_c]}#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}]|$)/m,
- %{\\1#{Mx[:url_o]}\\2#{Mx[:url_c]}\\3}).
- gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#(\S+?[^>< ]+?)([()\[\]]*[,.;:!?'"]{0,2})(?=[\s#{Mx[:en_a_c]}#{Mx[:en_b_c]}#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}]|$)/m,
- %{#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:rel_o]}\\1#{Mx[:rel_c]}\\2}).
- gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_c]}:(\S+?[^>< ]+?)([()\[\]]*[,.;:!?'"]{0,2})(?=[\s#{Mx[:en_a_c]}#{Mx[:en_b_c]}#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}]|$)/m,
- %{#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:rel_o]}:\\1#{Mx[:rel_c]}\\2}).
- gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_c]}[.]{2}\/(\S+?[^>< ]+?)([()\[\]]*[,.;:!?'"]{0,2})(?=[\s#{Mx[:en_a_c]}#{Mx[:en_b_c]}#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}]|$)/m,
- %{#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:rel_o]}:\\1#{Mx[:rel_c]}\\2})
- end
- if dob.obj=~/_(?:https?|ftp):\S+/m # _http://url #CHECK
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/(^|[#{Mx[:gl_c]}#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:en_a_o]}#{Mx[:en_b_o]}(\s])(_(?:https?|ftp):\/\/\S+?\.[^>< ]+?)([,.;'"]?)(?=[\s#{Mx[:en_a_c]}#{Mx[:en_b_c]}#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}]|$)/m,
- %{\\1#{Mx[:url_o]}\\2#{Mx[:url_c]}\\3})
- end
- dob=fontface(dob)
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/<[:e]\s+(.+?)!?>/,
- "#{Mx[:en_a_o]}\\1#{Mx[:en_a_c]}"). #not tested
- gsub(/(^|#{Mx[:br_nl]})\s*_\*\s*/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:gl_bullet]}"). #bullets, shortcut
- gsub(/=\{(.+?)\}/,
- "#{Mx[:idx_o]}\\1#{Mx[:idx_c]}").
- gsub(/^\s*_([1-9])\*\s*/,
- "#{Mx[:pa_o]}:i\\1:\\1#{Mx[:pa_c]}#{Mx[:gl_bullet]}"). #bullets, shortcut
- gsub(/^\s*_([1-9])\s+/,
- "#{Mx[:pa_o]}:i\\1:\\1#{Mx[:pa_c]}"). #indent
- gsub(/^\s*_([1-9])!\s+(.+?)\s*$/,
- "#{Mx[:pa_o]}:i\\1:\\1#{Mx[:pa_c]}#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]} "). #indent bold
- gsub(/^\s*__([1-9])\s+/,
- "#{Mx[:pa_o]}:i0:\\1#{Mx[:pa_c]}"). #hang
- gsub(/^\s*__([1-9])!\s+(.+?)\s*$/,
- "#{Mx[:pa_o]}:i0:\\1#{Mx[:pa_c]}#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]} "). #hangdef
- gsub(/^\s*_([0-9])_([0-9])\s+/,
- "#{Mx[:pa_o]}:i\\1:\\2#{Mx[:pa_c]}"). #hang
- gsub(/^\s*_([0-9])_([0-9])!\s+(.+?)\s*$/,
- "#{Mx[:pa_o]}:i\\1:\\2#{Mx[:pa_c]}#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\3#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]} "). #hangdef
- gsub(/<:hi>/,"#{Mx[:fa_hilite_o]}"). #''). # bright yellow rgb(255,255,0) pale yellow rgb(255,255,200)
- gsub(/<:\/hi>/,"#{Mx[:fa_hilite_c]}"). #'').
- gsub(/(#{Mx[:gr_o]}verse#{Mx[:gr_c]}.+)/m,"\\1\n").
- gsub(/[ ]+($)/,'\1').
- gsub(/\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}(https?:\S+?)([;,.]?)(?=\s|[#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}#{Mx[:en_a_o]}#{Mx[:en_b_o]}]|$)/,
- "#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\\1#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:url_o]}\\2#{Mx[:url_c]}\\3"). #any remaining linked text or image
- gsub(/\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}(#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]})/,
- "#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\\1#{Mx[:lnk_c]}\\2"). #any remaining linked text or image
- gsub(/(^|\s)([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\@\S+?\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)/,"\\1#{Mx[:url_o]}\\2#{Mx[:url_c]}").
- gsub(/(^|[ ])\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}(\S+?)([;,.]?)(?=\s|[#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}#{Mx[:en_a_o]}#{Mx[:en_b_o]}]|$)/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\\2#{Mx[:lnk_c]}\\3\\4"). #any remaining linked text or image
- gsub(/\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}#([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)([;,.]?)(?=\s|[#{Mx[:br_line]}#{Mx[:br_paragraph]}#{Mx[:br_nl]}#{Mx[:en_a_o]}#{Mx[:en_b_o]}]|$)/,
- "#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\\1#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:rel_o]}\\2#{Mx[:rel_c]}\\3"). #any remaining linked text or image, check need
- gsub(/\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}(#{Mx[:rel_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:rel_c]})/,
- "#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\\1#{Mx[:lnk_c]}\\2"). #any remaining linked text or image, check need
- gsub(/\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}(image)/,
- "#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\\1#{Mx[:lnk_c]}\\2") #linked image
- elsif dob.is==:table
- dob=fontface(dob)
- elsif dob.is ==:code
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:meta_o]}(\S+?)#{Mx[:meta_c]}\s*/,'@\1: ').
- gsub(/(^|#{Mx[:gl_c]}|\s)<(br(?: \/)?)>([\s,.]|$)/,'\1<\2>\3') #convert
back, clumsy
- if dob.number_
- codeline=[]
- ln=1
- dob.obj.split(/#{Mx[:gr_o]}codeline#{Mx[:gr_c]}| |\n/).each_with_index do |cl,i|
- unless i == 0
- cl=cl.gsub(Mx[:br_nl],'')
- w=3-ln.to_s.length
- cl = "#{ln}#{Mx[:nbsp]*w}#{Mx[:vline]}#{cl}#{Mx[:br_nl]}"
- ln +=1
- end
- codeline << cl
- end
- codeline= codeline.join("")
- dob.obj=codeline
- else
- dob.obj=dob.obj.gsub(/#{Mx[:gr_o]}codeline#{Mx[:gr_c]}/,"\n")
- end
- dob
- else # @\S+?:
- end
- dob
- end
- def tech #script markup planned to be more strict for technical documents
- # *{emphasis}* e{emphasis}e emphasis
- # !{bold text}! b{bold}b bold text
- # _{underline}_ u{underline}u underline
- # /{italics}/ i{italics}i italics
- # "{citation}" c{citation}c citation
- # ^{superscript}^ superscript
- # ,{subscript}, subscript
- # +{inserted text}+ inserted text
- # -{deleted text}- deleted text
- # #{monospace text}#
- # {url address}:url
- # {image.png}imageurl
- # {image.png}png
- # ~{endnote}~
- # +1
- # +2
- puts 'tech'
- @data.each do |line|
- line=line.gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|[\(\[]|\>)e\{(.+?)\}e/,
- "\\1#{@emph[:o]}\\2#{@emph[:c]}"). #emphasis
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|[\(\[]|\>)b\{(.+?)\}b/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}"). #bold
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|[\(\[]|\>)u\{(.+?)\}u/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}"). #underscore
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|[\(\[]|\>)c\{(.+?)\}c/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_cite_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_c_o]}cite#{Mx[:fa_c]}"). #cite
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|[\(\[]|\>)i\{(.+?)\}i/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}"). #italics
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|[\(\[]|\>)!\{(.+?)\}!/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}"). #bold
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|[\(\[]|\>)\*\{(.+?)\}\*/,
- "\\1#{@emph[:o]}\\2#{@emph[:c]}"). #emphasis
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|[\(\[]|\>)_\{(.+?)\}_/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}"). #underscore
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|[\(\[]|\(|\>)\/\{(.+?)\}\//,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}"). #italics
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)\"\{(.+?)\}\"/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_cite_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_c_o]}cite#{Mx[:fa_c]}").
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)\^\{(.+?)\}\^/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_superscript_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_superscript_c]}").
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)9\{(.+?)\}9/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_superscript_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_superscript_c]}").
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>),\{(.+?)\},/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_subscript_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_subscript_c]}").
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)6\{(.+?)\}6/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_subscript_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_subscript_c]}").
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)\+\{(.+?)\}\+/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_insert_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_insert_c]}").
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)v\{(.+?)\}v/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_insert_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_insert_c]}").
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)-\{(.+?)\}-/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_strike_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_strike_c]}").
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)x\{(.+?)\}x/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_strike_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_strike_c]}").
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)\*(\S+?)\*/,
- "\\1#{@emph[:o]}\\2#{@emph[:c]}"). #emphasise single word, watch
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)\!(\S+?)\!/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}"). #bold single word, watch
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)\/([\(\)a-zA-Z0-9']+?)\/([ ,.;:'"~$]|[^a-zA-Z0-9])/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}\\3"). #italics single word, watch
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)_(\S+?)_/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}"). #underscore single word, watch
- gsub(/(^|\s+|['"]|#{Mx[:fa_o_c]}|#{Mx[:fa_c]}|\(|\>)\^(\S+?)\^/,
- "\\1#{Mx[:fa_superscript_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_superscript_c]}"). #check #superscript single word, watch digit added
- gsub(/^\s*_\([1-9]\)\(\*\+\)\s*/,
- "#{Mx[:pa_o]}:i\\1#{Mx[:pa_c]}#{Mx[:fa_o]}\\2#{Mx[:fa_c_o]}"). #bullets, shortcut
- gsub(/^\s*_\([1-9]\)\s+/,
- "#{Mx[:pa_o]}:i\\1#{Mx[:pa_c]}"). #watch
- gsub(/^\s*__\([1-9]\)\s+/,
- "#{Mx[:pa_o]}:h\\1#{Mx[:pa_c]}"). #watch
- #line.gsub(/^\s*__\([1-9]\)!\s+/,
- # "#{Mx[:pa_o]}:hd\\1#{Mx[:pa_c]}"). #watch
- gsub(/#{Mx[:br_line]}\s*_[12]\s+/,
- "#{Mx[:br_line]} ") #indent used in endnotes, not implemented, replace when ready with: line.gsub(/(?: | )\s*_([12])\s+/,' <:i\1> ')
- end
- @data
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/db_columns.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/db_columns.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 488df7c5..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/db_columns.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2001 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: modules shared by the different db types, dbi, postgresql,
- sqlite
-module SiSU_DbColumns
- require_relative 'sysenv' # sysenv.rb
- require_relative 'db_sqltxt' # db_sqltxt.rb
- class Columns < SiSU_DbText::Prepare
- def initialize(md=nil)
- @md=md
- @db=SiSU_Env::InfoDb.new #watch
- @lang ||=SiSU_i18n::Languages.new
- if defined? md.opt.mod \
- and md.opt.mod.inspect=~/import|update/ \
- and FileTest.exist?(md.fns)
- txt_arr=IO.readlines(md.fns,'')
- src=txt_arr.join("\n")
- if @db.share_source?
- @sisutxt=special_character_escape(src)
- else @sisutxt=''
- end
- @fulltext=clean_searchable_text(txt_arr)
- else @sisutxt,@fulltext='',''
- end
- end
-#% structures
- #def column_define
- # def varchar(name,size)
- # "#{name} VARCHAR(#{size}) NULL,"
- # end
- #end
-#% title
- :subtitle:
- :short:
- :edition:
- :language:
- :note:
- def column
- def title # DublinCore 1 - title
- def name
- 'title'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_title]}) NOT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata full document title [DC1]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.title.full \
- and @md.title.full=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.title.full
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def title_main
- def name
- 'title_main'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_title_part]}) NOT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata main document title';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.title.main \
- and @md.title.main=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.title.main
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def title_sub
- def name
- 'title_sub'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_title_part]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document subtitle';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.title.sub \
- and @md.title.sub=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.title.sub
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def title_short
- def name
- 'title_short'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_title_part]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document short title if any';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.title.short \
- and @md.title.short=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.title.short
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def title_edition
- def name
- 'title_edition'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_title_edition]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document edition (version)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.title.edition \
- and @md.title.edition=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.title.edition
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def title_note
- def name
- 'title_note'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document notes associated with title';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.title.note \
- and @md.title.note=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.title.note
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def title_language
- def name
- 'title_language'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_language]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document language [DC12]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if @lang.list[@md.opt.lng][:n]
- txt=@lang.list[@md.opt.lng][:n]
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def title_language_char # consider
- def name
- 'title_language_char'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_language_char]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document language iso code';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.opt.lng \
- and @md.opt.lng=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.opt.lng
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
-#% creator
- :author:
- :editor:
- :contributor:
- :illustrator:
- :photographer:
- :translator:
- :prepared_by:
- :digitized_by:
- :audio:
- :video:
- def creator_author # DublinCore 2 - creator/author (author)
- def name
- 'creator_author'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document author (creator) [DC2]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.author_detail \
- and @md.creator.author_detail.is_a?(Array) \
- and @md.creator.author_detail.length > 0
- txt=''
- @md.creator.author_detail.each do |h|
- txt=txt + %{#{h[:the]}, #{h[:others]}; }
- end
- txt=txt.gsub(/[;, ]+\s*$/,'')
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def creator_author_honorific # consider
- def name
- 'creator_author_hon'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_creator_misc_short]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document author honorific (title e.g, Ms. Dr. Prof.)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.author_hon \
- and @md.creator.author_hon=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.creator.author_hon
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def creator_author_nationality # consider
- def name
- 'creator_author_nationality'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_creator_misc_short]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata nationality of document author (creator)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.author_nationality_detail \
- and @md.creator.author_nationality=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.creator.author_nationality_detail
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def creator_editor
- def name
- 'creator_editor'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document editor name(s)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.editor_detail \
- and @md.creator.editor_detail.is_a?(Array) \
- and @md.creator.editor_detail.length > 0
- txt=@md.creator.editor_detail #dc
- txt=''
- @md.creator.editor_detail.each do |h|
- txt=txt + %{#{h[:the]}, #{h[:others]}; }
- end
- txt=txt.gsub(/[;, ]+\s*$/,'')
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def creator_contributor # DublinCore 6 - contributor
- def name
- 'creator_contributor'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document contributor name(s) [DC6]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.contributor_detail \
- and @md.creator.contributor_detail.is_a?(Array) \
- and @md.creator.contributor_detail.length > 0
- txt=@md.creator.contributor_detail #dc
- txt=''
- @md.creator.contributor_detail.each do |h|
- txt=txt + %{#{h[:the]}, #{h[:others]}; }
- end
- txt=txt.gsub(/[;, ]+\s*$/,'')
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def creator_illustrator
- def name
- 'creator_illustrator'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document illustrator name(s)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.illustrator_detail \
- and @md.creator.illustrator_detail.is_a?(Array) \
- and @md.creator.illustrator_detail.length > 0
- txt=@md.creator.illustrator_detail
- txt=''
- @md.creator.illustrator_detail.each do |h|
- txt=txt + %{#{h[:the]}, #{h[:others]}; }
- end
- txt=txt.gsub(/[;, ]+\s*$/,'')
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def creator_photographer
- def name
- 'creator_photographer'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document photographer name(s)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.photographer_detail \
- and @md.creator.photographer_detail.is_a?(Array) \
- and @md.creator.photographer_detail.length > 0
- txt=@md.creator.photographer_detail
- txt=''
- @md.creator.photographer_detail.each do |h|
- txt=txt + %{#{h[:the]}, #{h[:others]}; }
- end
- txt=txt.gsub(/[;, ]+\s*$/,'')
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def creator_translator
- def name
- 'creator_translator'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document translator name(s)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.translator_detail \
- and @md.creator.translator_detail.is_a?(Array) \
- and @md.creator.translator_detail.length > 0
- txt=''
- @md.creator.translator_detail.each do |h|
- txt=txt + %{#{h[:the]}, #{h[:others]}; }
- end
- txt=txt.gsub(/[;, ]+\s*$/,'')
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def creator_prepared_by
- def name
- 'creator_prepared_by'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document prepared by name(s)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.prepared_by_detail \
- and @md.creator.prepared_by_detail.is_a?(Array) \
- and @md.creator.prepared_by_detail.length > 0
- txt=@md.creator.prepared_by_detail
- txt=''
- @md.creator.prepared_by_detail.each do |h|
- txt=txt + %{#{h[:the]}, #{h[:others]}; }
- end
- txt=txt.gsub(/[;, ]+\s*$/,'')
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def creator_digitized_by
- def name
- 'creator_digitized_by'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document digitized by name(s)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.digitized_by_detail \
- and @md.creator.digitized_by_detail.is_a?(Array) \
- and @md.creator.digitized_by_detail.length > 0
- txt=@md.creator.digitized_by_detail
- txt=''
- @md.creator.digitized_by_detail.each do |h|
- txt=txt + %{#{h[:the]}, #{h[:others]}; }
- end
- txt=txt.gsub(/[;, ]+\s*$/,'')
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def creator_audio
- def name
- 'creator_audio'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document audio by name(s)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.audio_detail \
- and @md.creator.audio_detail.is_a?(Array) \
- and @md.creator.audio_detail.length > 0
- txt=@md.creator.audio_detail
- txt=''
- @md.creator.audio_detail.each do |h|
- txt=txt + %{#{h[:the]}, #{h[:others]}; }
- end
- txt=txt.gsub(/[;, ]+\s*$/,'')
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def creator_video
- def name
- 'creator_video'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document video by name(s)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.creator.video_detail \
- and @md.creator.video_detail.is_a?(Array) \
- and @md.creator.video_detail.length > 0
- txt=''
- @md.creator.video_detail.each do |h|
- txt=txt + %{#{h[:the]}, #{h[:others]}; }
- end
- txt=txt.gsub(/[;, ]+\s*$/,'')
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
-#% language
-#taken from other fields
- :language:
- :language:
-#not available -->
-# :document:
-# :original:
- def language_document
- def name
- 'language_document'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_language]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document language';}
- end
- def tuple
- if @lang.list[@md.opt.lng][:n]
- txt=@lang.list[@md.opt.lng][:n]
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def language_document_char
- def name
- 'language_document_char'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_language_char]}) NOT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document language';}
- end
- def tuple
- #modify check, is now required, SiSUv3d_
- if defined? @md.opt.lng \
- and @md.opt.lng=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.opt.lng
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def language_original
- def name
- 'language_original'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_language]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata original document/text language';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.language.original \
- and @md.language.original=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.language.original
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def language_original_char
- def name
- 'language_original_char'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_language_char]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document language';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.language.original_char \
- and @md.language.original_char=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.language.original_char
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
-#% date
- :added_to_site:
- :available:
- :created:
- :issued:
- :modified:
- :published:
- :valid:
- :translated:
- :original_publication:
- def date_added_to_site
- def name
- 'date_added_to_site'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_date_text]}) NULL,"
- #"#{name} DATE,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata date added to site';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.date.added_to_site \
- and @md.date.added_to_site=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.date.added_to_site
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def date_available
- def name
- 'date_available'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_date_text]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata date added to site [DC]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.date.available \
- and @md.date.available=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.date.available
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def date_created
- def name
- 'date_created'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_date_text]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata date created [DC]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.date.created \
- and @md.date.created=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.date.created
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def date_issued
- def name
- 'date_issued'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_date_text]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata date issued [DC]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.date.issued \
- and @md.date.issued=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.date.issued
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def date_modified
- def name
- 'date_modified'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_date_text]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata date modified [DC]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.date.modified \
- and @md.date.modified=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.date.modified
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def date_published
- def name
- 'date_published'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_date_text]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata date published [DC7]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.date.published \
- and @md.date.published=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.date.published
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def date_valid
- def name
- 'date_valid'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_date_text]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata date valid [DC]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.date.valid \
- and @md.date.valid=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.date.valid
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def date_translated
- def name
- 'date_translated'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_date_text]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata date translated';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.date.translated \
- and @md.date.translated=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.date.translated
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def date_original_publication
- def name
- 'date_original_publication'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_date_text]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata date of original publication';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.date.original_publication \
- and @md.date.original_publication=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.date.original_publication
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def date_generated
- def name
- 'date_generated'
- end
- def create_column #choose other representation of time
- "#{name} VARCHAR(30) NULL,"
- #"#{name} VARCHAR(10) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata date of sisu generation of document, automatically populated';}
- end
- def tuple #choose other representation of time
- if defined? @md.generated \
- and @md.generated.to_s=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.generated.to_s
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
-#% publisher
- def publisher
- def name
- 'publisher'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document publisher [DC5]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.publisher \
- and @md.publisher=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.publisher
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
-##% current
-# def current_publisher
-# def name
-# 'current_publisher'
-# end
-# def size
-# 10
-# end
-# def create_column
-# "#{name} VARCHAR(#{current_publisher.size}) NULL,"
-# end
-# def tuple
-# t=if defined? @md.current.publisher \
-# and @md.current.publisher=~/\S+/
-# txt=@md.current.publisher
-# txt=special_character_escape(txt)
-# "'#{txt}', "
-# end
-# end
-# self
-# end
-#% original
- :publisher:
- #:date: #repeated under date
- :language:
- :institution:
- :nationality:
- :source:
- def original_publisher
- def name
- 'original_publisher'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document original publisher [DC5]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.original.publisher \
- and @md.original.publisher=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.original.publisher
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def original_language
- def name
- 'original_language'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_language]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document original language';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.original.language \
- and @md.original.language=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.original.language
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def original_language_char # consider
- def name
- 'original_language_char'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_language_char]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document original language iso character';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.original.language_char \
- and @md.original.language_char=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.original.language_char
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def original_source
- def name
- 'original_source'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document original source [DC11]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.original.source \
- and @md.original.source=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.original.source
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def original_institution
- def name
- 'original_institution'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_name]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document original institution';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.original.institution \
- and @md.original.institution=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.original.institution
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def original_nationality
- def name
- 'original_nationality'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_language]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document original nationality';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.original.nationality \
- and @md.original.nationality=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.original.nationality
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
-#% rights
- #:copyright: #mapped to :text: used where no other copyrights and included in :all:
- :text:
- :translation:
- :illustrations:
- :photographs:
- :preparation:
- :digitization:
- :audio:
- :video:
- :license:
- :all:
- def rights_all
- def name
- 'rights'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata rights associated with document (composite) [DC15]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.rights.all \
- and @md.rights.all=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.rights.all
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def rights_copyright_text
- def name
- 'rights_copyright_text'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata copyright associated for document text';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.rights.copyright_text \
- and @md.rights.copyright_text=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.rights.copyright_text
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def rights_copyright_translation
- def name
- 'rights_copyright_translation'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata copyright associated for document text translation (if any)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.rights.copyright_translation \
- and @md.rights.copyright_translation=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.rights.copyright_translation
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def rights_copyright_illustrations
- def name
- 'rights_copyright_illustrations'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata copyright associated for document text illustrations (if any)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.rights.copyright_illustrations \
- and @md.rights.copyright_illustrations=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.rights.copyright_illustrations
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def rights_copyright_photographs
- def name
- 'rights_copyright_photographs'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata copyright associated for document text photographs (if any)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.rights.copyright_photographs \
- and @md.rights.copyright_photographs=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.rights.copyright_photographs
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def rights_copyright_preparation
- def name
- 'rights_copyright_preparation'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata copyright associated for document text preparation (if any)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.rights.copyright_preparation \
- and @md.rights.copyright_preparation=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.rights.copyright_preparation
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def rights_copyright_digitization
- def name
- 'rights_copyright_digitization'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata copyright associated for document text digitization (if any)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.rights.copyright_digitization \
- and @md.rights.copyright_digitization=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.rights.copyright_digitization
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def rights_copyright_audio
- def name
- 'rights_copyright_audio'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata copyright associated for document text audio (if any)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.rights.copyright_audio \
- and @md.rights.copyright_audio=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.rights.copyright_audio
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def rights_copyright_video
- def name
- 'rights_copyright_video'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata copyright associated for document text video (if any)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.rights.copyright_video \
- and @md.rights.copyright_video=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.rights.copyright_video
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def rights_license
- def name
- 'rights_license'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata license granted for use of document if any)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.rights.license \
- and @md.rights.license=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.rights.license
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
-#% identifier
- :oclc:
- :isbn:
- def identifier_oclc
- def name
- 'identifier_oclc'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_library]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata identifier document Online Computer Library Center number';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.identifier.oclc \
- and @md.identifier.oclc=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.identifier.oclc
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def identifier_isbn
- def name
- 'identifier_isbn'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_small]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata identifier document isbn (if any)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.identifier.isbn \
- and @md.identifier.isbn=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.identifier.isbn
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
-#% classify
- :topic_register:
- :subject:
- :keywords:
- :type:
- :loc:
- :dewey:
- def classify_topic_register
- def name
- 'classify_topic_register'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_info_note]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata classify document topic register (semi-structured document subject information)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.classify.topic_register \
- and @md.classify.topic_register=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.classify.topic_register
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def classify_subject
- def name
- 'classify_subject'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_txt_long]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata classify document subject matter [DC3]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.classify.subject \
- and @md.classify.subject=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.classify.subject
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def classify_loc
- def name
- 'classify_loc'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_library]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata classify document Library of Congress';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.classify.loc \
- and @md.classify.loc=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.classify.loc
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def classify_dewey
- def name
- 'classify_dewey'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_library]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata classify document Dewey';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.classify.dewey \
- and @md.classify.dewey=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.classify.dewey
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def classify_keywords
- def name
- 'classify_keywords'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_txt_long]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata classify document keywords';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.classify.keywords \
- and @md.classify.keywords=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.classify.keywords
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
-#% notes
- :abstract:
- :description:
- :comment:
- :coverage:
- :relation:
- :format:
- :history:
- :prefix:
- :prefix_a:
- :prefix_b:
- :suffix:
- def notes_abstract
- def name
- 'notes_abstract'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document notes abstract';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.notes.abstract \
- and @md.notes.abstract=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.notes.abstract
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def notes_description
- def name
- 'notes_description'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document notes description [DC4]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.notes.description \
- and @md.notes.description=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.notes.description
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def notes_comment
- def name
- 'notes_comment'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document notes comment';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.notes.comment \
- and @md.notes.comment=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.notes.comment
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def notes_coverage
- def name
- 'notes_coverage'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_txt_short]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata classify document coverage [DC14]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.classify.coverage \
- and @md.classify.coverage=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.classify.coverage
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def notes_relation
- def name
- 'notes_relation'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_txt_short]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata classify document relation [DC13]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.classify.relation \
- and @md.classify.relation=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.classify.relation
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def notes_history #check, consider removal
- def name
- 'notes_history'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_txt_long]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document notes history';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.notes.history \
- and @md.notes.history=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.notes.history
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def notes_type #check
- def name
- 'notes_type'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_txt_long]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata notes document type [DC8]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.notes.type \
- and @md.notes.type=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.notes.type
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def notes_format
- def name
- 'notes_format'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_txt_long]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata classify document format [DC9]';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.classify.format \
- and @md.classify.format=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.classify.format
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def notes_prefix
- def name
- 'notes_prefix'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document notes prefix';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.notes.prefix \
- and @md.notes.prefix=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.notes.prefix
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def notes_prefix_a
- def name
- 'notes_prefix_a'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document notes prefix_a';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.notes.prefix_a \
- and @md.notes.prefix_a=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.notes.prefix_a
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def notes_prefix_b
- def name
- 'notes_prefix_b'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document notes prefix_b';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.notes.prefix_b \
- and @md.notes.prefix_b=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.notes.prefix_b
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def notes_suffix
- def name
- 'notes_suffix'
- end
- def create_column # keep text
- "#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document notes suffix';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.notes.suffix \
- and @md.notes.suffix=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.notes.suffix
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
-#% src
- def src_filename
- def name
- 'src_filename'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_filename]}) NOT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'sisu markup source text filename';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.fns \
- and @md.fns=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.fns
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def src_fingerprint
- def name
- 'src_fingerprint' #hash/digest, sha256 or md5
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_digest]}) NULL,"
- #"#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'sisu markup source text fingerprint, hash digest sha256 (or md5)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.dgst \
- and @md.dgst.is_a?(Array) \
- and @md.dgst[1]=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.dgst[1]
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def src_filesize
- def name
- 'src_filesize'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} VARCHAR(#{Db[:col_filesize]}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'sisu markup source text file size';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.filesize \
- and @md.filesize=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.filesize
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def src_word_count
- def name
- 'src_word_count'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'sisu markup source text word count';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.wc_words \
- and @md.wc_words=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.wc_words
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def src_txt # consider naming sisusrc
- def name
- 'src_text'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'sisu markup source text (if shared)';}
- end
- def tuple
- if @md.opt.mod.inspect=~/import|update/ \
- and FileTest.exist?(@md.fns)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{@sisutxt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
-#% misc
- def fulltext
- def name
- 'fulltext'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'document full text clean, searchable';}
- end
- def tuple
- if @md.opt.mod.inspect=~/import|update/ \
- and FileTest.exist?(@md.fns)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{@fulltext}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- def links
- def name
- 'links'
- end
- def create_column
- "#{name} TEXT NULL,"
- #"#{name} VARCHAR(#{links.size}) NULL,"
- end
- def column_comment
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.#{name}
- IS 'metadata document links';}
- end
- def tuple
- if defined? @md.links \
- and @md.links=~/\S+/
- txt=@md.links
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- ["#{name}, ","'#{txt}', "]
- else ['','']
- end
- end
- self
- end
- self
- end
- end
- class ColumnSize
- def document_clean # restriction not necessary
- 60000
- end
- def document_body
- 16000
- end
- def document_seg
- 120
- end
- def document_seg_full
- 120
- end
- def endnote_clean # restriction not necessary
- 60000
- end
- def endnote_body
- 16000
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/db_create.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/db_create.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e5b8dc78..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/db_create.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,618 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: modules shared by the different db types, dbi, postgresql,
- sqlite
-module SiSU_DbCreate
- require_relative 'db_columns' # db_columns.rb
- class Create < SiSU_DbColumns::Columns
- require_relative 'sysenv' # sysenv.rb
- @@dl=nil
- def initialize(opt,conn,file,sql_type='pg')
- @opt,@conn,@file,@sql_type=opt,conn,file,sql_type
- @cX=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd).cX
- @comment=(@sql_type=='pg') \
- ? (SiSU_DbCreate::Comment.new(@conn,@sql_type))
- : nil
- @@dl ||=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new.digest.length
- end
- def available
- DBI.available_drivers.each do |driver|
- puts "Driver: #{driver}"
- DBI.data_sources(driver).each do |dsn|
- puts "\tDatasource: #{dsn}"
- end
- end
- end
- def create_db
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@opt.fns)
- tell=(@sql_type=='sqlite') \
- ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'Create SQLite db tables in:',%{"#{@file}"})
- : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'Create pgSQL db tables in:',%{"#{Db[:name_prefix]}#{@env.path.stub_pwd}"})
- tell.dark_grey_title_hi if @opt.cmd =~/[vVM]/
- SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new.create_pg_db(@env.path.stub_pwd) if @sql_type=='pg' #watch use of path.stub_pwd instead of stub
- end
- def output_dir?
- dir=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new('')
- if @opt.cmd =~/d/
- dir.path.webserv_stub_ensure
- end
- end
- def create_table
- def metadata_and_text
- print %{
- currently using sisu dbi module
- to be populated from document files
- create tables metadata_and_text
- data import through ruby transfer
- } if @opt.cmd =~/[VM]/
- create_metadata_and_text=%{
- CREATE TABLE metadata_and_text (
- /* title */
- #{column.title.create_column}
- #{column.title_main.create_column}
- #{column.title_sub.create_column}
- #{column.title_short.create_column}
- #{column.title_edition.create_column}
- #{column.title_note.create_column}
- #{column.title_language.create_column}
- #{column.title_language_char.create_column}
- /* creator */
- #{column.creator_author.create_column}
- #{column.creator_author_honorific.create_column}
- #{column.creator_author_nationality.create_column}
- #{column.creator_editor.create_column}
- #{column.creator_contributor.create_column}
- #{column.creator_illustrator.create_column}
- #{column.creator_photographer.create_column}
- #{column.creator_translator.create_column}
- #{column.creator_prepared_by.create_column}
- #{column.creator_digitized_by.create_column}
- #{column.creator_audio.create_column}
- #{column.creator_video.create_column}
- /* language */
- #{column.language_document.create_column}
- #{column.language_document_char.create_column}
- #{column.language_original.create_column}
- #{column.language_original_char.create_column}
- /* date */
- #{column.date_added_to_site.create_column}
- #{column.date_available.create_column}
- #{column.date_created.create_column}
- #{column.date_issued.create_column}
- #{column.date_modified.create_column}
- #{column.date_published.create_column}
- #{column.date_valid.create_column}
- #{column.date_translated.create_column}
- #{column.date_original_publication.create_column}
- #{column.date_generated.create_column}
- /* publisher */
- #{column.publisher.create_column}
- /* original */
- #{column.original_publisher.create_column}
- #{column.original_language.create_column}
- #{column.original_language_char.create_column}
- #{column.original_source.create_column}
- #{column.original_institution.create_column}
- #{column.original_nationality.create_column}
- /* rights */
- #{column.rights_all.create_column}
- #{column.rights_copyright_text.create_column}
- #{column.rights_copyright_translation.create_column}
- #{column.rights_copyright_illustrations.create_column}
- #{column.rights_copyright_photographs.create_column}
- #{column.rights_copyright_preparation.create_column}
- #{column.rights_copyright_digitization.create_column}
- #{column.rights_copyright_audio.create_column}
- #{column.rights_copyright_video.create_column}
- #{column.rights_license.create_column}
- /* classify */
- #{column.classify_topic_register.create_column}
- #{column.classify_subject.create_column}
- #{column.classify_loc.create_column}
- #{column.classify_dewey.create_column}
- #{column.classify_keywords.create_column}
- /* identifier */
- #{column.identifier_oclc.create_column}
- #{column.identifier_isbn.create_column}
- /* notes */
- #{column.notes_abstract.create_column}
- #{column.notes_description.create_column}
- #{column.notes_comment.create_column}
- #{column.notes_history.create_column}
- #{column.notes_coverage.create_column}
- #{column.notes_relation.create_column}
- /* column.notes_source.create_column */
- #{column.notes_type.create_column}
- #{column.notes_format.create_column}
- #{column.notes_prefix.create_column}
- #{column.notes_prefix_a.create_column}
- #{column.notes_prefix_b.create_column}
- #{column.notes_suffix.create_column}
- /* src */
- #{column.src_filename.create_column}
- #{column.src_fingerprint.create_column}
- #{column.src_filesize.create_column}
- #{column.src_word_count.create_column}
- #{column.src_txt.create_column}
- /* misc */
- #{column.fulltext.create_column}
- #{column.links.create_column.gsub(/,$/,'')}
-/* subj VARCHAR(64) NULL, */
-/* contact VARCHAR(100) NULL, */
-/* information VARCHAR(100) NULL, */
-/* types CHAR(1) NULL, */
-/* writing_focus_nationality VARCHAR(100) NULL, */
- );
- }
- @conn.execute(create_metadata_and_text)
- @comment.psql.metadata_and_text if @comment
- end
- def doc_objects # create doc_objects base
- print %{
- to be populated from documents files
- create tables doc_objects
- data import through ruby transfer
- } if @opt.cmd =~/[VM]/
- create_doc_objects=%{
- CREATE TABLE doc_objects (
- metadata_tid BIGINT REFERENCES metadata_and_text,
- ocnd VARCHAR(6),
- ocns VARCHAR(6),
- clean TEXT NULL,
- body TEXT NULL,
- book_idx TEXT NULL,
- seg VARCHAR(256) NULL,
- lev_an VARCHAR(1),
- lev1 SMALLINT,
- lev2 SMALLINT,
- lev3 SMALLINT,
- lev4 SMALLINT,
- lev5 SMALLINT,
- lev6 SMALLINT,
- en_a_asterisk SMALLINT NULL,
- en_z_asterisk SMALLINT NULL,
- en_a_plus SMALLINT NULL,
- en_z_plus SMALLINT NULL,
- t_of VARCHAR(16),
- t_is VARCHAR(16),
- node VARCHAR(16) NULL,
- parent VARCHAR(16) NULL,
- digest_clean CHAR(#{@@dl}),
- digest_all CHAR(#{@@dl}),
- types CHAR(1) NULL
- );
- }
- @conn.execute(create_doc_objects)
- @comment.psql.doc_objects if @comment
- end
- def endnotes
- print %{
- to be populated from document files
- create tables endnotes
- data import through ruby transfer
- } if @opt.cmd =~/[VM]/
- create_endnotes=%{
- CREATE TABLE endnotes (
- document_lid BIGINT REFERENCES doc_objects,
- clean TEXT NULL,
- body TEXT NULL,
- ocnd VARCHAR(6),
- ocns VARCHAR(6),
- digest_clean CHAR(#{@@dl}),
- metadata_tid BIGINT REFERENCES metadata_and_text
- );
- }
- @conn.execute(create_endnotes)
- @comment.psql.endnotes if @comment
- end
- def endnotes_asterisk
- print %{
- to be populated from document files
- create tables endnotes_asterisk
- data import through ruby transfer
- } if @opt.cmd =~/[VM]/
- create_endnotes_asterisk=%{
- CREATE TABLE endnotes_asterisk (
- document_lid BIGINT REFERENCES doc_objects,
- clean TEXT NULL,
- body TEXT NULL,
- ocnd VARCHAR(6),
- ocns VARCHAR(6),
- digest_clean CHAR(#{@@dl}),
- metadata_tid BIGINT REFERENCES metadata_and_text
- );
- }
- @conn.execute(create_endnotes_asterisk)
- @comment.psql.endnotes_asterisk if @comment
- end
- def endnotes_plus
- print %{
- to be populated from document files
- create tables endnotes_plus
- data import through ruby transfer
- } if @opt.cmd =~/[VM]/
- create_endnotes_plus=%{
- CREATE TABLE endnotes_plus (
- document_lid BIGINT REFERENCES doc_objects,
- clean TEXT NULL,
- body TEXT NULL,
- ocnd VARCHAR(6),
- ocns VARCHAR(6),
- digest_clean CHAR(#{@@dl}),
- metadata_tid BIGINT REFERENCES metadata_and_text
- );
- }
- @conn.execute(create_endnotes_plus)
- @comment.psql.endnotes_plus if @comment
- end
- def urls # create doc_objects file links mapping
- print %{
- currently using sisu dbi module
- to be populated from doc_objects files
- create tables urls
- data import through ruby transfer
- } if @opt.cmd =~/[VM]/
- create_urls=%{
- metadata_tid BIGINT REFERENCES metadata_and_text,
- plaintext varchar(512),
- html_toc varchar(512),
- html_doc varchar(512),
- xhtml varchar(512),
- xml_sax varchar(512),
- xml_dom varchar(512),
- odf varchar(512),
- pdf_p varchar(512),
- pdf_l varchar(512),
- concordance varchar(512),
- latex_p varchar(512),
- latex_l varchar(512),
- digest varchar(512),
- manifest varchar(512),
- markup varchar(512),
- sisupod varchar(512)
- );
- }
- @conn.execute(create_urls)
- @comment.psql.urls if @comment
- end
- self
- end
- end
- class Comment < SiSU_DbColumns::Columns
- def initialize(conn,sql_type='pg')
- @conn=conn
- if sql_type =~ /pg/; psql
- end
- end
- def psql
- def conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- @conn.transaction do |conn|
- sql_arr.each do |sql|
- conn.execute(sql)
- end
- end
- end
- def metadata_and_text
- sql_arr=[
- %{COMMENT ON Table metadata_and_text
- IS 'contains SiSU metadata and fulltext for search (including source .sst if shared)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN metadata_and_text.tid
- IS 'unique';},
- %{#{column.title.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.title_main.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.title_sub.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.title_short.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.title_edition.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.title_note.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.title_language.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.title_language_char.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_author.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_author_honorific.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_author_nationality.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_editor.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_contributor.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_illustrator.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_photographer.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_translator.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_prepared_by.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_digitized_by.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_audio.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.creator_video.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.language_document.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.language_document_char.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.language_original.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.language_original_char.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.date_added_to_site.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.date_available.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.date_created.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.date_issued.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.date_modified.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.date_published.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.date_valid.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.date_translated.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.date_original_publication.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.date_generated.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.publisher.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.original_publisher.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.original_language.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.original_language_char.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.original_source.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.original_institution.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.original_nationality.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.rights_all.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.rights_copyright_text.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.rights_copyright_translation.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.rights_copyright_illustrations.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.rights_copyright_photographs.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.rights_copyright_preparation.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.rights_copyright_digitization.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.rights_copyright_audio.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.rights_copyright_video.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.rights_license.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.classify_topic_register.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.classify_subject.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.classify_loc.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.classify_dewey.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.classify_keywords.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.identifier_oclc.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.identifier_isbn.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_abstract.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_comment.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_description.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_history.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_coverage.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_relation.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_type.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_format.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_prefix.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_prefix_a.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_prefix_b.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.notes_suffix.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.src_filename.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.src_fingerprint.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.src_filesize.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.src_word_count.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.src_txt.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.fulltext.column_comment}},
- %{#{column.links.column_comment}},
- ]
- conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- end
- def doc_objects
- sql_arr=[
- %{COMMENT ON Table doc_objects
- IS 'contains searchable text of SiSU document objects';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.lid
- IS 'unique';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.metadata_tid
- IS 'tie to title in metadata_and_text';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.lev_an
- IS 'doc level A-C 1-6';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.lev
- IS 'doc level 1-6 \d\~';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.seg
- IS 'segment name from level number 4 (lv 1)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.ocn
- IS 'object citation number';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.en_a
- IS 'first endnote number in text object (eg. NULL or 34) (used with en_z to create range)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.en_z
- IS 'last endnote number within text object (eg. NULL, 34 or say 47) (used with en_a to create range)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.en_a_asterisk
- IS 'first endnote number in text object (eg. NULL or 34) (used with en_z_asterisk to create range)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.en_z_asterisk
- IS 'last endnote number within text object (eg. NULL, 34 or say 47) (used with en_a_asterisk to create range)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.en_a_plus
- IS 'first endnote number in text object (eg. NULL or 34) (used with en_z_plus to create range)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.en_z_plus
- IS 'last endnote number within text object (eg. NULL, 34 or say 47) (used with en_a_plus to create range)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.types
- IS 'document types seg scroll';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.clean
- IS 'text object - substantive text: clean, stripped of markup';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.body
- IS 'text object - substantive text: light html markup';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.book_idx
- IS 'book index creation information for paragraph, if provided';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.lev1
- IS 'document structure, level number 1';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.lev2
- IS 'document structure, level number 2';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.lev3
- IS 'document structure, level number 3';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.lev4
- IS 'document structure, level number 4';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.lev5
- IS 'document structure, level number 5';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.lev6
- IS 'document structure, level number 6';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.t_of
- IS 'document structure, type of object (object is of)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.t_is
- IS 'document structure, object is';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.node
- IS 'document structure, object node if heading';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.parent
- IS 'document structure, object parent (is a heading)';}
- ]
- conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- end
- def endnotes
- sql_arr=[
- %{COMMENT ON Table endnotes
- IS 'contains searchable text of SiSU documents endnotes';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes.nid
- IS 'unique';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes.document_lid
- IS 'ties to text block from which referenced';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes.nr
- IS 'endnote number ';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes.clean
- IS 'endnote substantive content, stripped of markup';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes.body
- IS 'endnote substantive content';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes.ocn
- IS 'object citation no# <\~(\d+)> from which endnote is referenced';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.metadata_tid
- IS 'tie to title in metadata_and_text - unique for each document';}
- ]
- conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- end
- def endnotes_asterisk
- sql_arr=[
- %{COMMENT ON Table endnotes_asterisk
- IS 'contains searchable text of SiSU documents endnotes marked with asterisk';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_asterisk.nid
- IS 'unique';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_asterisk.document_lid
- IS 'ties to text block from which referenced';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_asterisk.nr
- IS 'endnote number ';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_asterisk.clean
- IS 'endnote substantive content, stripped of markup';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_asterisk.body
- IS 'endnote substantive content';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_asterisk.ocn
- IS 'object citation no# <\~(\d+)> from which endnote is referenced';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.metadata_tid
- IS 'tie to title in metadata_and_text - unique for each document';}
- ]
- conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- end
- def endnotes_plus
- sql_arr=[
- %{COMMENT ON Table endnotes_plus
- IS 'contains searchable text of SiSU documents endnotes marked with plus';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_plus.nid
- IS 'unique';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_plus.document_lid
- IS 'ties to text block from which referenced';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_plus.nr
- IS 'endnote number ';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_plus.clean
- IS 'endnote substantive content, stripped of markup';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_plus.body
- IS 'endnote substantive content';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN endnotes_plus.ocn
- IS 'object citation no# <\~(\d+)> from which endnote is referenced';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.metadata_tid
- IS 'tie to title in metadata_and_text - unique for each document';},
- ]
- conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- end
- def urls
- sql_arr=[
- %{COMMENT ON Table urls
- IS 'contains base url links to different SiSU output';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN doc_objects.metadata_tid
- IS 'tie to title in metadata_and_text - unique for each document, the mapping of rows is one to one';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.plaintext
- IS 'plaintext utf-8';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.html_toc
- IS 'table of contents for segmented html document';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.html_doc
- IS 'html document (scroll)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.xhtml
- IS 'xhtml document (scroll)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.xml_sax
- IS 'xml sax oriented document (scroll)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.xml_dom
- IS 'xml dom oriented document (scroll)';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.odf
- IS 'opendocument format text';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.pdf_p
- IS 'pdf portrait';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.pdf_l
- IS 'pdf landscape';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.concordance
- IS 'rudimentary document index linked to html';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.latex_p
- IS 'latex portrait';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.latex_l
- IS 'latex_landscape';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.markup
- IS 'markup';},
- %{COMMENT ON COLUMN urls.sisupod
- IS 'SiSU document format .tgz (all SiSU information on document)';},
- ]
- conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- end
- self
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/db_dbi.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/db_dbi.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fd9b520..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/db_dbi.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: modules shared by the different db types, dbi, postgresql,
- sqlite
-module SiSU_DbDBI
- require_relative 'db_columns' # db_columns.rb
- require_relative 'db_tests' # db_tests.rb
- require_relative 'db_create' # db_create.rb
- require_relative 'db_select' # db_select.rb
- require_relative 'db_indexes' # db_indexes.rb
- require_relative 'db_drop' # db_drop.rb
- require_relative 'db_remove' # db_remove.rb
- require_relative 'db_load_tuple' # db_load_tuple.rb
- require_relative 'db_import' # db_import.rb
- class ColumnSize < SiSU_DbColumns::ColumnSize # db_columns.rb
- end
- class Test < SiSU_DbTests::Test # db_tests.rb
- end
- class Create .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: modules shared by the different db types, dbi, postgresql,
- sqlite
-module SiSU_DbDrop
- class Drop
- require_relative 'response' # response.rb
- def initialize(opt,conn,db_info,sql_type='')
- @opt,@conn,@db_info,@sql_type=opt,conn,db_info,sql_type
- @ans=SiSU_Response::Response.new
- case @sql_type
- when /sqlite/
- cascade=''
- else
- cascade='CASCADE'
- end
- @drop_table=[
- "DROP TABLE metadata_and_text #{cascade};",
- "DROP TABLE doc_objects #{cascade};",
- "DROP TABLE urls #{cascade};",
- "DROP TABLE endnotes #{cascade};",
- "DROP TABLE endnotes_asterisk #{cascade};",
- "DROP TABLE endnotes_plus #{cascade};",
- ]
- end
- def drop
- def tables #% drop all tables
- begin
- msg_sqlite="as not all disk space is recovered after dropping the database << #{@db_info.sqlite.db} >>, you may be better off deleting the file, and recreating it as necessary"
- case @sql_type
- when /sqlite/
- puts msg_sqlite
- ans=@ans.response?('remove sql database?')
- if ans \
- and File.exist?(@db_info.sqlite.db)
- @conn.close
- File.unlink(@db_info.sqlite.db)
- db=SiSU_Env::InfoDb.new
- conn=db.sqlite.conn_sqlite3
- sdb=SiSU_DbDBI::Create.new(@opt,conn,@db_info,@sql_type)
- sdb_index=SiSU_DbDBI::Index.new(@opt,conn,@db_info,@sql_type)
- sdb.output_dir?
- begin
- sdb.create_db
- sdb.create_table.metadata_and_text
- sdb.create_table.doc_objects
- sdb.create_table.endnotes
- sdb.create_table.endnotes_asterisk
- sdb.create_table.endnotes_plus
- sdb.create_table.urls
- sdb_index.create_indexes
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,'-D').location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- sdb.output_dir?
- end
- exit
- else
- @conn.transaction
- @drop_table.each do |d|
- @conn.execute(d)
- end
- @conn.commit
- end
- else
- @drop_table.each do |d|
- @conn.execute(d)
- end
- end
- rescue
- case @sql_type
- when /sqlite/
- ans=@ans.response?('remove sql database?')
- if ans and File.exist?(@db_info.sqlite.db); File.unlink(@db_info.sqlite.db)
- end
- else
- @drop_table.each do |d|
- @conn.execute(d)
- end
- end
- ensure
- end
- end
- def indexes
- def conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- @conn.transaction do |conn|
- sql_arr.each do |sql|
- conn.execute(sql)
- end
- end
- end
- def base #% drop base indexes
- print "\n drop documents common indexes\n" unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- sql_arr=[
- %{DROP INDEX idx_title;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_author;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_filename;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_topics;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_ocn;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_digest_clean;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_digest_all;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_lev1;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_lev2;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_lev3;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_lev4;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_lev5;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_lev6;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_endnote_nr;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_digest_en;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_endnote_nr_asterisk;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_endnote_asterisk;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_digest_en_asterisk;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_endnote_nr_plus;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_endnote_plus;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_digest_en_plus},
- ]
- conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- end
- def text #% drop TEXT indexes, sqlite
- print "\n drop documents TEXT indexes\n" unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- sql_arr=[
- %{DROP INDEX idx_clean;},
- %{DROP INDEX idx_endnote},
- ]
- conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- end
- self
- end
- indexes.base
- @opt.cmd=~/D/ || ((@opt.mod=~/psql/) ? '' : indexes.text)
- self
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/db_import.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/db_import.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0384795a..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/db_import.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,734 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: modules shared by the different db types, dbi, postgresql,
- sqlite
-module SiSU_DbImport
- require_relative 'db_columns' # db_columns.rb
- require_relative 'db_load_tuple' # db_load_tuple.rb
- require_relative 'db_sqltxt' # db_sqltxt.rb
- require_relative 'shared_html_lite' # shared_html_lite.rb
- require 'sqlite3'
- class Import < SiSU_DbText::Prepare
- include SiSU_Param
- include SiSU_Screen
- @@dl=nil
- @@hname=nil
- attr_accessor :tp
- def initialize(opt,conn,file_maint,sql_type='pg')
- @opt,@conn,@file_maint,@sql_type=opt,conn,file_maint,sql_type
- @cX=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd).cX
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@opt.fns)
- @dal="#{@env.processing_path.dal}"
- @fnb=if @opt.fns.empty? \
- or @opt.cmd.empty?
- ''
- else
- @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get
- @md.fnb
- end
- @fnc="#{@dal}/#{@opt.fns}.content.rbm"
- @@seg,@@seg_full='','' #create? consider placing field just before clean text as opposed to seg which contains seg(.html) name info seg_full would contain seg info for levels 5 & 6 where available eg seg_full may be 7.3 (level 5) and 7.3.1 (level 6) where seg is 7
- @col=Hash.new('')
- @col[:ocn]=''
- @counter={}
- @db=SiSU_Env::InfoDb.new
- if @sql_type=='sqlite'
- @driver_sqlite3=(@conn.inspect.match(/^(.{10})/)[1]==@db.sqlite.conn_sqlite3.inspect.match(/^(.{10})/)[1]) \
- ? true
- : false
- end
- sql='SELECT MAX(lid) FROM doc_objects'
- begin
- @col[:lid] ||=0
- @col[:lid]=@driver_sqlite3 \
- ? @conn.execute( sql ).join.to_i
- : @conn.execute( sql ) { |x| x.fetch_all.flatten[0] }
- rescue
- puts "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}" if @opt.cmd =~/M/
- end
- @col[:lid]=0 if @col[:lid].nil? or @col[:lid].to_s.empty?
- sql='SELECT MAX(nid) FROM endnotes'
- begin
- @id_n=@driver_sqlite3 \
- ? @conn.execute( sql ).join.to_i
- : @id_n=@conn.execute( sql ) { |x| x.fetch_all.flatten[0] }
- @id_n ||=0
- rescue
- puts "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}" if @opt.cmd =~/M/
- end
- @id_n =0 if @col[:lid].nil? or @col[:lid].to_s.empty?
- @col[:lv1]=@col[:lv2]=@col[:lv3]=@col[:lv4]=@col[:lv5]=@col[:lv6]=0
- @db=SiSU_Env::InfoDb.new
- @pdf_fn=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md).base_filename
- @@dl ||=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new.digest.length
- end
- def marshal_load
- require_relative 'dal' # dal.rb
- @dal_array=SiSU_DAL::Source.new(@opt).get # dal file drawn here
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"#{@db.psql.db}::#{@opt.fns}").puts_blue if @opt.cmd =~/vVM/
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'Marshal Load',@fnc).puts_grey if @opt.cmd =~/v/
- select_first_match=%{
- SELECT metadata_and_text.tid
- FROM metadata_and_text
- WHERE metadata_and_text.src_filename = '#{@md.fns}'
- AND metadata_and_text.language_document_char = '#{@opt.lng}'
- ;} # note, for .ssm: @md.fns (is set during runtime & is) != @opt.fns @md.opt.fns
- file_exist=@sql_type=~/sqlite/ \
- ? @conn.get_first_value(select_first_match)
- : @conn.select_one(select_first_match)
- if not file_exist
- t_d=[] # transaction_data
- t_d << db_import_metadata
- t_d << db_import_documents(@dal_array)
- t_d << db_import_urls(@dal_array,@fnc) #import OID on/off
- t_d=t_d.flatten
- if @opt.cmd =~/[MV]/
- puts @conn.class if defined? @conn.class
- puts @conn.driver_name if defined? @conn.driver_name
- puts @conn.driver if defined? @conn.driver
- end
- begin
- if @sql_type=~/sqlite/
- @conn.transaction do |conn|
- t_d.each do |sql|
- conn.execute(sql)
- end
- end
- #also 'execute' works for sqlite
- #@conn.execute("BEGIN")
- # t_d.each do |sql|
- # @conn.execute(sql)
- # end
- #@conn.execute("COMMIT")
- else
- #'do' works for postgresql
- @conn.do("BEGIN")
- t_d.each do |sql|
- @conn.do(sql)
- end
- @conn.do("COMMIT")
- end
- rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e
- STDERR.puts "Error code: #{e.err}"
- STDERR.puts "Error message: #{e.errstr}"
- STDERR.puts "Error SQLSTATE: #{e.state}"
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- sqlfn="#{@env.processing_path.sql}/#{@md.fnb}.sql"
- sql=File.new(sqlfn,'w')
- t_d.each {|i| sql.puts i}
- p sqlfn
- if @opt.cmd =~/M/
- puts sql
- p @conn.methods.sort
- puts "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}"
- end
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- sqlfn="#{@env.processing_path.sql}/#{@md.fnb}.sql"
- sql=File.new(sqlfn,'w')
- t_d.each {|i| sql.puts i}
- p sqlfn
- if @opt.cmd =~/M/
- puts sql
- p @conn.methods.sort
- puts "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}"
- end
- ensure
- end
- else
- if file_exist
- @db=SiSU_Env::InfoDb.new
- puts "\n#{@cX.grey}file #{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@opt.fns}#{@cX.off} in language code #{cX.blue}#{@opt.lng}#{cX.off} #{@cX.grey}already exists in database#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@db.psql.db}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.brown}update instead?#{@cX.off}"
- end
- end
- end
- def pf_db_import_transaction_open
- end
- def pf_db_import_transaction_close
- end
- def book_idx_hash_to_str(book_idx)
- book_idx=book_idx ? book_idx : ''
- book_idx_str,book_subidx_part='',''
- if not book_idx.empty?
- book_idx_str=''
- book_idx.each_pair do |k0,v0|
- book_idx_str << %{#{k0}+#{v0[:plus]}}
- book_subidx_part=''
- if v0[:sub].length > 0
- v0[:sub].each do |subterms|
- subterms.each_pair do |k1,v1|
- book_subidx_part << %{\n #{k1}+#{v1[:plus]} | }
- end
- end
- book_idx_str=book_idx_str + ':' + book_subidx_part
- end
- end
- end
- book_idx_str
- end
- def db_import_metadata #% import documents - populate database
- print %{ #{@cX.grey}import documents dbi_unit #{@cX.off} } if @opt.cmd =~/vVM/
- @tp={}
- @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get
-#% sisutxt & fulltxt
- if FileTest.exist?(@md.fns)
- txt_arr=IO.readlines(@md.fns,'')
- src=txt_arr.join("\n")
- src=special_character_escape(src)
- @tp[:sisutxt_f],@tp[:sisutxt_i]='sisutxt, ',"'#{src}', "
- txt=clean_searchable_text(txt_arr)
- #txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- @tp[:fulltxt_f],@tp[:fulltxt_i]='fulltxt, ',"'#{txt}', "
- end
-#% title
- if defined? @md.title.full \
- and @md.title.full=~/\S+/ # DublinCore 1 - title
- #@tp[:title]=@md.title.full
- #special_character_escape(@tp[:title])
- #@tp[:title_f],@tp[:title_i]='title, ',"'#{@tp[:title]}', "
- sql='SELECT MAX(tid) FROM metadata_and_text;'
- begin
- @@id_t ||=0
- id_t=if @driver_sqlite3
- @conn.execute( sql ).join.to_i # { |x| id_t=x.join.to_i }
- else
- @conn.execute( sql ) { |x| x.fetch_all.flatten[0] }
- end
- @@id_t=id_t if id_t
- rescue
- puts "#{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}" if @opt.cmd =~/M/
- end
- @@id_t+=1 #bug related, needs to be performed once at start of file, but consider moving, as, placed here it means program will fail if document header lacks @title:
- puts %{\n#{@cX.grey}Processing file number#{@cX.off}: #{@cX.green}#{@@id_t}#{@@cX.off}} if @opt.cmd =~/vVM/
- end
- ################ CLEAR ##############
- SiSU_DbDBI::Test.new(self,@opt).verify #% import title names, filenames (tuple)
- t=SiSU_DbTuple::LoadMetadata.new(@conn,@@id_t,@md,@file_maint)
- tuple=t.tuple
- tuple
- end
- def db_import_documents(dal_array) #% import documents - populate main database table, import into substantive database tables (tuple)
- begin
- @col[:tid]=@@id_t
- @en,@en_ast,@en_pls,@tuple_array=[],[],[],[]
- @col[:en_a],@col[:en_z]=nil,nil
- dal_array.each do |data|
- data.obj.gsub!(/#{Mx[:fa_bold_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_bold_c]}/,'\1')
- data.obj.gsub!(/#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}/,'\1')
- data.obj.gsub!(/#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}/,'\1')
- data.obj.gsub!(/#{Mx[:fa_superscript_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_superscript_c]}/,'\1')
- data.obj.gsub!(/#{Mx[:fa_subscript_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_subscript_c]}/,'\1')
- data.obj.gsub!(/#{Mx[:fa_insert_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_insert_c]}/,'\1')
- data.obj.gsub!(/#{Mx[:fa_cite_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_cite_c]}/,'\1')
- data.obj.gsub!(/#{Mx[:fa_strike_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_strike_c]}/,'\1')
- data.obj.gsub!(/#{Mx[:fa_monospace_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_monospace_c]}/,'\1')
- data.obj.gsub!(/#{Mx[:gl_o]}(●)#{Mx[:gl_c]}\s*/,'\1 ')
- data.obj.gsub!(/#{Mx[:tag_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:tag_c]}/,'') #check
- @col[:seg]=@@seg
- if data.of ==:para \
- || data.of ==:heading \
- || data.of ==:heading_insert \
- || data.of ==:block \
- || data.of ==:group # regular text what of code-blocks grouped text etc.
- notedata=data.obj.dup
- #% :headings
- if data.is==:heading \
- && (data.ln.inspect=~/[123]/)
- @col[:lev],txt,@col[:ocn],@col[:lev_an],@col[:ocnd],@col[:ocns],@col[:t_of],@col[:t_is],@col[:node],@col[:parent],@col[:digest_clean],@col[:digest_all]=data.ln,data.obj,data.ocn,data.lv,data.odv,data.osp,data.of,data.is,data.node,data.parent,'',''
- @col[:lid]+=1
- txt=endnotes(txt).extract_any
- body=SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).lev4_minus
- @col[:body]=special_character_escape(body)
- plaintext=@col[:body].dup
- plaintext=strip_markup(plaintext)
- @col[:plaintext]=clean_searchable_text(plaintext)
- book_idx=book_idx_hash_to_str(data.idx)
- @col[:book_idx]=clean_searchable_text(book_idx)
- if @en[0] then @en_a,@en_z=@en[0].first,@en[0].last
- end
- if @en_ast[0] then @en_a_asterisk,@en_z_asterisk=@en_ast[0].first,@en_ast[0].last
- end
- if @en_pls[0] then @en_a_plus,@en_z_plus=@en_pls[0].first,@en_pls[0].last
- end
- t=SiSU_DbTuple::LoadDocuments.new(@conn,@col,@opt,@file_maint)
- @tuple_array << t.tuple
- case @col[:lev]
- when /1/; @col[:lv1]+=1
- when /2/; @col[:lv2]+=1
- when /3/; @col[:lv3]+=1
- end
- @col[:lev]=@col[:plaintext]=@col[:body]=''
- elsif data.is==:heading \
- && data.ln==4
- @@seg,txt,@col[:ocn],@col[:lev_an],@col[:ocnd],@col[:ocns],@col[:t_of],@col[:t_is],@col[:node],@col[:parent],@col[:digest_clean],@col[:digest_all]=data.name,data.obj,data.ocn,data.lv,data.odv,data.osp,data.of,data.is,data.node,data.parent,'',''
- @col[:seg]=@@seg
- @col[:lv4]+=1
- @col[:lid]+=1
- @col[:lev]=4
- @hname=if @col[:seg] \
- and not @col[:seg].to_s.empty?
- @@hname=@col[:seg].to_s
- else @@hname
- end
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns)
- @base_url="#{@env.url.root}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@hname}.html"
- txt=endnotes(txt).extract_any
- body=SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).lev4_plus
- @col[:body]=special_character_escape(body)
- plaintext=@col[:body].dup
- plaintext=strip_markup(plaintext)
- @col[:plaintext]=clean_searchable_text(plaintext)
- book_idx=book_idx_hash_to_str(data.idx)
- @col[:book_idx]=clean_searchable_text(book_idx)
- @en_a,@en_z=@en[0].first,@en[0].last if @en[0]
- @en_a_asterisk,@en_z_asterisk=@en_ast[0].first,@en_ast[0].last if @en_ast[0]
- @en_a_plus,@en_z_plus=@en_pls[0].first,@en_pls[0].last if @en_pls[0]
- t=SiSU_DbTuple::LoadDocuments.new(@conn,@col,@opt,@file_maint)
- @tuple_array << t.tuple
- @col[:lev]=@col[:plaintext]=@col[:body]=''
- elsif data.is==:heading \
- && data.ln==5
- txt,@col[:ocn],@col[:lev_an],@col[:ocnd],@col[:ocns],@col[:t_of],@col[:t_is],@col[:node],@col[:parent],@col[:digest_clean],@col[:digest_all]=data.obj,data.ocn,data.lv,data.odv,data.osp,data.of,data.is,data.node,data.parent,'',''
- @@seg_full=data.name if data.is==:heading \
- && data.ln==5 \
- && data.name #check data.name
- @@seg ||='' #nil # watch
- @col[:seg]=@@seg
- @col[:lv5]+=1
- @col[:lid]+=1
- @col[:lev]=5
- @hname=if @col[:seg] \
- and not @col[:seg].to_s.empty?
- @@hname=@col[:seg].to_s
- else @@hname
- end
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns)
- @base_url="#{@env.url.root}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@hname}.html"
- txt=endnotes(txt).extract_any
- body=SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).lev4_plus
- @col[:body]=special_character_escape(body)
- plaintext=@col[:body].dup
- plaintext=strip_markup(plaintext)
- @col[:plaintext]=clean_searchable_text(plaintext)
- book_idx=book_idx_hash_to_str(data.idx)
- @col[:book_idx]=clean_searchable_text(book_idx)
- @en_a,@en_z=@en[0].first,@en[0].last if @en[0]
- @en_a_asterisk,@en_z_asterisk=@en_ast[0].first,@en_ast[0].last if @en_ast[0]
- @en_a_plus,@en_z_plus=@en_pls[0].first,@en_pls[0].last if @en_pls[0]
- t=SiSU_DbTuple::LoadDocuments.new(@conn,@col,@opt,@file_maint)
- @tuple_array << t.tuple
- @col[:lev]=@col[:plaintext]=@col[:body]=''
- elsif data.is==:heading \
- && data.ln==6
- txt,@col[:ocn],@col[:lev_an],@col[:ocnd],@col[:ocns],@col[:t_of],@col[:t_is],@col[:node],@col[:parent],@col[:digest_clean],@col[:digest_all]=data.obj,data.ocn,data.lv,data.odv,data.osp,data.of,data.is,data.node,data.parent,'',''
- @@seg_full=data.name if data.is==:heading && data.ln==6 && data.name #check data.name
- @@seg ||='' #nil # watch
- @col[:seg]=@@seg
- @col[:lv6]+=1
- @col[:lid]+=1
- @col[:lev]=6
- @hname=if @col[:seg] \
- and not @col[:seg].to_s.empty?
- @@hname=@col[:seg].to_s
- else @@hname
- end
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns)
- @base_url="#{@env.url.root}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@hname}.html"
- txt=endnotes(txt).extract_any
- body=SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).lev4_plus
- @col[:body]=special_character_escape(body)
- plaintext=@col[:body].dup
- plaintext=strip_markup(plaintext)
- @col[:plaintext]=clean_searchable_text(plaintext)
- book_idx=book_idx_hash_to_str(data.idx)
- @col[:book_idx]=clean_searchable_text(book_idx)
- @en_a,@en_z=@en[0].first,@en[0].last if @en[0]
- @en_a_asterisk,@en_z_asterisk=@en_ast[0].first,@en_ast[0].last if @en_ast[0]
- @en_a_plus,@en_z_plus=@en_pls[0].first,@en_pls[0].last if @en_pls[0]
- t=SiSU_DbTuple::LoadDocuments.new(@conn,@col,@opt,@file_maint)
- @tuple_array << t.tuple
- @col[:lev]=@col[:plaintext]=@col[:body]=''
- #% :structure :layout :comment
- elsif data.of==:structure \
- || data.of==:layout \
- || data.of==:comment
- #added watch
- #% :
- else #% regular text
- @col[:lid]+=1
- txt=''
- txt,@col[:ocn],@col[:ocnd],@col[:ocns],@col[:t_of],@col[:t_is],@col[:node],@col[:parent],@col[:digest_clean],@col[:digest_all]=data.obj,data.ocn,data.odv,data.osp,data.of,data.is,'',data.parent,'',''
- @hname=if @col[:seg] \
- and not @col[:seg].to_s.empty?
- @@hname=@col[:seg].to_s
- else @@hname
- end
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns)
- @base_url="#{@env.url.root}/#{@md.fnb}/#{@hname}.html"
- txt=endnotes(txt).extract_any
- if @sql_type=~/pg/ \
- and txt.size > (SiSU_DbColumns::ColumnSize.new.document_clean - 1) # examine pg build & remove limitation
- puts "\n\nTOO LARGE (TXT - see error log)\n\n"
- open("#{Dir.pwd}/pg_documents_error_log",'a') do |error|
- error.puts("\n#{@opt.fns}\nTEXT BODY\n#{@col[:body].size} object #{@col[:ocn]} -> #{@col[:body].slice(0..500)}")
- end
- end
- @en_a,@en_z=@en[0].first,@en[0].last if @en[0]
- @en_a_asterisk,@en_z_asterisk=@en_ast[0].first,@en_ast[0].last if @en_ast[0]
- @en_a_plus,@en_z_plus=@en_pls[0].first,@en_pls[0].last if @en_pls[0]
- body=if data.is==:table
- SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).html_table
- elsif data.is==:code
- SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).code
- elsif defined? data.indent \
- and defined? data.hang \
- and data.indent =~/[1-9]/ \
- and data.indent == data.hang
- SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).indent(data.indent)
- elsif defined? data.indent \
- and defined? data.hang \
- and data.hang =~/[0-9]/ \
- and data.indent != data.hang
- SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).hang_indent(data.hang,data.indent)
- else
- SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).norm
- end
- @col[:body]=special_character_escape(body)
- plaintext=@col[:body].dup
- plaintext=strip_markup(plaintext)
- @col[:plaintext]=clean_searchable_text(plaintext)
- book_idx=book_idx_hash_to_str(data.idx)
- @col[:book_idx]=clean_searchable_text(book_idx)
- t=SiSU_DbTuple::LoadDocuments.new(@conn,@col,@opt,@file_maint)
- @tuple_array << t.tuple
- @en,@en_ast,@en_pls=[],[],[]
- @col[:en_a]=@col[:en_z]=nil
- @col[:lev]=@col[:plaintext]=@col[:body]=@col[:words]=''
- end
- if notedata =~/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}.+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/ #% import into database endnotes tables
- endnote_array=notedata.scan(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}.+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/)
- endnote_array.each do |inf|
- if inf[/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}\d+.+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/]
- if inf[/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}(\d+)(.+?)#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/]
- nr,txt,digest_clean=$1,$2.strip,0
- end
- @id_n+=1
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- body=SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).endnote(nr,txt)
- txt=strip_markup(txt)
- if txt.size > (SiSU_DbColumns::ColumnSize.new.endnote_clean - 1)
- puts "\n\nTOO LARGE (ENDNOTE - see error log)\n\n"
- open("#{Dir.pwd}/pg_documents_error_log",'a') do |error|
- error.puts("\n#{@opt.fns}\nENDNOTE\n#{txt.size} object #{@col[:ocn]},#{@col[:ocnd]},#{@col[:ocns]} -> #{txt.slice(0..500)}")
- end
- end
- if txt
- en={
- type: 'endnotes',
- id: @id_n,
- lid: @col[:lid],
- nr: nr,
- txt: txt,
- body: body,
- ocn: @col[:ocn],
- ocnd: @col[:ocnd],
- ocns: @col[:ocns],
- id_t: @@id_t,
- hash: digest_clean
- }
- t=SiSU_DbTuple::LoadEndnotes.new(@conn,en,@opt,@file_maint)
- @tuple_array << t.tuple
- end
- end
- end
- word_mode=notedata.scan(/\S+/)
- end
- if notedata =~/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}\*.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/ #% import into database endnotes tables
- endnote_array=notedata.scan(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}\*.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/)
- endnote_array.each do |inf|
- if inf[/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}\*\d+.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/] # dal new endnotes 2003w31/1
- if inf[/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}[*](\d+)(.+?)#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/] # dal new endnotes 2003w31/1
- nr,txt,digest_clean=$1,$2.strip,0
- end
- @id_n+=1
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- body=SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).endnote(nr,txt)
- txt=strip_markup(txt)
- if txt.size > (SiSU_DbColumns::ColumnSize.new.endnote_clean - 1)
- puts "\n\nTOO LARGE (ENDNOTE - see error log)\n\n"
- open("#{Dir.pwd}/pg_documents_error_log",'a') do |error|
- error.puts("\n#{@opt.fns}\nENDNOTE\n#{txt.size} object #{@col[:ocn]},#{@col[:ocnd]},#{@col[:ocns]} -> #{txt.slice(0..500)}")
- end
- end
- if txt
- en={
- type: 'endnotes_asterisk',
- id: @id_n,
- lid: @col[:lid],
- nr: nr,
- txt: txt,
- body: body,
- ocn: @col[:ocn],
- ocnd: @col[:ocnd],
- ocns: @col[:ocns],
- id_t: @@id_t,
- hash: digest_clean
- }
- t=SiSU_DbTuple::LoadEndnotes.new(@conn,en,@opt,@file_maint)
- @tuple_array << t.tuple
- end
- end
- end
- word_mode=notedata.scan(/\S+/)
- end
- if notedata =~/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}\+.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/ #% import into database endnotes tables
- endnote_array=notedata.scan(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}\+.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/)
- endnote_array.each do |inf|
- if inf[/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}\+\d+.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/] # dal new endnotes 2003w31/1
- if inf[/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}[+](\d+)(.+?)#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/] # dal new endnotes 2003w31/1
- nr,txt,digest_clean=$1,$2.strip,0
- end
- @id_n+=1
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- body=SiSU_FormatShared::CSS_Format.new(@md,data).endnote(nr,txt)
- txt=strip_markup(txt)
- if txt.size > (SiSU_DbColumns::ColumnSize.new.endnote_clean - 1)
- puts "\n\nTOO LARGE (ENDNOTE - see error log)\n\n"
- open("#{Dir.pwd}/pg_documents_error_log",'a') do |error|
- error.puts("\n#{@opt.fns}\nENDNOTE\n#{txt.size} object #{@col[:ocn]},#{@col[:ocnd]},#{@col[:ocns]} -> #{txt.slice(0..500)}")
- end
- end
- if txt
- en={
- type: 'endnotes_plus',
- id: @id_n,
- lid: @col[:lid],
- nr: nr,
- txt: txt,
- body: body,
- ocn: @col[:ocn],
- ocnd: @col[:ocnd],
- ocns: @col[:ocns],
- id_t: @@id_t,
- hash: digest_clean
- }
- t=SiSU_DbTuple::LoadEndnotes.new(@conn,en,@opt,@file_maint)
- @tuple_array << t.tuple
- end
- end
- end
- word_mode=notedata.scan(/\S+/)
- end
- end
- end
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- ensure
- end
- @tuple_array
- end
- def endnotes(txt)
- @txt=txt
- def extract_any
- if @txt =~/(?:#{Mx[:en_a_o]}|#{Mx[:en_b_o]})[*+]?(\d+)\s+.+?(?:#{Mx[:en_a_c]}|#{Mx[:en_b_c]})/
- endnotes(@txt).range
- @en << endnotes(@txt).standard if @txt =~/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}.+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/
- @en_ast << endnotes(@txt).asterisk if @txt =~/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}\*.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/
- @en_pls << endnotes(@txt).plus if @txt =~/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}\+.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/
- @txt=endnotes(@txt).clean_text
- end
- @txt
- end
- def standard
- (@txt =~/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}.+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/) \
- ? @txt.scan(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}(\d+).+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/)
- : nil
- end
- def asterisk
- (@txt =~/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}\*.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/) \
- ? @txt.scan(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}[*](\d+).+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/)
- : nil
- end
- def plus
- (@txt =~/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}\+.+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/) \
- ? @txt.scan(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}[+](\d+).+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/)
- : nil
- end
- def clean_text(base_url=nil)
- @txt=if base_url
- @txt.gsub(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}(\d+).+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/,%{\\1}).
- gsub(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}([*]\d+).+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/,%{\\1}).
- gsub(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}([+]\d+).+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/,%{\\1})
- else
- @txt.gsub(/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}(\d+).+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/,'\1').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}([*]\d+).+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/,'\1').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:en_b_o]}([+]\d+).+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/,'\1')
- end
- @txt
- end
- def range
- @col[:en_a]=@col[:en_z]=nil
- if @txt =~/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}.+?#{Mx[:en_a_c]}|#{Mx[:en_b_o]}([*]\d+).+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}|#{Mx[:en_b_o]}([+]\d+).+?#{Mx[:en_b_c]}/
- word_array=@txt.scan(/\S+/)
- word_array.each do |w|
- if w[/(?:#{Mx[:en_a_o]}|#{Mx[:en_b_o]})[*+]?(\d+)\s+.+?(?:#{Mx[:en_a_c]}|#{Mx[:en_b_c]})(?:#{Mx[:en_a_c]}|#{Mx[:en_b_c]})/] # not tested since change 2003w31
- @col[:en_a]=$1 unless @col[:en_a]
- @col[:en_z]=@col[:en_a].dup unless @col[:en_a]
- @col[:en_z]=$1 if @col[:en_a]
- end
- end
- end
- @col
- end
- self
- end
- def db_import_urls(dbi_unit,content) #% import documents OID - populate database
- begin
- @fnc=content
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@opt.fns)
- f,u={},{}
- if @fnb.empty? \
- or @fnb.nil?
- p 'file output path error' #remove
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.txt.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.txt}")==true
- f[:txt],u[:txt]='plaintext,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.txt.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.txt}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.html_seg.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.html_segtoc}")==true
- f[:html_toc],u[:html_toc]='html_toc,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.html_seg.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.html_segtoc}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.html_scroll.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.html_scroll}")==true
- f[:html_doc],u[:html_doc]='html_doc,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.html_scroll.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.html_scroll}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.xhtml.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.xhtml}")==true
- f[:xhtml],u[:xhtml]='xhtml,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.xhtml.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.xhtml}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.xml_sax.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.xml_sax}")==true
- f[:xml_sax],u[:xml_sax]='xml_sax,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.xml_sax.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.xml_sax}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.xml_dom.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.xml_dom}")==true
- f[:xml_dom],u[:xml_dom]='xml_dom,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.xml_dom.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.xml_dom}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.epub.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.epub}")==true
- f[:epub],u[:epub]='epub,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.epub.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.epub}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.odt.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.odt}")==true
- f[:odf],u[:odf]='odf,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.odt.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.odt}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@pdf_fn.pdf_p_a4}")==true #\
- #or FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@pdf_fn.pdf_p_letter}")==true
- f[:pdf_p],u[:pdf_p]='pdf_p,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.pdf.url}/#{@pdf_fn.pdf_p_a4}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@pdf_fn.pdf_l_a4}")==true #\
- #or FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.pdf.dir}/#{@pdf_fn.pdf_l_letter}")==true
- f[:pdf_l],u[:pdf_l]='pdf_l,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.pdf.url}/#{@pdf_fn.pdf_l_a4}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.html_concordance.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.html_concordance}")==true
- f[:concordance],u[:concordance]='concordance,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.html_concordance.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.html_concordance}',"
- end
- #if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.x.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.x}")==true
- # f[:latex_p],u[:latex_p]='latex_p,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.x.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.x}',"
- #end
- ##if FileTest.file?("#{out}/#{@fnb}/#{@opt.fns}.tex")==true
- ## f[:latex_p],u[:latex_p]='latex_p,', "'#{base}/#{@fnb}/#{@opt.fns}.tex',"
- ##end
- #if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.x.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.x}")==true
- # f[:latex_l],u[:latex_l]='latex_l,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.x.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.x}',"
- #end
- ##if FileTest.file?("#{out}/#{@fnb}/#{@opt.fns}.landscape.tex")==true
- ## f[:latex_l],u[:latex_l]='latex_l,', "'#{base}/#{@fnb}/#{@opt}.fns}.landscape.tex',"
- ##end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.digest.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.digest}")==true
- f[:digest],u[:digest]='digest,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.digest.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.digest}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.manifest.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.manifest}")==true #revisit, was to be text, this is html
- f[:manifest],u[:manifest]='manifest,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.manifest.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.manifest}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.src.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.src}")==true
- f[:markup],u[:markup]='markup,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.src.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.src}',"
- end
- if FileTest.file?("#{@md.file.output_path.sisupod.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.sisupod}")==true
- f[:sisupod],u[:sisupod]='sisupod,', "'#{@md.file.output_path.sisupod.url}/#{@md.file.base_filename.sisupod}',"
- end
- t=SiSU_DbTuple::LoadUrls.new(@conn,f,u,@@id_t,@opt,@file_maint)
- tuple=t.tuple
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- ensure
- end
- tuple
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/db_indexes.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/db_indexes.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 98cf28cb..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/db_indexes.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: modules shared by the different db types, dbi, postgresql,
- sqlite
-module SiSU_DbIndex
- class Index # create documents Indexes def initialize(opt,conn='',sql_type='')
- def initialize(opt,conn,file,sql_type='')
- @opt,@conn,@file,@sql_type=opt,conn,file,sql_type
- end
- def create_indexes # check added from pg not tested
- def conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- @conn.transaction do |conn|
- sql_arr.each do |sql|
- conn.execute(sql)
- end
- end
- end
- def base
- print "\n create documents common indexes\n" if @opt.cmd =~/[VM]/
- sql_arr=[
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_ocn ON doc_objects(ocn);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_digest_clean ON doc_objects(digest_clean);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_digest_all ON doc_objects(digest_all);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_lev1 ON doc_objects(lev1);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_lev2 ON doc_objects(lev2);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_lev3 ON doc_objects(lev3);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_lev4 ON doc_objects(lev4);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_lev5 ON doc_objects(lev5);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_lev6 ON doc_objects(lev6);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_endnote_nr ON endnotes(nr);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_digest_en ON endnotes(digest_clean);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_endnote_nr_asterisk ON endnotes_asterisk(nr);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_endnote_asterisk ON endnotes_asterisk(clean);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_digest_en_asterisk ON endnotes_asterisk(digest_clean);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_endnote_nr_plus ON endnotes_plus(nr);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_endnote_plus ON endnotes_plus(clean);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_digest_en_plus ON endnotes_plus(digest_clean);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_title ON metadata_and_text(title);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_author ON metadata_and_text(creator_author);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_filename ON metadata_and_text(src_filename);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_language ON metadata_and_text(language_document_char);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_topics ON metadata_and_text(classify_topic_register)},
- ]
- conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- end
- def text
- print "\n create documents TEXT indexes\n" if @opt.cmd =~/[VM]/
- sql_arr=[
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_clean ON doc_objects(clean);},
- %{CREATE INDEX idx_endnote ON endnotes(clean);}
- ]
- conn_execute_array(sql_arr)
- end
- base
- @opt.cmd=~/D/ || ((@opt.mod=~/psql/) ? '' : text)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/db_load_tuple.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/db_load_tuple.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 68d05ec8..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/db_load_tuple.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: modules shared by the different db types, dbi, postgresql,
- sqlite
-module SiSU_DbTuple
- require_relative 'db_columns' # db_columns.rb
- class LoadDocuments
- require_relative 'param' # param.rb
- include SiSU_Param
- def initialize(conn,col,opt,file_maint)
- @conn,@col,@opt,@file_maint=conn,col,opt,file_maint
- @col[:lev]=@col[:lev].to_i
- unless @col[:lev]=~/^[1-6]/ \
- or @col[:lev]==1 \
- or @col[:lev]==2 \
- or @col[:lev]==3 \
- or @col[:lev]==4 \
- or @col[:lev]==5 \
- or @col[:lev]==6 #changed from \d+ ??
- @col[:lev]=0
- end
- @col[:ocn]=0 unless @col[:ocn].inspect=~/\d+/
- @cX=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd).cX
- end
- def tuple #% import line
- sql_entry=if @col[:en_a]
- "INSERT INTO doc_objects (lid, metadata_tid, lev, lev_an, clean, body, book_idx, ocn, ocnd, ocns, seg, lev1, lev2, lev3, lev4, lev5, lev6, en_a, en_z, t_of, t_is, node, parent, digest_clean, digest_all) " +
- "VALUES (#{@col[:lid]}, #{@col[:tid]}, #{@col[:lev]}, '#{@col[:lev_an]}', '#{@col[:plaintext]}', '#{@col[:body]}', '#{@col[:book_idx]}', '#{@col[:ocn]}', '#{@col[:ocnd]}', '#{@col[:ocns]}', '#{@col[:seg]}', '#{@col[:lv1]}', '#{@col[:lv2]}', '#{@col[:lv3]}', '#{@col[:lv4]}', '#{@col[:lv5]}', '#{@col[:lv6]}', '#{@col[:en_a]}', '#{@col[:en_z]}', '#{@col[:t_of]}', '#{@col[:t_is]}', '#{@col[:node]}', '#{@col[:parent]}', '#{@col[:digest_clean]}', '#{@col[:digest_all]}');"
- else
- "INSERT INTO doc_objects (lid, metadata_tid, lev, lev_an, clean, body, book_idx, ocn, ocnd, ocns, seg, lev1, lev2, lev3, lev4, lev5, lev6, t_of, t_is, node, parent, digest_clean, digest_all) " +
- "VALUES (#{@col[:lid]}, #{@col[:tid]}, #{@col[:lev]}, '#{@col[:lev_an]}', '#{@col[:plaintext]}', '#{@col[:body]}', '#{@col[:book_idx]}', '#{@col[:ocn]}', '#{@col[:ocnd]}', '#{@col[:ocns]}', '#{@col[:seg]}', '#{@col[:lv1]}', '#{@col[:lv2]}', '#{@col[:lv3]}', '#{@col[:lv4]}', '#{@col[:lv5]}', '#{@col[:lv6]}', '#{@col[:t_of]}', '#{@col[:t_is]}', '#{@col[:node]}', '#{@col[:parent]}', '#{@col[:digest_clean]}', '#{@col[:digest_all]}');"
- end
- if @opt.cmd =~/M/
- if @opt.cmd =~/V/
- puts @file_maint.inspect
- puts sql_entry
- end
- @file_maint.puts sql_entry
- else
- if @opt.cmd =~/V/
- puts sql_entry
- @file_maint.puts sql_entry
- end
- end
- if @opt.cmd =~/v/
- if @col[:lev].inspect =~/[12356789]/
- lev=case @col[:lev].inspect
- when /1/; ':A'
- when /2/; ':B'
- when /3/; ':C'
- when /5/; ' 2'
- when /6/; ' 3'
- end
- puts %{#{lev}>\t#{@col[:lv1]}\t#{@col[:lv2]}\t#{@col[:lv3]}\t#{@col[:lv4]}\t#{@col[:lv5]}\t#{@col[:lv6]}\t#{@col[:ocn]}\t#{@col[:node]}\t#{@col[:ocns]}}
- elsif @col[:lev].inspect =~/[4]/
- puts %{ #{@cX.green}1>#{@cX.off}\t#{@col[:lv1]}\t#{@col[:lv2]}\t#{@col[:lv3]}\t#{@col[:lv4]}\t#{@col[:lv5]}\t#{@col[:lv6]}\t#{@col[:ocn]}\t#{@col[:node]}\t#{@col[:ocns]}\t#{@col[:seg]}}
- end
- end
- sql_entry
- end
- end
- class LoadMetadata #< SiSU_DbColumns::Columns
- def initialize(conn,id,md,file_maint)
- @conn,@id,@md,@file_maint=conn,id,md,file_maint
- @tp=SiSU_DbColumns::Columns.new(md)
- end
- def tuple
- sql_entry="INSERT INTO metadata_and_text (
-" +
- if @md.opt.cmd =~/M/
- puts "maintenance mode on: creating sql transaction file (for last transaction set (document) only):\n\t#{@file_maint.inspect}"
- @file_maint.puts sql_entry
- else
- @file_maint.puts sql_entry if @md.opt.cmd =~/V/
- end
- sql_entry
- end
- end
- class LoadUrls
- def initialize(conn,f,u,id,opt,file_maint)
- @conn,@f,@u,@id,@opt,@file_maint=conn,f,u,id,opt,file_maint
- end
- def tuple
- sql_entry="INSERT INTO urls (#{@f[:txt]} #{@f[:html_toc]} #{@f[:html_doc]} #{@f[:xhtml]} #{@f[:xml_sax]} #{@f[:xml_dom]} #{@f[:odf]} #{@f[:pdf_p]} #{@f[:pdf_l]} #{@f[:concordance]} #{@f[:latex_p]} #{@f[:latex_l]} #{@f[:manifest]} #{@f[:digest]} #{@f[:markup]} #{@f[:sisupod]} metadata_tid) " +
- "VALUES (#{@u[:txt]} #{@u[:html_toc]} #{@u[:html_doc]} #{@u[:xhtml]} #{@u[:xml_sax]} #{@u[:xml_dom]} #{@u[:odf]} #{@u[:pdf_p]} #{@u[:pdf_l]} #{@u[:concordance]} #{@u[:latex_p]} #{@u[:latex_l]} #{@u[:manifest]} #{@u[:digest]} #{@u[:markup]} #{@u[:sisupod]} #{@id});"
- if @opt.cmd =~/M/
- @file_maint.puts sql_entry
- else
- @file_maint.puts sql_entry if @opt.cmd =~/V/
- end
- sql_entry
- end
- end
- class LoadEndnotes
- def initialize(conn,en,opt,file_maint)
- @conn,@en,@opt,@file_maint=conn,en,opt,file_maint
- end
- def tuple
- sql_entry="INSERT INTO #{@en[:type]} (nid, document_lid, nr, clean, body, ocn, ocnd, ocns, metadata_tid, digest_clean) " +
- "VALUES ('#{@en[:id]}', '#{@en[:lid]}', '#{@en[:nr]}', '#{@en[:txt]}', '#{@en[:body]}', '#{@en[:ocn]}', '#{@en[:ocnd]}', '#{@en[:ocns]}', '#{@en[:id_t]}', '#{@en[:hash]}');"
- if @opt.cmd =~/M/
- @file_maint.puts sql_entry
- else
- @file_maint.puts sql_entry if @opt.cmd =~/V/
- end
- sql_entry
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/db_remove.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/db_remove.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c402f959..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/db_remove.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: modules shared by the different db types, dbi, postgresql,
- sqlite
-module SiSU_DbRemove
- class Remove
- def initialize(opt,conn,file,sql_type)
- @opt,@conn,@file,@sql_type=opt,conn,file,sql_type
- @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get
- @fnb=@md.fnb
- @db=SiSU_Env::InfoDb.new
- end
- def remove
- driver_sqlite3=if @sql_type=='sqlite'
- (@conn.inspect.match(/^(.{10})/)[1]==@db.sqlite.conn_sqlite3.inspect.match(/^(.{10})/)[1]) \
- ? true
- : false
- end
- del_id=if driver_sqlite3
- remove_selected=%{
- SELECT tid
- FROM metadata_and_text
- WHERE src_filename = '#{@md.fns}'
- AND metadata_and_text.language_document_char = '#{@opt.lng}'
- ;} # note, for .ssm: @md.fns (is set during runtime & is) != @opt.fns @md.opt.fns
- @conn.get_first_value(remove_selected).to_i
- else
- remove_selected=%{
- SELECT metadata_and_text.tid
- FROM metadata_and_text
- WHERE metadata_and_text.src_filename = '#{@md.fns}'
- AND metadata_and_text.language_document_char = '#{@opt.lng}'
- ;} # note, for .ssm: @md.fns (is set during runtime & is) != @opt.fns @md.opt.fns
- x=@conn.select_one(remove_selected)
- x ? (x.join.to_i) : nil
- end
- if del_id
- sql_entry=[
- "DELETE FROM endnotes WHERE metadata_tid = '#{del_id}';",
- "DELETE FROM endnotes_asterisk WHERE metadata_tid = '#{del_id}';",
- "DELETE FROM endnotes_plus WHERE metadata_tid = '#{del_id}';",
- "DELETE FROM doc_objects WHERE metadata_tid = '#{del_id}';",
- "DELETE FROM urls WHERE metadata_tid = '#{del_id}';",
- "DELETE FROM metadata_and_text WHERE metadata_and_text.tid = '#{del_id}';",
- ]
- if driver_sqlite3
- @conn.transaction
- sql_entry.each do |s|
- @conn.execute(s)
- end
- @conn.commit if driver_sqlite3
- else
- sql_entry.each do |s|
- @conn.execute(s)
- end
- end
- if @opt.cmd =~/M/
- @file.puts sql_entry if @opt.cmd =~/M/
- end
- else
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"no such file in database #{@db.psql.db}::#{@opt.fns}").puts_grey if @opt.cmd =~/vVM/
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/db_select.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/db_select.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f6d07030..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/db_select.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: modules shared by the different db types, dbi, postgresql,
- sqlite
-module SiSU_DbSelect
- class Case
- def initialize(opt,conn='',sql_type='pg')
- @opt,@conn,@sql_type=opt,conn,sql_type
- @db=SiSU_Env::InfoDb.new
- @file_maint=sql_maintenance_file
- @sdb=SiSU_DbDBI::Create.new(@opt,@conn,@file_maint,@sql_type) # db_dbi.rb
- @sdb_index=SiSU_DbDBI::Index.new(@opt,@conn,@file_maint,@sql_type) # db_dbi.rb
- @sdb_no=SiSU_DbDBI::Drop.new(@opt,@conn,@db,@sql_type) # db_dbi.rb
- if @opt.mod.inspect =~/update|import/
- @sdb_import=SiSU_DbDBI::Import.new(@opt,@conn,@file_maint,@sql_type)
- @sdb_remove_doc=SiSU_DbDBI::Remove.new(@opt,@conn,@file_maint,@sql_type)
- elsif @opt.mod.inspect =~/remove/
- @sdb_remove_doc=SiSU_DbDBI::Remove.new(@opt,@conn,@file_maint,@sql_type)
- end
- end
- def db_exist?
- if @sql_type=='sqlite' \
- and (not (FileTest.file?(@db.sqlite.db)) or FileTest.zero?(@db.sqlite.db))
- puts %{no connection with #{@sql_type} database established, createdb "#{@db.sqlite.db}"?}
- exit
- end
- if @conn.is_a?(NilClass)
- db=@sql_type=='sqlite' \
- ? @db.sqlite.db
- : @db.psql.db
- puts %{no connection with #{@sql_type} database established, createdb "#{db}"?}
- exit
- end
- end
- def sql_maintenance_file
- file=if @opt.inspect =~/M/
- if @opt.fns and not @opt.fns.empty?
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@opt.fns) if @opt.fns
- puts "\n#{@env.processing_path.sqlite}/#{@opt.fns}.sql" if @sql_type =~/sqlite/ and @opt.cmd =~/M/
- @db=SiSU_Env::InfoDb.new
- @job="sqlite3 #{@db.sqlite.db} < #{@env.processing_path.sqlite}/#{@opt.fns}.sql"
- File.new("#{@env.processing_path.sqlite}/#{@opt.fns}.sql",'w+')
- elsif @opt.fns \
- and @opt.fns.inspect =~/create/
- nil #sort variations later
- else nil
- end
- else nil
- end
- file
- end
- def cases
- @opt.mod.each do |mod|
- case mod
- when /^--createdb$/
- @sdb.output_dir?
- begin
- @sdb.create_db
- rescue; @sdb.output_dir?
- end
- when /^--(?:init(?:ialize)?|create(?:all)?)$/
- @sdb.output_dir?
- begin
- @sdb.create_table.metadata_and_text
- @sdb.create_table.doc_objects
- @sdb.create_table.endnotes
- @sdb.create_table.endnotes_asterisk
- @sdb.create_table.endnotes_plus
- @sdb.create_table.urls
- @sdb_index.create_indexes
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,'-D').location; @sdb.output_dir? do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- end
- when /^--createtables?$/
- @sdb.output_dir?
- begin
- @sdb.create_table.metadata_and_text
- @sdb.create_table.doc_objects
- @sdb.create_table.endnotes
- @sdb.create_table.endnotes_asterisk
- @sdb.create_table.endnotes_plus
- @sdb.create_table.urls
- @sdb_index.create_indexes
- rescue; @sdb.output_dir?
- end
- when /^--recreate$/
- @sdb.output_dir?
- begin
- @sdb_no.drop.tables
- @sdb.create_table.metadata_and_text
- @sdb.create_table.doc_objects
- @sdb.create_table.endnotes
- @sdb.create_table.endnotes_asterisk
- @sdb.create_table.endnotes_plus
- @sdb.create_table.urls
- @sdb_index.create_indexes
- rescue; @sdb.output_dir?
- end
- when /^--cr(eate)?lex$/
- @sdb.output_dir?
- begin
- @sdb.create_table.doc_objects
- rescue; @sdb.output_dir?
- end
- when /^--cr(eate)?metadata$/
- @sdb.output_dir?
- begin
- @sdb.create_table.metadata_and_text
- rescue; @sdb.output_dir?
- end
- when /^--import$/
- db_exist?
- @sdb_import.marshal_load
- tell=case @sql_type
- when /sqlite/; SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"sqlite3 #{@db.sqlite.db} database?")
- when /pg/; SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"pgaccess or psql #{@db.psql.db} database?")
- else '???'
- end
- tell.puts_grey if @opt.cmd =~/v/
- when /^--update$/
- db_exist?
- @sdb_remove_doc.remove
- @sdb_import.marshal_load
- tell=case @sql_type
- when /sqlite/; SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"sqlite3 #{@db.sqlite.db} database?")
- when /pg/; SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"pgaccess or psql #{@db.psql.db} database?")
- else '???'
- end
- tell.puts_grey if @opt.cmd =~/v/
- when /^--remove$/
- db_exist?
- @sdb_remove_doc.remove
- when /^--index$/
- db_exist?
- @sdb_index.create_indexes
- when /^--droptable(s)?$/
- db_exist?
- @sdb_no.drop.tables
- when /^--dropindex(es)?$/
- db_exist?
- @sdb_no.drop.indexes
- when /^--(?:dropall|drop)$/
- db_exist?
- @sdb_no.drop.tables
- when /^--(?:db=)?(?:(?:sq)?lite|pg(?:sql)?|my(?:sql)?)$/
- when /^--(?:v\d+|dev)$/
- else
- end
- if @opt.cmd =~/M/ \
- and @opt.cmd =~/d/
- puts @job
- end
- end
- if @opt.act[:psql][:set]==:on \
- and @opt.mod.inspect !~/--(?:createdb|init(?:ialize)?|create(?:all)?|createtables?|recreate|cr(eate)?lex|cr(eate)?metadata|import|update|remove|index|droptable(s)?|dropindex(es)?|dropall|drop)/
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"--pg requires further instruction").warn unless @opt.cmd =~/[q]/
- end
- begin
- rescue; @sdb.output_dir?
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/db_sqltxt.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/db_sqltxt.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c6b0f858..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/db_sqltxt.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: system environment, resource control and configuration details
-module SiSU_DbText
- class Prepare
- def special_character_escape(str)
- str=str.gsub(/'/,"''"). #string.gsub!(/'/,"\047") #string.gsub!(/'/,"\\'")
- gsub(/(\\)/m,'\1\1'). #ok but with warnings, double backslash on sqlite #str.gsub!(/[\\]/m,'\\x5C') #ok but with warnings, but not for sqlite #str.gsub!(/(\\)/m,'\1') #ok for sqlite not for pgsql
- gsub(/#{Mx[:br_line]}|#{Mx[:br_nl]}/," \n").
- gsub(/#{Mx[:tag_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:tag_c]}/,''). #check
- gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\s*(\S+?\.(?:png|jpg))(?:\s+\d+x\d+)?(.+?)#{Mx[:lnk_c]}\S+/,'[image: \1] \2').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\s*(.+?)\s*#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:file|ftp):\/\/\S+?([.,!?]?(?:\s|$))/,'\1\2').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}\s*(.+?)\s*#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}/,'\1')
- end
- def clean_searchable_text(arr) #produce clean, searchable, plaintext from document source
- txt_arr,en=[],[]
- arr=(arr.is_a?(String)) ? arr.split(/\n+/m) : arr
- arr.each do |s|
- s=s.gsub(/([*\/_-])\{(.+?)\}\1/m,'\2').
- gsub(/^(?:block|group|poem|code)\{/m,'').gsub(/^\}(?:block|group|poem|code)/m,'').
- gsub(/\A(?:@\S+:\s+.+)\Z/m,'')
- if s =~/^:A~/
- if defined? @md.creator \
- and defined? @md.creator.author \
- and not @md.creator.author.empty?
- s=s.gsub(/@author/,@md.creator.author)
- else
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new('v','WARNING Document Author information missing; provide @creator: :author:',@md.fnb).warn unless @md.opt.cmd.inspect =~/q/
- end
- if defined? @md.title \
- and defined? @md.title.full \
- and not @md.title.full.empty?
- s=s.gsub(/@title/,@md.title.full)
- else
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new('v','WARNING Document Title missing; provide @title:',@md.fnb).warn unless @md.opt.cmd.inspect =~/q/
- end
- end
- s=s.gsub(/^(?:_[1-9]\*?|_\*)\s+/m,'').
- gsub(/^(?:[1-9]\~(\S+)?)\s+/m,'').
- gsub(/^(?::?[A-C]\~(\S+)?)\s+/m,'').
- gsub(/^%{1,3} .+/m,''). #removed even if contained in code block
- gsub(/ /m,' ')
- en << s.scan(/~\{\s*(.+?)\s*\}~/m)
- s=s.gsub(/~\{.+?\}~/m,'').
- gsub(/ \s+/m,' ')
- #special_character_escape(s)
- s
- end
- txt_arr << arr << en
- #txt_arr=txt_arr.flatten
- txt=txt_arr.flatten.join("\n")
- txt=special_character_escape(txt)
- txt
- end
- def strip_markup(str) #define rules, make same as in dal clean
- str=str.gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_superscript_o]}(\d+)#{Mx[:fa_superscript_c]}/,'[\1]').
- gsub(/(?: \\;|#{Mx[:nbsp]})+/,' ').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:tc_o]}#{Mx[:tc_p]}#{Mx[:tc_p]}\d+(.+)#{Mx[:tc_c]}/u,'\1'). #tables
- gsub(/#{Mx[:tc_p]}#{Mx[:tc_p]}\d+#{Mx[:tc_p]}/u,' '). #tables
- gsub(/#{Mx[:tc_p]}/u,' '). #tables tidy later
- gsub(/<.+?>/,'').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}.+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif).+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:file|ftp)\/\/:\S+ /,' [image] '). # else image names found in search
- gsub(/#{Mx[:lnk_o]}.+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif).+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}/,' [image]'). # else image names found in search
- gsub(/\s\s+/,' ').
- strip
- end
- def unique_words(str)
- a=str.scan(/[a-zA-Z0-9\\\/_-]{2,}/) #a=str.scan(/\S+{2,}/)
- str=a.uniq.sort.join(' ')
- str
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/db_tests.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/db_tests.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 86b3ad97..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/db_tests.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: modules shared by the different db types, dbi, postgresql,
- sqlite
-module SiSU_DbTests
- class Test
- def initialize(info,opt)
- @ck,@opt=info,opt
- unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- puts @ck.tp[:fns] if @ck.tp[:fns] and not @ck.tp[:fns].empty?
- puts @ck.tp[:title] if @ck.tp[:title] and not @ck.tp[:title].empty?
- puts @ck.tp[:creator] if @ck.tp[:creator] and not @ck.tp[:creator].empty?
- end
- end
- def verify
- unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- puts @ck.tp[:fns].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:fns] if @ck.tp[:fns] and @ck.tp[:fns].length >@ck.lt_filename
- puts @ck.tp[:title].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:title] if @ck.tp[:title] and @ck.tp[:title].length >@ck.lt_title
- puts @ck.tp[:subtitle].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:subtitle] if @ck.tp[:subtitle] and @ck.tp[:subtitle].length >@ck.lt_subtitle
- puts @ck.tp[:creator].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:creator] if @ck.tp[:creator] and @ck.tp[:creator].length >@ck.lt_creator
- puts @ck.tp[:author_title].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:author_title] if @ck.tp[:author_title] and @ck.tp[:author_title].length >@ck.lt_author_title
- puts @ck.tp[:illustrator].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:illustrator] if @ck.tp[:illustrator] and @ck.tp[:illustrator].length >@ck.lt_illustrator
- puts @ck.tp[:translator].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:translator] if @ck.tp[:translator] and @ck.tp[:translator].length >@ck.lt_translator
- puts @ck.tp[:prepared_by].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:prepared_by] if @ck.tp[:prepared_by] and @ck.tp[:prepared_by].length >@ck.lt_prepared_by
- puts @ck.tp[:digitized_by].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:digitized_by] if @ck.tp[:digitized_by] and @ck.tp[:digitized_by].length >@ck.lt_digitized_by
- puts @ck.tp[:subject].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:subject] if @ck.tp[:subject] and @ck.tp[:subject].length >@ck.lt_subject
- puts @ck.tp[:description].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:description] if @ck.tp[:description] and @ck.tp[:description].length >@ck.lt_description
- puts @ck.tp[:publisher].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:publisher] if @ck.tp[:publisher] and @ck.tp[:publisher].length >@ck.lt_publisher
- puts @ck.tp[:contributor].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:contributor] if @ck.tp[:contributor] and @ck.tp[:contributor].length >@ck.lt_contributor
- puts @ck.tp[:date].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:date] if @ck.tp[:date] and @ck.tp[:date].length >@ck.lt_date
- puts @ck.tp[:date_created].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:date_created] if @ck.tp[:date_created] and @ck.tp[:date_created].length >@ck.lt_date
- puts @ck.tp[:date_issued].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:date_issued] if @ck.tp[:date_issued] and @ck.tp[:date_issued].length >@ck.lt_date
- puts @ck.tp[:date_valid].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:date_valid] if @ck.tp[:date_valid] and @ck.tp[:date_valid].length >@ck.lt_date
- puts @ck.tp[:date_available].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:date_available] if @ck.tp[:date_available] and @ck.tp[:date_available].length >@ck.lt_date
- puts @ck.tp[:date_modified].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:date_modified] if @ck.tp[:date_modified] and @ck.tp[:date_modified].length >@ck.lt_date
- puts @ck.tp[:date_translated].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:date_translated] if @ck.tp[:date_translated] and @ck.tp[:date_translated].length >@ck.lt_date
- puts @ck.tp[:date_added_to_site].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:date_added_to_site] if @ck.tp[:date_added_to_site] and @ck.tp[:date_added_to_site].length >@ck.lt_date
- puts @ck.tp[:type].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:type] if @ck.tp[:type] and @ck.tp[:type].length >@ck.lt_type
- puts @ck.tp[:format].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:format] if @ck.tp[:format] and @ck.tp[:format].length >@ck.lt_format
- puts @ck.tp[:identifier].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:identifier] if @ck.tp[:identifier] and @ck.tp[:identifier].length >@ck.lt_identifier
- puts @ck.tp[:source].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:source] if @ck.tp[:source] and @ck.tp[:source].length >@ck.lt_source
- puts @ck.tp[:language].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:language] if @ck.tp[:language] and @ck.tp[:language].length >@ck.lt_language
- puts @ck.tp[:language_original].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:language_original] if @ck.tp[:language_original] and @ck.tp[:language_original].length >@ck.lt_language_original
- puts @ck.tp[:relation].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:relation] if @ck.tp[:relation] and @ck.tp[:relation].length >@ck.lt_relation
- puts @ck.tp[:coverage].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:coverage] if @ck.tp[:coverage] and @ck.tp[:coverage].length >@ck.lt_coverage
- puts @ck.tp[:rights].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:rights] if @ck.tp[:rights] and @ck.tp[:rights].length >@ck.lt_rights
- puts @ck.tp[:copyright].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:copyright] if @ck.tp[:copyright] and @ck.tp[:copyright].length >@ck.lt_copyright
- puts @ck.tp[:owner].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:owner] if @ck.tp[:owner] and @ck.tp[:owner].length >@ck.lt_owner
- puts @ck.tp[:keywords].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:keywords] if @ck.tp[:keywords] and @ck.tp[:keywords].length >@ck.lt_keywords
- puts @ck.tp[:abstract].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:abstract] if @ck.tp[:abstract] and @ck.tp[:abstract].length >@ck.lt_abstract
- puts @ck.tp[:comment].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:comment] if @ck.tp[:comment] and @ck.tp[:comment].length >@ck.lt_comment
- puts @ck.tp[:loc].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:loc] if @ck.tp[:loc] and @ck.tp[:loc].length >@ck.lt_loc
- puts @ck.tp[:dewey].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:dewey] if @ck.tp[:dewey] and @ck.tp[:dewey].length >@ck.lt_dewey
- puts @ck.tp[:isbn].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:isbn] if @ck.tp[:isbn] and @ck.tp[:isbn].length >@ck.lt_isbn
- puts @ck.tp[:pg].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:pg] if @ck.tp[:pg] and @ck.tp[:pg].length >@ck.lt_pg
- puts @ck.tp[:topic_register].length.to_s + ' checklength ' + @ck.tp[:topic_register] if @ck.tp[:topic_register] and @ck.tp[:topci_register].length >@ck.lt_topic_register
- puts @ck.tp[:date] if @ck.tp[:date] and not @ck.tp[:date].empty? and @ck.tp[:date] !~/\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/dbi.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/dbi.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd9dc85..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/dbi.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: postgresql module, dbi import frame
-module SiSU_DBI #% database building
- require_relative 'sysenv' # sysenv.rb
- include SiSU_Env; include SiSU_Screen
- require_relative 'param' # param.rb
- include SiSU_Param
- require_relative 'db_dbi' # db_dbi.rb
- include SiSU_DbDBI
- require_relative 'shared_html_lite' # shared_html_lite.rb
- include SiSU_FormatShared
- class SQL
- def initialize(opt)
- SiSU_Env::Load.new('dbi',true).prog
- @opt=opt
- @db=SiSU_Env::InfoDb.new
- if @opt.cmd =~/[Dd]/ \
- or @opt.mod.inspect =~/--(pg(?:sql)?|(?:sq)?lite)/
- @sql_type=if @opt.cmd=~/D/ \
- or @opt.mod.inspect =~/--pg(?:sql)?/
- maintenance_check(@opt,__FILE__,__LINE__) if @opt.cmd.inspect =~/M/
- 'pg'
- elsif @opt.cmd =~/d/ \
- and @opt.mod.inspect =~/--(?:db[=-])?pg(?:sql)?/
- maintenance_check(@opt,__FILE__,__LINE__) if @opt.cmd.inspect =~/M/
- 'pg'
- elsif @opt.cmd=~/d/ \
- or @opt.mod.inspect =~/--(?:sq)?lite/
- maintenance_check(@opt,__FILE__,__LINE__) if @opt.cmd.inspect =~/M/
- 'sqlite'
- elsif @opt.cmd =~/d/ \
- and @opt.mod.inspect =~/--(?:db[=-])?(?:sq)?lite/
- maintenance_check(@opt,__FILE__,__LINE__) if @opt.cmd.inspect =~/M/
- 'sqlite'
- else
- maintenance_check(@opt,__FILE__,__LINE__) if @opt.cmd.inspect =~/M/
- 'sqlite'
- end
- end
- end
- def maintenance_check(opt,file,line)
- p opt.mod
- p opt.cmd
- p "at #{file} #{line}"
- end
- def read_psql
- begin
- @conn=@db.psql.conn_dbi
- rescue
- if @opt.mod.inspect=~/--(createall|create)/
- cX=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd).cX
- puts <<-WOK
-manually create the database: "#{cX.green}#{@db.db}#{cX.off}" if it does not yet exist
- #{cX.yellow}createdb #{@db.db}#{cX.off}
- #sudo su -p postgres; createdb #{@db.db}; #[createuser?]
- end
- ensure
- end
- end
- def read_sqlite
- begin
- @conn=@db.sqlite.conn_sqlite3
- rescue
- ensure
- end
- end
- def connect
- case @sql_type
- when /pg/; read_psql
- when /sqlite/; read_sqlite
- end
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"DBI (#{@sql_type}) #{@opt.mod}",@opt.fno).dbi_title unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- begin
- SiSU_DbDBI::Case.new(@opt,@conn,@sql_type).cases
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@cf,@opt.fns).location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- ensure
- end
- begin
- rescue
- connect
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/dbi_discrete.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/dbi_discrete.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d96fbe13..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/dbi_discrete.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: postgresql module, dbi import frame
-module SiSU_DBI_Discrete #% database building
- require_relative 'sysenv' # sysenv.rb
- include SiSU_Env; include SiSU_Screen
- require_relative 'param' # param.rb
- include SiSU_Param
- require_relative 'db_dbi' # db_dbi.rb
- include SiSU_DbDBI
- require_relative 'shared_html_lite' # shared_html_lite.rb
- include SiSU_FormatShared
- require 'fileutils'
- include FileUtils::Verbose
- class SQL
- def initialize(opt)
- SiSU_Env::Load.new('dbi',true).prog
- @opt=opt
- @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::CombinedSingleton.instance.get_all(opt)
- @md=@particulars.md
- if @opt.cmd =~/[d]/ \
- or @opt.mod.inspect =~/--((?:sq)?lite)/
- @sql_type='sqlite'
- maintenance_check(@opt,__FILE__,__LINE__) if @opt.cmd.inspect =~/M/
- end
- @output_path=@md.file.output_path.sqlite_discrete.dir
- @filename=@md.file.base_filename.sqlite_discrete
- @file_maint=sql_maintenance_file
- @file="#{@output_path}/#{@filename}"
- end
- def build
- prepare
- create_and_populate
- end
- def maintenance_check(opt,file,line)
- p opt.mod
- p opt.cmd
- p "at #{file} #{line}"
- end
- def prepare
- if not FileTest.directory?(@output_path)
- FileUtils::mkdir_p(@output_path)
- elsif @file
- FileUtils::rm_rf(@file)
- end
- end
- def db_exist?(db,conn)
- msg=%{no connection with sqlite database established, createdb "#{db.sqlite.db}"?}
- if (not (FileTest.file?(db.sqlite.db)) \
- or FileTest.zero?(db.sqlite.db))
- puts msg
- exit
- end
- if conn.is_a?(NilClass)
- puts msg
- exit
- end
- end
- def create_and_populate
- db=SiSU_Env::DbOp.new(@md)
- conn=db.sqlite_discrete.conn_sqlite3
- sdb=SiSU_DbDBI::Create.new(@opt,conn,@file,'sqlite')
- sdb_index=SiSU_DbDBI::Index.new(@opt,conn,@file,'sqlite')
- sdb.output_dir?
- begin
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'SQLite',"[#{@opt.f_pth[:lng_is]}] #{@opt.fno}").green_title_hi unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- sdb.create_db
- sdb.create_table.metadata_and_text
- sdb.create_table.doc_objects
- sdb.create_table.endnotes
- sdb.create_table.endnotes_asterisk
- sdb.create_table.endnotes_plus
- sdb.create_table.urls
- sdb_index.create_indexes
- db_exist?(db,conn)
- sdb_import=SiSU_DbDBI::Import.new(@opt,conn,@file_maint,'sqlite')
- sdb_import.marshal_load
- tell=SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"sqlite3 #{db.sqlite.db} database?")
- tell.puts_grey if @opt.cmd =~/v/
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,'-d').location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- sdb.output_dir?
- end
- end
- def read_sqlite
- begin
- @conn=@db.sqlite.conn_sqlite3
- rescue
- ensure
- end
- end
- def connect
- begin
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"DBI (#{@sql_type}) #{@opt.mod}",@opt.fns).dbi_title unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- @db.sqlite_discrete.conn_sqlite3
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@cf,@opt.fns).location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- ensure
- end
- end
- def populate
- end
- def sql_maintenance_file
- file=if @opt.inspect =~/M/
- if @opt.fns and not @opt.fns.empty?
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@opt.fns) if @opt.fns
- puts "\n#{@env.processing_path.sqlite}/#{@opt.fns}.sql" if @sql_type =~/sqlite/ and @opt.cmd =~/M/
- @db=SiSU_Env::InfoDb.new
- @job="sqlite3 #{@db.sqlite.db} < #{@env.processing_path.sqlite}/#{@opt.fns}.sql"
- File.new("#{@env.processing_path.sqlite}/#{@opt.fns}.sql",'w+')
- elsif @opt.fns \
- and @opt.fns.inspect =~/create/
- nil #sort variations later
- else nil
- end
- else nil
- end
- file
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/defaults.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/defaults.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 69af0fa5..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/defaults.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1211 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: Default values
-module SiSU_Viz
- require 'uri'
- require_relative 'sysenv' # sysenv.rb
- include SiSU_Env
- require_relative 'css' # css.rb
- include SiSU_Style
- class Defaults
- def initialize
- @fonts='verdana, arial, georgia, tahoma, sans-serif, helvetica, times, roman' # 'verdana, arial, georgia, tahoma, sans-serif, helvetica, "times new roman", times, roman'
- @dir=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new
- @date=SiSU_Env::InfoDate.new #{@date.year}
- @v=SiSU_Env::InfoVersion.instance.get_version
- end
- #% glyph
- def glyph_bullet # •
- ' ' # [ flagged]
- end
- #% html
- def html_hardspace
- ' '
- end
- def semantic_tags
- def default
- {
- pub: 'publication',
- conv: 'convention',
- vol: 'volume',
- pg: 'page',
- cty: 'city',
- org: 'organization',
- uni: 'university',
- dept: 'department',
- fac: 'faculty',
- inst: 'institute',
- co: 'company',
- com: 'company',
- conv: 'convention',
- dt: 'date',
- y: 'year',
- m: 'month',
- d: 'day',
- ti: 'title',
- au: 'author',
- ed: 'editor', #editor?
- v: 'version', #edition
- n: 'name',
- fn: 'firstname',
- mn: 'middlename',
- ln: 'lastname',
- in: 'initials',
- qt: 'quote',
- ct: 'cite',
- ref: 'reference',
- ab: 'abreviation',
- def: 'define',
- desc: 'description',
- trans: 'translate',
- }
- end
- self
- end
- #% decorate
- def decorate_italics
- 'title|article|book|journal'
- end
- def decorate_bold
- end
- def decorate_uppercase
- 'surname'
- end
- #% semantic
- def sem_title #dc 1
- 'title'
- end
- def sem_article
- 'article'
- end
- def sem_book
- 'book'
- end
- def sem_journal
- 'journal'
- end
- def sem_fullname # (contains: firstname, surname) #issues arise as contains surname etc.
- 'fullname'
- end
- def sem_first
- 'first'
- end
- def sem_surname
- 'surname'
- end
- def sem_middle
- 'middle'
- end
- def sem_creator #dc 2 #==fullname (contains: firstname, surname)
- 'creator'
- end
- def sem_author #==fullname (contains: firstname, surname)
- 'author'
- end
- def sem_editor #==fullname (contains: firstname, surname)
- 'editor'
- end
- def sem_illustrator #==fullname (contains: firstname, surname)
- 'illustrator'
- end
- def sem_translator #==fullname (contains: firstname, surname)
- 'translator'
- end
- def sem_isbn # 10 or 13
- 'isbn'
- end
- def sem_isbn_10
- 'isbn10'
- end
- def sem_isbn_13
- 'isbn13'
- end
- def sem_loc # library of congress
- 'loc'
- end
- def sem_dewey
- 'dewey'
- end
- def sem_pg # project gutenberg number
- 'pg'
- end
- def sem_subject #dc 3
- 'subject'
- end
- def sem_date #dc 7
- 'date'
- end
- def sem_date_created
- 'date_created'
- end
- def sem_date_issued
- 'date_issued'
- end
- def sem_date_available
- 'date_available'
- end
- def sem_date_valid
- 'date_valid'
- end
- def sem_date_modified
- 'date_modified'
- end
- def sem_type #dc 8
- 'type'
- end
- def sem_description #dc 4
- 'description'
- end
- def sem_publisher #dc 5
- 'publisher'
- end
- def sem_contributor #dc 6
- 'contributor'
- end
- def sem_format #dc 9
- 'format'
- end
- def sem_identifier #dc 10
- 'identifier'
- end
- def sem_source #dc 11
- 'source'
- end
- def sem_language #dc 12
- 'language'
- end
- def sem_relation #dc 13
- 'source'
- end
- def sem_coverage #dc 14
- 'coverage'
- end
- def sem_rights #dc 15
- 'rights'
- end
- def sem_copyright
- 'copyright'
- end
- def sem_license
- 'license'
- end
- def sem_prepared_by
- 'prepared_by'
- end
- def sem_digitized_by
- 'digitized_by'
- end
- def sem_keywords
- 'keywords'
- end
- def sem_comments
- 'comments'
- end
- def sem_abstract
- 'abstract'
- end
- #% path
- def path_stylesheet_home
- %{ }
- end
- #% text #changed from txt to avoid naming conflicts #FOLLOW
- def txt_generator
- %{
- }
- end
- def txt_generator_comment
- %{ }
- end
- def txt_hp
- ' SiSU'
- end
- def txt_hp_alias
- 'SiSU'
- end
- def txt_home
- 'SiSU'
- end
- def txt_signature # used in latex/pdf footer
- 'SiSU'
- end
- #% url
- def url_urify(uri)
- URI.parse(uri)
- end
- def url_sisu
- 'http://www.sisudoc.org/'
- end
- def url_sisudoc
- 'http://www.sisudoc.org'
- end
- def url_footer_signature
- 'http://www.sisudoc.org/'
- end
- def url_root
- '/sisu' #watch
- end
- def url_root_http
- 'http://www.sisudoc.org/' #watch
- end
- def url_home
- 'http://www.sisudoc.org/' # used in pdf header
- end
- def url_site #used as stub... where there are subdirectories and is different from home
- url_home
- #'http://www.sisudoc.org/' # used in pdf header
- end
- def url_txt
- 'www.sisudoc.org/'
- end
- def url_path_image_base #used for html image display
- "#{Xx[:html_relative2]}_sisu/image"
- end
- def url_path_image #used for html image display
- "#{Xx[:html_relative2]}_sisu/image"
- end
- def url_path_image_sys #used for html image display
- "#{Xx[:html_relative2]}_sisu/image_sys"
- end
- def url_decoration
- def tex_open #'{\UseTextSymbol{OML}{<}}'
- Dx[:url_o]
- end
- def tex_close #'{\UseTextSymbol{OML}{>}}'
- Dx[:url_c]
- end
- def xml_open #'<'
- Dx[:url_o]
- end
- def xml_close #'>'
- Dx[:url_c]
- end
- def txt_open
- '<'
- end
- def txt_close
- '>'
- end
- self
- end
- def rel_decoration
- def tex_open #'{\UseTextSymbol{OML}{<}}'
- Dx[:rel_o]
- end
- def tex_close #'{\UseTextSymbol{OML}{>}}'
- Dx[:rel_c]
- end
- def xml_open #'<'
- Dx[:rel_o]
- end
- def xml_close #'>'
- Dx[:rel_c]
- end
- def txt_open
- '<'
- end
- def txt_close
- '>'
- end
- self
- end
- #% color
- def color_body
- %{}
- end
- def color_white
- '"#ffffff"'
- end
- def color_black
- '#000000'
- end
- def color_blue_ink
- '#003399'
- end
- def color_blue_tinge
- '#e3ecef'
- end
- def color_blue_grey
- '#8faebf'
- end
- def color_blue_murky
- '#437389'
- end
- def color_beige
- '#f1e8de'
- end
- def color_subtleglow
- '#dddccc'
- end
- def color_glow
- '#fff0c3'
- end
- def color_rose
- '#ffdec9'
- end
- def color_turquoise
- '#1c869b'
- end
- def color_grey_pale
- '#eeeeee'
- end
- def color_grey_medium
- '#cccccc'
- end
- def color_grey
- '#999999'
- end
- def color_yellow_light
- '#fff3b6'
- end
- def color_yellow
- '#ffde14'
- end
- def color_yellow_dark
- '#ffcc00'
- end
- def color_green_light
- '#b7d398' # #e2efd5 #b7d398 #b1c999 # '#aed19e'
- end
- def color_green
- '#0a8400'
- end
- def color_green_dark
- '#086800'
- end
- def color_ruby
- '#a00000'
- end
- def color_maroon
- '#800000'
- end
- def color_paper
- %{"#{color_white}"}
- end
- def color_band1
- %{"#{color_white}"}
- end
- def color_band2
- %{"#{color_white}"}
- end
- def color_body
- %{}
- end
- def color_font_face #was font WATCH
- "#{color_black}"
- end
- def color_surround
- %{"#{color_white}"}
- end
- def color_band
- %{"#{color_white}"}
- end
- def color_table1
- 'ffffcc'
- end
- def color_table2
- 'c0d0f0'
- end
- def color_band1
- '"#ffffff"'
- end
- def color_band2
- '"#ffffff"'
- end
- #% icon
- def icon_ico
- 'rb7.ico'
- end
- def icon_sisu
- 'sisu.png'
- end
- def icon_manifest
- 'b_info.png'
- end
- def icon_doc
- 'b_doc.png'
- end
- def icon_toc
- 'b_toc.png'
- end
- def icon_wmp
- 'b_wmp.png'
- end
- def icon_odf
- 'b_odf.png'
- end
- def icon_epub
- 'b_epub.png'
- end
- def icon_pdf
- 'b_pdf.png'
- end
- def icon_pdf_portrait
- 'b_pdf.png'
- end
- def icon_pdf_landscape
- 'b_pdf.png'
- end
- def icon_choice
- 'b_choice.png'
- end
- def icon_new
- 'b_new.png'
- end
- def icon_dot_clear
- 'dot_clear.png'
- end
- def icon_dot_white
- 'dot_white.png'
- end
- def icon_dot
- icon_dot_white
- end
- def icon_home_button
- 'sisu.png'
- end
- def icon_next
- 'arrow_next_red.png'
- end
- def icon_previous
- 'arrow_prev_red.png'
- end
- def icon_up
- 'arrow_up_red.png'
- end
- #% font
- def font_fonts
- @fonts
- end
- def font_face
- %{face="#{font_fonts}"}
- end
- def font_color
- 'color="#000000"'
- end
- def font_size_endnote
- 'size="3"'
- end
- def font_small
- 'size="3"'
- end
- def font_tiny
- 'size="2"'
- end
- #% markup
- def markup_italics_list #regular expression of words to be italised
- end
- def markup_bold_list #regular expression of words to be made bold
- 'SiSU'
- end
- def markup_make_italic
- if defined? italics_list \
- and italics_list
- make={}
- if italics_list
- r=italics_list.dup
- x=case r
- when /\/i$/; 'i'
- else ''
- end
- r=r.gsub(/^\/(.+?)\/i?/,'\1').
- gsub(/\(/,'(?:') # avoid need to escape use of brackets within regex provided
- m='\b(' + r + ')\b'
- make[:str]
- make[:regx]=(x =~/i/) \
- ? (/#{m}/i)
- : (/#{m}/)
- else nil
- end
- end
- end
- def markup_make_bold
- if defined? bold_list \
- and not bold_list.empty?
- make={}
- if bold_list
- r=bold_list.dup
- x=case r
- when /\/i$/; 'i'
- else ''
- end
- r.gsub(/^\/(.+?)\/i?/,'\1').
- gsub(/\(/,'(?:') # avoid need to escape use of brackets within regex provided
- m='\b(' + r + ')\b'
- make[:str]
- make[:regx]=(x =~/i/) \
- ? (/#{m}/i)
- : (/#{m}/)
- else nil
- end
- make
- end
- end
- #% paragraph
- def paragraph_txt
- %{
- end
- def paragraph_endnote
- %{
- end
- def paragraph_font_tiny
- %{}
- end
- def paragraph_font_small
- %{}
- end
- #% table
- def table_close
- '
- end
- def table_width_1
- '"100%"'
- end
- def table_width_2
- '"99%"'
- end
- def table_width_txt
- '"94%"'
- end
- def table_width_txt_r
- '"96%"'
- end
- def table_cellpad_box
- '"20"'
- end
- #% indent
- def indent_level_0
- '"1%"'
- end
- def indent_level_1
- '"4%"'
- end
- def indent_level_2
- '"6%"'
- end
- def indent_level_3
- '"8%"'
- end
- def indent_level_4
- '"10%"'
- end
- #% margin
- def margin_num
- '
- end
- def margin_numless
- '
- end
- def margin_num_css
- '
- end
- def margin_txt_w1
- %{
- end
- def margin_txt_w2
- %{
- end
- def margin_txt_0
- %{
- end
- def margin_txt_1
- %{
- end
- def margin_txt_2
- %{
- end
- def margin_txt_3
- %{
- end
- def margin_css
- '
- end
- #% png
- def png_ico
- %{ }
- end
- def png_sisu #check url path
- %{
- }
- end
- def png_site
- %{}
- end
- def png_nav
- %{}
- end
- def png_manifest
- %{}
- end
- def png_doc
- %{}
- end
- def png_toc
- %{}
- end
- def png_odf
- %{}
- end
- def png_epub
- %{}
- end
- def png_pdf
- %{}
- end
- def png_pdf_portrait
- %{}
- end
- def png_pdf_landscape
- %{}
- end
- def png_home
- #dir=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new #(@fns)
- %{}
- #%{}
- end
- def png_home_button
- rel=@dir.path_rel_links.html_scroll_2
- %{}
- end
- #% png_nav #not currently used
- #% nav_txt
- def nav_txt_homepage
- %{
- home
- }
- end
- def nav_txt_toc_link
- %{
- toc
- }
- end
- def nav_txt_doc_link
- %{
- scroll
- }
- end
- def nav_txt_manifest
- #{png_manifest} document manifest
- %{
- [ document manifest ]
- }
- end
- def nav_txt_concordance
- %{
- A-Z
- }
- end
- def nav_txt_pdf_portrait
- %{
- pdf
- }
- end
- def nav_txt_pdf_landscape
- %{
- pdf
- }
- end
- #% banner
- def banner_home_button_only
- %{
- #{png_home_button}
- }
- end
- def banner_band #yellow_dark now white
- %{
- #{@v[:project]}, developed using
- Ruby
- on
- Debian/Gnu/Linux
- software infrastructure,
- with the usual GPL (or OSS) suspects.
- Better - "performance, reliability, scalability, security & total cost of ownership"
- [not to mention flexibility & choice] use of and adherence to open standards (where practical and fair) and it is software libré.
- Get With the Future
- Way Better!
- end
- #% credits
- def credits_sisu_manifest
- widget_sisu_text
- end
- def credits_sisu
- %{
- #{widget_sisu}
- ''
- end
- def credits_splash
- end
- def credits_sisu_epub
- %{
-#{@v[:project]} #{@v[:version]} of #{@v[:date_stamp]} (#{@v[:date]}) (n*x and Ruby!), #{@date.year_static}.
-w3 since October 3 1993.
- end
- def home_toc
- ' '
- end
- end
- class Inserts
- end
- class TeX < Defaults
- def initialize(papersize='')
- @papersize=papersize
- end
- def a4
- def portrait
- def w
- 160
- end
- def h
- 228
- end
- def img_px
- 450
- end
- self
- end
- def landscape
- def w
- 238
- end
- def h
- 160
- end
- def img_px
- 300
- end
- self
- end
- self
- end
- def letter
- def portrait
- def w
- 166
- end
- def h
- 212
- end
- def img_px
- 468
- end
- self
- end
- def landscape
- def w
- 226
- end
- def h
- 166
- end
- def img_px
- 290
- end
- self
- end
- self
- end
- def legal
- def portrait
- def w
- 168
- end
- def h
- 286
- end
- def img_px
- 474
- end
- self
- end
- def landscape
- def w
- 296
- end
- def h
- 166
- end
- def img_px
- 420
- end
- self
- end
- self
- end
- def b5
- def portrait
- def w
- 140
- end
- def h
- 204
- end
- def img_px
- 356
- end
- self
- end
- def landscape
- def w
- 200
- end
- def h
- 130
- end
- def img_px
- 260
- end
- self
- end
- self
- end
- def a5
- def portrait
- def w
- 112
- end
- def h
- 162
- end
- def img_px
- 280
- end
- self
- end
- def landscape
- def w
- 152
- end
- def h
- 100
- end
- def img_px
- 190
- end
- self
- end
- self
- end
- def dimensions
- case @papersize
- when /a4/; a4
- when /letter/; letter
- when /legal/; legal
- when /b5/; b5
- when /a5/; a5
- else a4
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/digests.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/digests.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 75a340b0..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/digests.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: document digests (md5|sha256) and structure processing
-module SiSU_DigestView
- require_relative 'particulars' # particulars.rb
- require_relative 'prog_text_translation' # prog_text_translation.rb
- require_relative 'shared_markup_alt.rb' # shared_markup_alt.rb
- class Source
- @@dg=nil
- def initialize(opt)
- @opt=opt
- @fnb=@opt.fnb
- @@endnotes_para=[]
- @@dg=nil
- @dg=@@dg ||=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new.digest.type
- @particulars=SiSU_Particulars::CombinedSingleton.instance.get_all(opt)
- end
- def read
- begin
- @env,@md,@dal_array=@particulars.env,@particulars.md,@particulars.dal_array
- unless @opt.cmd =~/q/
- tool=(@opt.cmd =~/[MVv]/) \
- ? "#{@env.program.text_editor} file://#{@md.file.output_path.hash_digest.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.hash_digest}"
- : "[#{@opt.f_pth[:lng_is]}] #{@opt.fno}"
- @opt.cmd=~/[MVvz]/ \
- ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"Document #{@dg} Digests",tool).green_hi_blue
- : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"Document #{@dg} Digests",tool).green_title_hi
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,@opt.fns,"file://#{@md.file.output_path.hash_digest.dir}/#{@md.file.base_filename.hash_digest}").flow if @opt.cmd =~/[MV]/
- end
- SiSU_DigestView::Source::Scroll.new(@particulars).songsheet
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- ensure
- end
- end
- private
- class Scroll \1').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_italics_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_italics_c]}/,'\1').
- gsub(/#{Mx[:fa_underscore_o]}(.+?)#{Mx[:fa_underscore_c]}/,'\1')
- if para=~/#{Mx[:en_a_o]}[\d*+]+.+?#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:en_a_c]}/
- para_endnotes << para.scan(/(?:#{Mx[:en_a_o]}|#{Mx[:en_b_o]})([\d*+]+).+?#{Mx[:id_o]}([0-9a-f]{#{@dl}})#{Mx[:id_c]}(?:#{Mx[:en_a_c]}|#{Mx[:en_b_c]})/)
- end
- images=[]
- if para !~/^%+\s/ \
- and para =~/(?:^|[^_\\])#{Mx[:lnk_o]}(\S+\.(png|jpg|gif))\s.+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}|image)/
- images=para.scan(/(?:^|[^_\\])#{Mx[:lnk_o]}(\S+\.(?:png|jpg|gif))\s.+?#{Mx[:lnk_c]}(?:#{Mx[:url_o]}\S+?#{Mx[:url_c]}|image)/).flatten
- else nil
- end
- x=case para
- when /^#{Mx[:meta_o]}title#{Mx[:meta_c]}/
- "\n" << ' '*0 << '@' << ' '*9
- when /^#{Mx[:meta_o]}subtitle#{Mx[:meta_c]}/
- "\n" << ' '*1 << '@' << ' '*8
- when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}1:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- "\n" << ' '*2 << ':A ' << ' '*6 << '- ' << ocn << ' '*(10-ocn.length) << d_clean << ' ' << d_all
- when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}2:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- "\n" << ' '*3 << ':B ' << ' '*5 << '- ' << ocn << ' '*(10-ocn.length) << d_clean << ' ' << d_all
- when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}3:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- "\n" << ' '*4 << ':C ' << ' '*4 << '- ' << ocn << ' '*(10-ocn.length) << d_clean << ' ' << d_all
- when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}4:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- "\n" << ' '*5 << '1' << ' '*4 << '- ' << ocn << ' '*(10-ocn.length) << d_clean << ' ' << d_all
- when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}5:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- "\n" << ' '*6 << '2' << ' '*3 << '- ' << ocn << ' '*(10-ocn.length) << d_clean << ' ' << d_all
- when /^#{Mx[:lv_o]}6:/ #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- "\n" << ' '*7 << '3' << ' '*2 << '- ' << ocn << ' '*(10-ocn.length) << d_clean << ' ' << d_all
- else
- if para =~/MD5\(\S+?\.sst\)=\s*([0-9a-f]{#{@dl}})<\/u>/ #watch
- @n,@s=/MD5\((\S+?\.sst)\)=\s*([0-9a-f]{#{@dl}})<\/u>/.match(para)[1,2]
- end
- x=unless ocn =~ /^0$/
- if images \
- and images.length > 0 # then get path of image & produce digest
- @image_name,@image_dgst,@img=[],[],[]
- images.each do |i|
- image_source=if FileTest.file?("#{@env.path.image_source_include_local}/#{i}")
- @env.path.image_source_include_local
- elsif FileTest.file?("#{@env.path.image_source_include_remote}/#{i}")
- @env.path.image_source_include_remote
- elsif FileTest.file?("#{@env.path.image_source_include}/#{i}")
- @env.path.image_source_include
- else
- SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@md.opt.cmd,"ERROR - image:", %{"#{i}" missing}, "search locations: #{@env.path.image_source_include_local}, #{@env.path.image_source_include_remote} and #{@env.path.image_source_include}").error2 unless @md.opt.cmd =~/q/
- nil
- end
- @img << /\S+\.(png|jpg|gif)/.match(i)[1]
- not_found_msg='image not found'
- if image_source
- para_image = image_source + '/' + i
- @image_name << i
- @image_dgst << (@dg =~/^sha(?:2|256)$/) \
- ? sys.sha256(para_image)
- : sys.md5(para_image)
- else
- @image_name << ' '*16 + i + ' [image missing]'
- @image_dgst << ''
- @image_dgst[1]=not_found_msg + ' '*(32-not_found_msg.length)
- end
- end
- line= "\n" + ' '*9 + ' - ' + ocn + ' '*(10-ocn.length) + d_clean + ' ' + d_all + "\n"
- line_image=[]
- c=0
- @image_name.each do |ok|
- line_image << %{ #{@img[c]} #{@image_dgst[c][1]} #{@image_name[c]}}
- c +=1
- end
- line=line + line_image.join("\n")
- else "\n" + ' '*9 + ' - ' + ocn + ' '*(10-ocn.length) + d_clean + ' ' + d_all
- end
- else
- prefix=''
- metad=[@tr.full_title,@tr.author,@tr.translator,@tr.illustrator,@tr.prepared_by,@tr.digitized_by,@tr.description,@tr.subject,@tr.abstract,@tr.publisher,@tr.contributor,@tr.date_created,@tr.date_issued,@tr.date_available,@tr.date_modified,@tr.date_valid,@tr.date,@tr.type,@tr.format,@tr.rights,@tr.identifier,@tr.source,@tr.language,@tr.language_original,@tr.relation,@tr.coverage,@tr.keywords,@tr.comments,@tr.cls_loc,@tr.cls_dewey,@tr.cls_gutenberg,@tr.cls_isbn,@tr.prefix_a,@tr.prefix_b,@tr.sourcefile,@tr.sourcefile_digest,@tr.last_generated,@tr.sisu_version,@tr.ruby_version,@tr.sc_number,@tr.sc_date,'Generated by: ','Ruby version: ']
- metad.each do |n|
- m=rgx_txt(n)
- if m=~/\S+/ \
- and para=~/^#{m}:/
- x,o=0,18
- while x < 2; o = o + 2
- x=o - n.length
- end
- space=' '*x
- prefix="#{n.downcase}#{space}"
- break
- else prefix=' '*9
- end
- end
- m_title=rgx_txt(@tr.full_title)
- m_author=rgx_txt(@tr.author)
- m_sourcefile_digest=rgx_txt(@tr.sourcefile_digest)
- m_sisu_version=rgx_txt(@tr.sisu_version)
- m_last_generated=rgx_txt(@tr.last_generated)
- m_ruby_version=rgx_txt(@tr.ruby_version)
- case para
- when /#{m_title}: /
- @t=/#{m_title}: (.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}:[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}/.match(para)[1].gsub(/<\/?u>/,'').strip
- when /#{m_author}: /
- @c=/#{m_author}: (.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}:[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}/.match(para)[1].gsub(/<\/?u>/,'').strip
- when /#{m_sourcefile_digest}.+?/ #watch
- dgst_extra="\n" << ' '*21 << 'source' << ' '*4 << @md.dgst[1] << ' '*34 << @md.fns
- when /#{m_sisu_version}: /
- @v=/#{m_sisu_version}: (.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}:[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}/.match(para)[1].gsub(/<\/?u>/,'').strip
- when /#{m_last_generated}: /
- @g=/#{m_last_generated}: (.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}:[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}/.match(para)[1].gsub(/<\/?u>/,'').strip
- when /#{m_ruby_version}: /
- @r=/#{m_ruby_version}: (.+?)#{Mx[:id_o]}~\d;(?:\w|[0-6]:)\d+;\w\d+#{Mx[:id_c]}#{Mx[:id_o]}[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}:[0-9a-f]{#{@dl}}#{Mx[:id_c]}/.match(para)[1].gsub(/<\/?u>/,'').strip
- end
- dgst_extra ||=''
- "\n" << prefix << ' - ' << ocn << ' '*(10-ocn.length) << d_clean << ' ' << d_all << dgst_extra << "\n"
- end
- end
- para_endnotes[0].each { |e| y << "\n" + ' '*(28-e[0].length) + "[#{e[0].to_s}] #{e[1].to_s}" } if para_endnotes[0]
- if y; digests(x,y)
- else digests(x)
- end
- end
- end
- manifest="#{@env.url.root}/#{@md.fnb}/sisu_manifest.html"
- a=%{ocn digest clean (no markup/notes),#{@sp*33}digest all (includes markup & endnotes)\n}
- description("#{@md.title.full}\n")
- description("#{@md.author}\n")
- description("#{@md.fns}\n")
- description("----------------------------------------------\n")
- description("SiSU Document Content Certificate (Digest/DCC)\n")
- description("----------------------------------------------\n")
- description(" #{@dg} digests\n")
- description("------------\n")
- description("Sourcefile digest: #{@md.dgst[1]}\n")
- description(" source filename: #{@md.fns}\n")
- description("available outputs: #{manifest}\n")
- #description(" time generated: #{@g}\n")
- #description(" SiSU version used: #{@v}\n")
- #description(" Ruby version used: #{@r}\n")
- description("------------\n")
- description("Document Digests\n")
- description(a)
- end
- def dal_structure
- data=@data
- endnotes=nil
- data.each do |t_o|
- dgst=SiSU_TextRepresentation::ModifiedTextPlusHashDigest.new(@md,t_o).composite.dgst
- if dgst
- if t_o.is==:heading
- digests("#{@sp*0}#{dgst[:ocn]}#{@sp*(8-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_stripped_txt]} #{dgst[:dgst_markedup_txt]} #{dgst[:is]} #{t_o.lv}")
- elsif t_o.is==:heading_insert
- digests("#{@sp*0}[#{dgst[:ocn]}]#{@sp*(6-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_stripped_txt]} #{dgst[:dgst_markedup_txt]} #{dgst[:is]} #{t_o.lv}")
- else
- digests("#{@sp*0}#{dgst[:ocn]}#{@sp*(8-dgst[:ocn].to_s.length)}#{dgst[:dgst_stripped_txt]} #{dgst[:dgst_markedup_txt]} #{dgst[:is]}")
- if dgst[:images]
- dgst[:images].each do |img|
- digests("#{@sp*8}#{img[:img_dgst]}#{@sp*66}#{img[:img_type]} #{img[:img_name]}")
- end
- end
- end
- if dgst[:endnotes]
- dgst[:endnotes].each do |en|
- digests("#{@sp*8}#{en[:note_dgst]}#{@sp*66}note [#{en[:note_number]}]")
- endnotes=en[:note_number]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- l=Hash.new(0)
- ocn=nil
- dal_structure_tree("------------\n")
- dal_structure_tree("document structure[*]\n")
- data.each do |t_o|
- if t_o.is==:heading
- x=case t_o.ln
- when 1; l[1] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- ' '*0 << ':A'
- when 2; l[2] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- ' '*1 << ':B'
- when 3; l[3] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- ' '*2 << ':C'
- when 4; l[4] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- ' '*3 << '1'
- when 5; l[5] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- ' '*4 << '2'
- when 6; l[6] +=1 #fix Mx[:lv_o]
- ' '*5 << '3'
- else nil
- end
- end
- ocn=t_o.ocn if defined? t_o.ocn and t_o.is !=:heading_insert
- dal_structure_tree("#{x}\n") if x and not x.empty?
- end
- dal_structure_tree(" [*] heading levels\n")
- dal_structure_summary("------------\n")
- dal_structure_summary("document structure[*]\n")
- [0,1,2,3,4,5,6].each do |y|
- v=case y
- when 1; ':A'
- when 2; ':B'
- when 3; ':C'
- when 4; '1 '
- when 5; '2 '
- when 6; '3 '
- end
- dal_structure_summary("#{v} = #{l[y]}\n") if l[y] > 0
- end
- dal_structure_summary("objects (ocn) = #{ocn}\n")
- dal_structure_summary("endnotes = #{endnotes}\n")
- dal_structure_summary(" [*] number of headers (@) and of each heading level (:A to :C and 1 to 3)\n")
- end
- def supplementary
- if defined? @md.sc_number \
- and @md.sc_number
- rcinfo("------------\n")
- rcinfo("source control information\n")
- rcinfo(" (the following information while not important for document content certification\n may help the publisher in locating the version referred to)\n")
- rcinfo(" rcs version number: #{@md.sc_number}\n")
- if defined? @md.sc_date \
- and @md.sc_date
- rcinfo(" rcs date: #{@md.sc_date}\n")
- end
- if defined? @md.sc_time \
- and @md.sc_time
- rcinfo(" rcs time: #{@md.sc_time}\n")
- end
- end
- rcinfo("------------\n")
- rcinfo("Note: the time generated related fields (text and digests) will vary between otherwise identical document outputs\n")
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/embedded.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/embedded.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c36af0e5..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/embedded.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages:
- * Download:
- * Git
- * Ralph Amissah
- ** Description: sitemap created from parameters extracted from input file(s)
-module SiSU_Embedded
- require_relative 'param' # param.rb
- include SiSU_Param
- require_relative 'sysenv' # sysenv.rb
- include SiSU_Env
- class Source
- def initialize(opt)
- @opt=opt
- @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get
- @env=SiSU_Env::InfoEnv.new(@md.fns)
- @rhost=SiSU_Env::InfoRemote.new(@opt).remote_host_base
- @base_src_dir=@opt.f_pth[:pth].sub(/\/#{@opt.f_pth[:lng]}$/,'')
- @f=SiSU_Env::FileOp.new(@md)
- end
- def read
- songsheet
- end
- def songsheet
- images
- audio
- multimedia
- begin
- rescue
- SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.cmd,@opt.fns).location do
- __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
- end
- ensure
- end
- end
- def images
- src="#{@base_src_dir}/_sisu/image"
- ldest=@env.path.output
- img_dir="#{@env.path.output}/_sisu/image"
- @rhost.each do |remote_conn|
- if @md.opt.cmd.inspect =~/[vVMR]/ \
- and FileTest.directory?(src)
- FileUtils::mkdir_p(img_dir) unless FileTest.directory?(img_dir)
- src_ec=@f.place_file.images.rel + '/' + @md.ec[:image].join(" #{@f.output_path.images.rel}/")
- unless @opt.fns =~/\.-sst$/
- SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,ldest,'q').rsync('--relative',@opt.base_path)
- #if @md.opt.cmd.inspect =~/R/ #rsync to remote image directory
- # SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,remote_rel,'q').rsync('--relative')
- #end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def audio
- #p @md.ec[:audio]
- src="#{@base_src_dir}/_sisu/mm/audio"
- ldest="#{@env.path.webserv}/#{@env.path.stub_pwd}/_sisu/mm/audio"
- @rhost.each do |remote_conn|
- rdest="#{remote_conn[:name]}/#{@env.path.stub_pwd}/_sisu/mm/audio"
- if @md.opt.cmd.inspect =~/[vVMR]/ \
- and FileTest.directory?(src)
- FileUtils::mkdir_p(ldest) unless FileTest.directory?(ldest)
- src_ec="#{src}/" + @md.ec[:audio].join(" #{src}/")
- SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,"#{ldest}/.",'q').rsync
- if @md.opt.cmd.inspect =~/R/ #rsync to remote audio directory
- SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,"#{rdest}/.",'q').rsync
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def multimedia
- #p @md.ec[:multimedia]
- src="#{@base_src_dir}/_sisu/mm/video"
- ldest="#{@env.path.webserv}/#{@env.path.stub_pwd}/_sisu/mm/video"
- @rhost.each do |remote_conn|
- rdest="#{remote_conn[:name]}/#{@env.path.stub_pwd}/_sisu/mm/video"
- if @md.opt.cmd.inspect =~/[vVMR]/ \
- and FileTest.directory?(src)
- FileUtils::mkdir_p(ldest) unless FileTest.directory?(ldest)
- src_ec="#{src}/" + @md.ec[:multimedia].join(" #{src}/")
- SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,"#{ldest}/.",'q').rsync
- if @md.opt.cmd.inspect =~/R/ #rsync to remote video directory
- SiSU_Env::SystemCall.new(src_ec,"#{rdest}/.",'q').rsync
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v4/epub.rb b/lib/sisu/v4/epub.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d83e3aad..00000000
--- a/lib/sisu/v4/epub.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
- * Name: SiSU
- * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- * Author: Ralph Amissah
- * Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved.
- * License: GPL 3 or later:
- SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program. If not, see .
- If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
- available at these locations:
- * SiSU uses:
- * Standard SiSU markup syntax,
- * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
- * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
- * Hompages: